Tuesday 27 August 2024

Winning the lottery! I wonder if it's good?

    Jack cutting the lawn before the rain 

I just finished reading about a couple winning 1Million in the lottery, in Ontario. I thought to myself as I read, I think we have already won a lottery, without buying a ticket. We are able to travel as we do, and see most all we want, more $$$ I think would make it so we could share it around, but really, we don't need anymore for us. Not that we wouldn't put extra to use, just maybe make things more complicated.

Ya know when ya go to spell a word and choices come up as ya type, when I started to write complicated, compliment came up at the same time. I think more $ would compliment our life, as well as complicate our life. I've seen it before when a windfall comes, how it can make life easier, and harder. People have a way of approaching you when you have extra, that is unsettling. I'd rather avoid that in life. 

We sit here in our trailer, parked at our friends house, connected to their power, and water, able to dump our sewer, hooked to the Internet, so completely connected for our time here in GP while we visit friends and family. We are thankful, not a lottery win, but a gift we appreciate so much. 

I know us, if we had a Stick's & Bricks home, as I see it referred to by many in the full-time RV community, we would offer the same to others. Still, I feel very fortunate to have opportunities to stay like this with others as we travel. A visit when you're so close that you see them daily is a really nice way to share time, without getting too much in the way of their lives. 

We have some wonderful friends and family that we love to visit with, and through them we see their community and surrounding area in a way we likely wouldn't otherwise. Local knowledge is really great 👍 

Polly would love a big win, I really can't imagine the sound that'd come outta Polly if she won, as I don't buy tickets very often, mostly Polly does. I know she'd be loud, and wild! When Polly gets a big win she's very Excited, Expressive, and damned Happy!!! But after the glow of winning, then reality of what's next would be a little more complex. The dream and reality get together then, and complicated & compliment get mixed together. 

I could explain the heck outta this but let's just say it could be messy. That's a descriptive I think works here. 

So for right now, I'm happy to say we are winning, without a ticket! 🎊 

How's that for loving life?

Appreciating our life just as it is, 
love our life ❤️ 

Sunday 25 August 2024

Sunday, August 25th today.

Another great day here in Grande Prairie Alberta. Slept in thi morning, after a couple hours awake in the middle of the night, I refused to get up this time though. A slow quiet morning Polly and I had. Then I messaged our granddaughter Taylor, wanna go for a walk? Can I bring my dog? Of course! Yep she said, and in less than 1/2 hour we were walking the trail by her apartment. 

Was a nice walk, long, a little longer than I wanted,but still was nice, I'll be ok tomorrow. We plan a walk a day if possible, her boyfriend Brett will join us next walk. Taylor's shifts are afternoon, so we can walk every morning. I'm looking for to this. Her pup Cashew is not really loving me yet, but I'm hoping after a week of walking he'll come around. I'm kinda scared of him, so that an issue. 

After I went to see Colton. Ciara had to do a little shopping, present for a birthday party that Colton was invited to. Colton ate his watermelon, and played on his phone, I was outta energy, so that was fine with me. I did same, we had a couple laughs as he found something funny, we'd both laugh.

When Ciara came home, she asked if I wanted to go to the birthday party 🥳 with them, but today was a no. Home I went, a sandwich thanks Polly, and a snooze. After I woke, the job I promised myself I'd do, empty the sewage, always something, and Sunday is my usual day to empty. 

Dinner with Jack was great, pork tenderloin, with fresh corn 🌽 and beans, then some cake for dessert Polly made. Mmm 😋 
Was a really nice day today, a hug from my granddaughter, and kiss from my grandson, an message from my other granddaughter, messages from my daughter, my nefew, messages from friends, was a great day. A really nice Sunday. 

TV this evening, I don't pay much attention, a girl show Polly put on didn't hold my attention, so now I write. Still a really good day. 

Love our life here and now ❤️🤗

Show is over now, I'm to bed, 🛏️ 😁

Friday 23 August 2024

The rules 😳

I had this title in my blog posts, I guess I had a thought so wrote it down, no more information about why, but today I'll write about the rules. 

In life we all grow up with some kind of rules, taught to us by many people. First and foremost our parents, then our siblings, and all others we have contact with as we grow and learn. 

No, don't touch, stay, these are spoken. The rule's we learn that are unspoken are facial expression, the wiggly finger ☝️👈👉👇🤫, that's alot. The eyes 👀, 😉😘😜
All letting us know we did "right", or not to do something, it's "wrong". 

If you really think of it, we learn so much in the first year you probably like me can't really put it all down on paper, or well peck it all on your phone. 

Just getting light out this morning, I've been up awhile, read my FB a bit, read and article about monkey pox, the latest fear we'll have to think about it the news. 

When I saw the title I'd written I don't know how long ago, and decided to write this.

 I realized rule's are something you can do many things with. First thought was a term I remember from many years of behavior, "Bend the rules" just think what that means! I'm thinking it says it's ok as long as you don't "Break" the rules. Next to this is a "white lie" thinking of this now I'm wondering if I'm "allowed" to say that in our New, so confusing, feeling, offended world 🌎. 

I have many rules that I've learned for many years of life. Some are not needed anymore, like no talking at the table, or don't talk with your mouthful. Simple, yet I watch, and not really a part of behavior anymore. All the rules about writing, as most people never ✍️ write on paper anymore. I believe e, except aft? That was a rule! Now the artificial intelligence will write a letter for you if you put a little bit on your phone about what you want to write, it'll do it all for you. 

