Wednesday 19 June 2024

4:25, Rooster 🐓 crows 😄

I'm awake already, he didn't wake me. Happy to hear the birds chirping loudly beside us in the tree, robin's I'm thinking, such a beautiful sound. I took a little walk this morning early, just to the gate, take a look at Arrowsmith and the field with the fog on it. I love this place, and how it operates, while we watch. 

I had a very good talk with Donny last night, The owners of Arrowvale's son, he came and had a seat with me, he was up for a yak. Was really nice hearing how he loves this place too. After awhile he asked where we were headed when we leave. I laid out our plans, Okanagan, Grande Prairie, Lethbridge, Moosejaw, Winnipeg, Guelph, Quebec, Boston, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Florida, then back to Yuma, then here again April 1st.

I've spit this plan out many times, Polly has too, we both know the route, we've taken some of it a couple times before, but this time we are both saying, likely be our last trip east as far. I'm not so sure, but I hear it in Polly's tone, she has been on enough long trips east. Me I'm still up for the journey, maybe just a summer trip, then? I'll say, Alaska next maybe 😀.

We both love the travel, I like to drive, always looking at what's next, around this corner, over the hill, down this road. Camping as we go we meet so many people, I'm a lover of conversation, I talk a little too much though, I have to really concentrate on listening more, I know this as I think about it after talking with someone and realizing I'm taking up way to much airtime. I'm a work in progress I believe. 

Coffee ☕ is exceptional this morning, first swig I was looking at this view. 

Can't go wrong looking at this, in the warmer morning, listening to the birds all chirping, and the rooster 🐓 crowing, oh yes, in behind the wonderful quiet here. 

Soon all the birds stop, they get busy with their day, the rooster he quits for awhile too, then the amazing quiet here. 

Yep I love this place, the more I'm here, the more I learn just how much. 

We had company yesterday, Deb and Lyn came out for a visit, also to talk about the picnic table I'm about to build for Deb. Was nice to sit outside in the warm sunny day and yak, we hadn't seen each other to talk for about a year, Lyn & Brian made us breakfast last time we had talked, and Debbie, I'm not sure when we had our last yak. So relaxed, was nice. The picnic table came last, the yak, that was most important. 

I worked on the board's for the table most the rest of the day till dinner, then a hockey 🏒 game we just had to listen to. A win was nice, I didn't stay in to watch, I could hear the play by play from inside, Polly's excitement was really loud, she was right into it! 

I on the other hand could listen and be content as I swept, and thought of the next steps in building this table. 

Another beauty day is here, lucky us, to be here at anytime, but this time of year is great. We had a teacher come and talk awhile yesterday as we sat and yaked, she really liked the sign I'd made, she had to have it she said, so a little while later she came back with the $$ and bought it, she really liked it. Made me happy to see how much she liked it. 

I think I'll make another, is a good saying, thanks David. 

I'm now thinking I'm going to be sad to leave, but as time goes I'll enjoy the travel I'm sure. 
Love our life here ❤️

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