Saturday 14 September 2024

Chance meeting's in life.

I had a couple chance meeting's one last year when we were in GP, the other just yesterday. It's interesting how meeting someone by just being in the same place and saying "Hi" can create something that otherwise would not have happen if you didn't say that one word, "Hi".

I met a man I knew last year in Canadian tire here in GP. His name is John, he's the father of the Jennifer, Christopher's ex wife. I said "Hi" to John, and Jack who I was with was surprised, thinking does this guy know people here, does he know everyone!  LoL, we had a good laugh later Jack and I. In the meeting with John he said, give me a call, well go fishing 🎣. I had been fishing once with him and Chris a few years before, and said I'd love to do that John. 

Of course I didn't last year, but this year I'd made a promise to myself to call him and ask to go out fishing. I did, and he agreed to, but later the boat wouldn't start for him, so off to the shop once again, never a good day for a fisherman to be out and have the boat not start, so get it fixed. 

As it turned out the boat wouldn't be ready before I left GP so John suggested we go for breakfast. That sounds good, so I went any picked him up and we went to Majors, a restaurant here. Well we talked and talked and talked some more, I just really liked our conversation, and so did John. Was really nice, just like we were out fishing, yet a little more comfortable, with breakfast 😁. 

After I'm not sure how long, we agreed time to go, so off we went to drop him off at his home. He asked if I wanted to come in, of course I was already going to do that, say "Hi" to his wife Jane. 

Polly is up now, 8am, I slept till 6 this morning, very nice to sleep in.

So into John & Jane's home, a hug from Jayne, and then her and I got a chance to yak it up, and John listened. Talk, talk, talk we did, we hadn't seen each other for along time. Such a warm welcome, was really nice to share with them, first thing Jane said is "Where's Polly?" Of course she didn't come along, was just John and I for breakfast. We talked so much, about our travels, and where to next. What's our long range plans. Was a really nice visit, I think next year will do the same, but Polly will come too. I had to use a tissue a few times, as my eyes leaked a little, so much has happened since we'd talked. 

That's one chance meeting that was a surprise that day. Second was as I left John's home I went to fuel up, and the card I had for the UFA station here wouldn't work, so I was sitting looking up the station number, when I looked out my window and saw Violet, a woman that's friends with Jack & Wendy just pulling away from the pump. She had stayed the night at Jack and Wendy's, and I thought I'd see her in the morning and say goodbye, but when I left to go for breakfast I knew I'd miss her. 

Well meeting her here was unexpected, and lucky for me as I got to use her card to fuel up as mine wasn't working. We had a hug, and got to say a few words, and say our goodbyes. Violet is dating the cousin of our best friend Americo, so I'm thinking we'll see her on the island this summer all going well. 

How darn connected we all are, if we just say "Hi" and from there comes the world of opportunities by just one word. 

Coffee ☕ is good this morning, rains coming down really steady now. Polly likes to do these puzzles that u look for things that are kinda hidden in the picture, and today had one that had her stumped. I said I'd help, found it right away, she was so happy 😀. Funny how we each see things differently. 

I see people coming as friends I've yet to meet. Opportunity yet to discover. I just do this, without thinking about it. I'm fortunate to have this trait, ability, personality. Polly has this too, she is so welcoming. 

So I guess my learning here is to build on the friendship's that come with a "Hi" and see what develops. I'm really liking being in Grande Prairie, very comfortable here. Sad to leave tomorrow, yet looking forward to seeing new places, and meeting family and friends as we travel, some we know already, some well meet for the first time with a "Hi", from then on who knows where it'll go? 

Sure do love our life ❤️
Travel day tomorrow 😁

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