Hmm, I think to myself, what are the rules now? It seems like there really aren't any, like you can just do whatever you what, where ever you are. When I was younger, you never swore out in public, you tried to keep your tongue 👅 in your mouth, don't do or say that in front of a girl. Behave, be this, be that! Today I hear and see more of what I'd call "bad behavior" in all people, young or old. No rules holding us back from doing, saying, being whatever we want. 

I see rules for society being thrown out, the new rules are being developed daily. Rules I don't understand, and rules that to me don't make sense. I say sometimes I feel like I'ma dinosaur, I'm from the long lost past. The way society has changed in my lifetime, I don't think I'm really qualified to be part of what's new now. 

I think different then the new kids growing up. I still see people as him and her, I still have my prejudice's from the past, I still am educated about the rules I grew up with, yet today they don't apply. Not only don't they apply, the new rules are beyond my way, so different that I really can't understand, or imagine them. 

I'm going to read this over, might publish, might not. Almost 7am now, I have been thinking of this "new rule's" stuff for awhile now, just today I decided to put it here, and really say what I've been thinking. Won't change anything, just kinda get it off my chest. I wonder if I'm allowed to say that now, "Get it off my chest?" Or is there a rule that that's offensive to someone? I mean it could be. Oh well, there are no rules! Until someone says they are hurt by what you just said, then you broke the rules! 

That kinda sums it up, there are no rules till you upset me, then I can pull out my rule book and, hmm no 📚 book, just a feeling, that's it, I feel you are hurting me. 

I can remember a time when the next thing that would come would be a saying, "you wanna know hurt" I'll.... Lol I laugh now, but I can remember a time when the next thing that came at me was a hand, yup you wanna know hurt, I'll give ya some hurt alright ✋

That's when I learned to follow the rules!

That kinda sums up the difference between then and today, now if you don't play by the feable rules, you end up in court, charged with not calling me what I determine my self to be, and your going to pay for it! 

Yep, I'm definitely a dinosaur 🦕, glad I lived my life with understandable rule's.

I love our life ❤️ despite the rules 😜😂🤫

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Knowing more, past the end of something? Is this looking into the future?

You know when a movie gets to the end, you mostly, want to know more? Sometimes the director wants another movie, Sometimes, its just left hanging.  Ever think you know whats coming, where the writer will go next?

Polly is really good at looking around the corner I'd call it, she seems to be able to see where the storyline will go. Often Polly will say, such and such will be next, or something like that. I kinda think it wrecks a show for me, I'm often absorbed by the movie, not trying to see what's next, just being more apart of what's happening, there with them. 

We have watched a series, the full first season, it's called "The Old Man" and yesterday Polly thought the second season was out, but I went and looked, nope, so I turned on the beginning of the first season, and we watched the first three of that, just as exciting as when we watched it before. Jeff Bridges is the star, and he's so darn good at this, old man, I feel his pains! Lol. 

I don't usually get tied into a series, or wait for it to come out, Polly will tell me 😁. I have no time for TV during the day, but as the night rolls around, that's our go to. Not best way to spend our evening, but it is what we do, especially if it gets dark early. I found if we went out and played cards in Yuma, that the evening went fast, and no TV. And no eating, popcorn 🍿 is a go to while watching TV. 

Cold this morning here, moving to the Okanagan, then north to Grande Prairie, brr. The day's still warm, but Cool at night. I decided to turn the furnace on this morning, I was really cold yesterday morning, and started to feel that way again, so bugger it, I'm not going to chill again.

Polly's up now, playing her game, whatever she plays, I really don't pay much attention to it, but once in awhile when she's playing one where you have to search for something, and she can't find the last bit to it, I'll help her out. She's always so appreciative when I find whatever it is. I snickered just now, the things we do for each other hey. 

We sit about 6" apart in our love seat, with a little arm between that has a small upholstered lid that lifts up.to a storage place for remotes and other stuff Polly stores. This is a really connected way we are, Polly pecking on her tablet,me pecking her on my phone. 😀 I smile to myself, we are really fortunate to have such a good relationship, and good life. 

I'm finished my coffee ☕ ☕ for the day, Polly just starting. We had a really nice time with our granddaughter Taylor yesterday. She got off work yesterday at 2, we picked her up from her pot shop job, very organized place it is, we don't have a clue want is what in it, but looks well organized. Had a chat with her Boss, is a company they work for that once the pot became legal, they grabbed all they could, and are still expanding. 

When Taylor came out from the back, had to change to go out, we got big hugs, then off we went to a coffee ☕ shop on the other side of town.was nice to spend time with her by herself. We had a little to eat, 🥘 Panini thing for me, and a piece of carrot cake between them, was a really nice visit in a really nice coffee shop. First thing when we walked in I saw all the animals on the walls, was different from any coffee shops I'd been in before. Fits for this town though, hunters and the like. 

             Taylor and I

          Taylor and Polly, Memere to her. 

I made another friend at the coffee shop 

Looking forward to dinner with our grandchildren & Significant others, as well as Ciara and Wendy. Be a nice night at "Better than Fred's" a pub pool hall place that makes great smoked meats. Polly's looking forward to poutine with pulled pork, we share one, lots of the plate. 

Another interesting day ahead today, I'm going to make a few things here for Wendy & Jack, and develop a plan for an arbor. 

Sure do love our life ❤️ never know what's next! 😁