Friday 21 June 2024

When you think you've done it all!

Always something else you have yet to do, see, enjoy. I sit this morning looking over Arrowvale farm thinking how much I have yet to do yet content in the fact I've seen and done so much so far in life. My sights weren't set to become rich, or famous I did avoid this. Mostly I wanted a family, a job that would support us, and experience as much as I could that interested me. 

As I look over the farm now, I see the deer 🦌 that come every night getting their last munches in for the day, the 🐎 horse's are just moving out to where I can see them, the rooster 🐓 he's been up awhile now. The sounds of the birds chirping early makes for a peaceful morning. That's just what I want. 

Warm enough now no heat needed in the morning, comfortable I am. I see 3 deer now, I haven't heard the bull mooooing lately, so Ann must have let him outta jail, doesn't want the cow's pregnant too soon next spring. All is planned & controlled on a farm making sure each year there is enough feed to last that summer, and into next spring. 

I just see what's in front of me, Bob & Ann, they think ahead to the next year and beyond. A farmer has to, every day, every moment, something is happening, something is about to happen, or suddenly, it happened and they didn't know, or plan for it. 

I realize there is so much more to a farm than most people have any idea of. You live and breathe farm every day as a farmer, at least that's what I've seen here, even with the campground attached, the farm is always working, growing, operating. 

I see the fresh soil planted and something coming up, pumpkins I know they plant, corn maybe? Most of that you can't see from here. The deer have disappeared into the timber now, the horses are close now, just see a tiny bit of them now. Sun's about to come up soon. I'm about to get outta this chair, I stiffen up sitting too long. 

The fog that sits on the field has dispersed, it's like it flows out of the field into the trees. 

I've never sat and looked this long before, I'm thinking I'm going to do a little more of this as it warms up, I see the sun now on the mountain across. We don't get the early morning sun as the east coast of the island does, mountains block it till later. 

I hear a motorcycle in the distance now, like a Harley, blap blap. The world is waking up, and the birds have almost quit, the rooster he's quiet too. A car goes by on Hector rd, yep people will go about their day now. 

I saw a couple young girls come looking at my sign yesterday evening, just after dinner, I went out and asked if they wanted a sign? They were unsure about what they wanted, so I explained what the process was, they choose the blank wood they want from what I had, and tell me what they want in the sign, and I'll make it for them, they could pick it up in the morning. They said they'd be back, wanted to think about it.

About 10 minutes later one of them came back, she had a few questions about how to pay, cash or e-transfer? E-transfer work's I said, then I got a piece of paper and she filled out what she wanted on it, she said she had to go, and would pick it up and pay in the morning. 

I went to work right away, I was painting another sign in the trailer before, so I was already in the mode. I drew it out, takes a bit to get that just right, I tried to get the letter's just as she wrote it. Then I took my small router and when to work routing out the letter's. 

In the middle Polly starts talking, she's got a call from Ciara & Colton, so as she comes out she's got the video going, and I'm making the noise of routing, as she's explaining to Colton what I'm doing. 
He's not really interested, I stop for awhile and talk with them, he's got his little pirate ship, and of course water, he's got some chocolate in his face it looks like. Was so nice to hear from them, even if I was busy. 

I finished the sign after, and brought it into the trailer, sat in my chair and painted it, then fished the other one that I'd started. Let them dry, then I sanded them, and gave them both a couple coats of lacquer, done. 
     The young girls sign was romantic.

      My sign to replace one i sold 
                the other side.

Sun's up now, fog is just about gone, we used to call it, hmm 🤔 I can't think of the word now. That seems to happen more often now 😂

6am now, I guess I'll go back, get my shoes on and go for a walk, get my exercise for the day. Then on to selling that sign, and assemble a picnic table. I might take on building a draw underneath our bed today, as lifting the mattress isn't the best way to deal with that storage space. 

Deer were out again, but the sun on the field drives the deer back into the woods. I can see the flicker of their ears from here, I see why the go back into the shadows. 

I'm going to be out here a little bit more as the summer develops. One young deer comes out running, bouncing, just happy to run, made me laugh and think, how much energy we have when we're young 🙂

Sun's on most all the field now, dogs gone, Recovery! That's what we used to call it in the bush, a way of describing the mosture that came back overnight, that helps the loggers be able to keep working into the summer, if there is enough recovery, they can continue without early shift. I remember that too, nobody liked early shift 🥱 230 or 3 am getups. 

Well into the trailer now, a bowl of cereal, and away I go. 

Love this life ❤️
Donkey just gave his heehaww, food I'm guessing he's asking for, or let me out, I'm wanting to eat! 

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