Sunday 1 September 2024

Sunday morning thoughts.

   Our resting spot here in Grande Prairie 

I read this morning of the accident in New Jersey, Johnny Gaudreau and his brother Matthew killed while riding their bikes on the edge of the highway. I read it over twice, shaking my head in wonder at how a careless quick act can, (now I think what word can I use here?) hurt, change, alter, decimate a family so quickly. 

I get past that and read about a truck driver that crosses the center line not far from Grand Prairie, killing two, and injuring others as the truck ran into a car piloting bikers, and the biker's riding for a charity. 

I wonder how these accidents happen, I read about them, yet it just seems so quick. I was kinda in shock Friday reading about Johnny's death, then hearing the guy was passing on the right 😳! 

I know we are heading out this fall 🍁 for our trip across Canada, and then towards Florida, is a long trip, yet it'll go fast I know, we've done it before. Just the same, I have great respect for truck drivers, I'm also cautious of the way others drive. 

We try to travel when less people on the road, during daylight, keep away from city congestion, and take the roads a little less traveled. Still, shit happens, even if you're doing your best to plan your trip with the least chance of mistakes.  

These accidents teach me a bit about what we are doing that prevents things like this. Yet I'm still shaking my head. People get impatient, hurried, as well as pushy as they drive. I see it here, so much. I realize I can't change their behavior, but I can change mine to be aware, and away from the goofs I call them, that are taking others lives in their hands.

I don't follow too closely, I plan ahead for what might come, I have a very good copilot, two actually, my phone's GPS and Polly's eyesight, and voice, also her holding her breath, and sounds that I know that say, watch out. Sound's funny when I write it, but when we travel, there is much I've learned to pay attention to. Rushing is something I try very hard not to do, and planning ahead helps. 

We leave a little late mostly, after the morning rush, we make sure we're ready, fueled up, and ready. Often if we are traveling we keep the truck and trailer attached, ready to go next morning. Making sure all the mechanical and tires are in best shape, keeping an eye on them as we travel always looking for changes. Having a good understanding of the parts that could let you down helps, then you know what to look out for. 

Still even if all looks good, something could come up, so the ability to respond when it does is our next line of defense. I remember a conversation with a friend year's ago, explaining to me about, Responsibility is the Ability to Respond! When something happens, your ability to respond is tested, the training you've had in the past is what you draw on to make that sometimes very quick decision, and if all goes well, you avoid what could have been a problem. 

I often say I'm lucky, yet I'm also prepared, that helps with luck! I like to drive, I like to stay back from other riggs, give myself time to brake, and distance to see what's coming. We love to drive down roads that have less traffic, we can then pull over when needed as often with nobody behind we can take time to brake, not have to slam on the brakes to get off the road. 

Looking forward now to our planned route, I'm always subject to change as we travel, that's part of the fun in it, not sticking to the plan always, taking a different route gives us variety in our travels, and often just seeing some different area helps slow us down too. 

Stopping every couple hours is a gift we give ourselves too, no big hurry, let's stop here! Or there! Hmm I'm already looking forward to our travels again, yet we have another couple weeks here yet. Last two weeks have gone snap 🫰 fast. September 1st already, gee that summer went fast, sure been a nice summer 🌞 

Often this weekend we would be in the salmon derby, fishing 🎣. I still pay attention to who's catching, and what's going on there, even when away, kinda of a way of keeping in touch with what I remember from our past. Long weekend this year, no big celebration here, At least with us. We had a nice dinner with Jack, Taylor our granddaughter and her boyfriend Brett, and their roommate Karleen Friday night, went to the farmers market yesterday with Jayden & his GF Theresa, then hotdog's 🌭 on the fire πŸ”₯
in the evening.Today Polly says laundry day, me I'm going to finish an arbour I've been working on, and hopefully visit with Ciara & Colton, maybe Chase too if he comes outta his room πŸ˜„

Life goes on here, somewhat normal, as others have emotional upheaval after loosing their loved ones. As for the driver's, I can't imagine how their lives will change after these accidents, but I'm sure they have a long row to hoe. 

We are fortunate moving forward in our lives, choice is ours. Polly is just waking, I hear her I'm looking forward to a beautiful day. Still out now after a few days of heavy wind, going to be a hot day again. I guess summer's not really over πŸ˜†

Love our life full of choices ❤️

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