Wednesday 26 June 2024

What to do on a rainy day?

I've been busy outside cutting, assembling, and creating many things lately, but with rains, I'm usually taking a day off. Sometimes I'll get ambitious and work inside my tent workshop, it's not easy, as I like to use the space outside with my miter saw to cut most of the boards up. 

I made two planters and a stool that a customer requested, got another planter to make yet. Never got to the drawer I've been commissioned to do for Polly yet, that's what I'll do today. Measure and plan, then get the needed plywood on Sunday at Beaver Creek home improvement center. Always best for me to wait, as Sunday gives 15% off to seniors, I like to take advantage of this. 

Getting up this morning, my right hip is sore, that's not usual, first thing in the morning I'm usually renewed after a good sleep. This year I'm feeling it just a little more, I walked with Chris & Cheryl yesterday, maybe that's why, along with that I never really stopped yesterday, was busy all day till dinner, then even after dinner was still moving around, was too warm to sit inside, I'd have gone to sleep. 

Was an exceptional day yesterday, I finished the last bits of stain on a picnic table I built the last few days, that was the biggest project I'd taken on this year. Seems small when I write it, "a picnic table" but was more to it than I thought. Still nice to have it all done. Then onto two planters, I've gotten better at them, each time learning the best way for me to plan, cut, and assemble them, then the last bits, sanding and painting. 

The stool, now that I didn't know how I'd build it for sure, then the neighbor brought me a bunch of boards Monday night, asked if I wanted them? Yep, I'm sure I'll find a use for them. Well they were perfect for the stool I had to make. Spent a bit of time thinking of how I'd make it, after I'd glued three boards together for the top. First I thought 4 leg's straight down with support across, then after I moved the boards around I decided to make an X for the legs, and that turned out really good. 

I used a bit different way of attaching the legs to the top, I've used it before, but I'm not building this way often. It's called pocket hole screws.      This is the kind of jig I have.

Man did it work good, going to have to use this method more as I get to making more critical joints in projects. 

I'm pretty happy with my days production 

Then after giving it most the day, I stopped and talked with a woman that I'd seen go by a few times, Hannah was her name, she's from Australia, I'd seen her here the last few days, but never talked with her. She was looking at my dwindling group of planters and signs, said she'd buy one, but couldn't figure out how she put it in her suitcase! I showed her my smaller sign blanks, but then she said she be worried about the laws around wood products brought into her country. 

We talked awhile, I'm always interested in another country, I could have yaked longer, but in the talk she said she'd found the river here, was a great swim. Water was refreshing. I was hot, sweaty, so I decided that river was going to my end of my day today, time for a swim. I was tired, so walking slow, but got to the river with my towel and bar of soap, bath time! Nobody around, was the best time, quite and calm, fish we jumping, birds chirping, beautiful.

Ahh, the water was a little colder that I thought, hey what's that I see. I had to dive down, I saw a knife, that helped me get in. After the first plunge, all was good. What a great swim/bath that was, perfect way to end my day, well almost end. After I got home I listened to my messages, I got another planter to make. 

After dinner, (Polly made a great turkey stew, with fresh cheese buns, Mmm 😋) I went out and organized all the wood I'd need to make the planter, but as it was late, and I didn't want to spoil the evening for everyone, I didn't start sawing, I decided to wait till today, or now with the rain, maybe tomorrow. 

Light out now, rooster 🐓 didn't crow till half hour later today, was cloudy, so light later. 

Breakfast now, cereal this morning. Lately I've been putting off eating till later in the day, I find if I eat later I can often get away with only lunch and dinner, if I can stay away from the cookies 🍪 Polly made! 

I really like the sounds of the rain on the roof, comforting as it's not really hard rain right now. 

I just sighed, what a great life!
Sure love our life ❤️

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