Sunday 26 May 2024

Sunday morning again 😄

Seems like Sunday's are coming faster, I barely get done one Sunday, and her I am at another. Polly's Mom, Memere told me that this would happen, and here I am. Today we get rain to start, but I'm thinking it won't rain all day, I have a bench to build.

This bench will be attached to two planters I've already built and finished with stain and the black trim. It's going to look great. I could build inside my shop, but I'm thinking be a bit tight. Will see, I want to get this project completed by Tuesday. 

This is the picture from my customer 
My design will be different but similar 

No hockey 🏒 for us anymore, Polly I'm sure will still watch the oilers, I'm just not into it anymore, I got things to build. 

The market was good yesterday, I got a few more orders, some that I had no idea would be asked for. The sign I made, the lady did come back, and was happy with it, and the woman that wanted a trellis made came back and picked it up. I was thinking they weren't coming back. I've now adjusted my thinking, if it's ordered people want it, and will come back for it. 

This whole market stint is something I really like. It's more than just selling, or $$, it's a visit with friends and family day. People come and talk, I met my nefew Tyler there yesterday, that was so good, hadn't seen him since we left the valley last summer. So much catching up was done, I'm going to go visit him at his house he's rebuilding, almost finished he said. 

Tyler has a van that he's also done some alterations to, he really liked being in that, he's looking forward to selling his home, and moving back into his van again. As we talked I realized he's saying the same stuff I say, that being mobile is great 👍.
That being able to move about as the mood strikes you, and in his case park where you like. Was a really nice visit, intupted by a possible customer. He didn't care, off he went to look around the market. 

Then Bell stopped by, I hadn't seen her for along time, we yaked about her life and ours, was really nice, will go visit her and Steve in the next week, I been wanting to, but just kept putting it off. 

Then there are customers, and children, and other vendors, just a big party of people, oh and dogs, they there to party too. Yep it's way more than you'd think at this market. 

After I had setup my tables, satisfied I was really ready for the 9am bell 🔔 I went and had a look at a few of the other vendors, the people with the flower baskets looked so beautiful, I took a photo, and talked with them abit, they have a few ideas for me to build smaller boxes, for people that just have small patios on their apartment. This week I will do just that. 

Other vendors I looked at were the distillery from Qualicum, I didn't get a photo though, I stopped by the lady that does the baking, had to get my cookies 🍪, Mmm oatmeal chocolate chip 😁.

     My display was not too organized 

Although next weekend it might be a tough go, as I'm going to Jet's grad ceremony at 2 pm in Comox, the market ends at 12, Polly's up now, so talking with her, I think I can make it to the market, and still make the grad ceremony on time. Going to have to get building, I'm outta stock now, sold almost all I had built. Be a busy week, dam am I looking forward to this week, working inside my little shop, between the rain drops, be a different week.

Oh yeah, I had Marion and her sister Lil come by too, Marion messaged first. Do you still have any of these boxes? Yes! I wonder now, do I put quotes around messaging as people speaking? Lol

Friends that are customers. This was great, yet different, I would usually visit more with them, but as customers that changes. We talked about the boxes they wanted, and the greeting and visit was kinda less. Was really nice to see Lilian again, I had visited with Marian a couple times since we have been back, but the whole time was spent mostly on the planters, and getting the order straight exactly what they wanted, this I'm learning is really important to get correct first time. 

Coffee #☕ ☕ now, Polly is looking on her tablet for something, I'm pecking here on the phone, and the rain continues. My mind keeps going to the bench I'm going to build, see if it gets done today?

Life is really good right this moment, warm, dry, coffee is hot, and words just keep flowing outta my brain. I snicker just now and myself, some look outside today and just see rain 🌧️ I'm seeing possibilities all over the place, what a good hey. 🤣

I ready now to start, and the rain comes harder lol

Love our life ❤️ 

Ps, 7am, rain quits 😀

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