Sunday 30 June 2024

The fog in the morning returned.

I took 3 photos, my view, the closer farm view then the close view, that takes away the parts of the working farm. 

I just love how the fog lays over everything, clouds and fog of the morning after the rain always thickest, gives that blanket of quiet over the valley. Well that's until the birds wake, and the rooster 🐓 crows, and the light gets more brilliant. 

I really have been appreciating this early morning wakeup I have, just a little more with the chair's I've noticed placed here overlooking the farm, fields, and mountains. Taking the time to enjoy this is an early morning pleasure many never get. 

Here comes a Robin right in front of me, searching for his breakfast, or more likely his baby's breakfast. Someone stayed in the little green and white trailer last night, first of the year Stef said as her and Donny rushed to get it ready for people that were on their way. 

Arrowvale is packed this weekend, ball tournament along with just being a long weekend has packed them all in here. Was reasonably quiet last night. Not like I remember from past hey days, WOW up till 4:30am or later, partying loud till after 2am. I slept usually, but many got angry, so the times have changed. Ann & Bob were not going to put up with it anymore, so for awhile they wouldn't take anyone that was in the ball teams. 

That changed, I'm glad it did, but I did like to watch the furthest hit game they would play for a $100. Entry fee. Big pot when someone wins. 

Coffee ☕ is ready now, I gotta go get one. 

Old guy always looking at me when I start the camera 😳 

              Fogs almost gone now.

 I think we have a young rooster that learning how to crow, he sounds like he's got a cold lol 😆

Our neighbors leave today, they bought a house in town, will help them by driving their truck over this afternoon. They bought the welcome sign I had for sale here, I added a sign to it with their names. 

I'm slowly now going to wrap up my woodshop this month, I got a few things I want to finish, and a few I said I'd do that I have yet to start. Been a really nice stay this year, exceptional I'd say. Soon it'll start getting hot, then swimming will start in full, I love this time of the year. 

Got my new 

Grrriper yesterday, have not tried it yet, today I'll use it sure. Fingers will be happy.

Well, off for a coffee ☕ now. 

Sure do love this life of ours ❤️

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