Tuesday 13 August 2024

Been two days since we left the island, and much has happened.

Our first bit of interesting drive went smoothly, to the ferry, the ride to tsawassen was uneventful, calm, with a muffin and a stroodle for breakfast. Getting off was easy too.we headed to Surrey to visit a friend we met at Arrowvale earlier in the spring, Sonny is his name. 

That bit of a drive went well till we had the hill on 104th Ave. that brought our truck right to the limit in going up hill, was it ever steep. Then going through on this road was a test, as busy, and construction along the way gave me some pilons to avoid a long with cars. We made it to Sonny's home, parked, and had a good visit with him. We had planned to spend the night, but after a few stories Polly heard from others about Surrey, she wasn't to keen on it, so short visit, better than no visit. 

Sonny had been working on his MH getting stuff done he'd wanted to for awhile, he's wanting to get on the road again soon. After our visit we headed out towards Hope, stopped at the rest stop just before Hope, we had a late lunch, and rested a bit. Showed our trailer to a Chinese man that was admiring it, he had gotten off a bus that he was on for a break too. He really liked it, even if we couldn't really communicate well, we did a lot of hand expression. 

Then off we went, fueled up in Hope, and up towards Manning park. We got to a provincial campground we thought might be our night's docking spot, we drove past many reserved signs and a few that looked promising. Then as we turned a sharp turn, 🛞 Boom went a tire on the trailer. WOW 😲, that was the loudest, thought we had hit something on the turn. Got out to look, flat tire was all, so up the little hill till we got to a campsite we could back into easily, and onto changing the tire. 
I had prepared for this long ago when we started out traveling, had the 6 ton hydraulic jack I'd bought years ago I hadn't used till now, made sure I had that as the trailer axel's are heavy. And the star wrench that gives me lots of leverage, and a impact that got the wheel nuts off and back on fast. Last I needed a torque wrench, I had that too. 
Oh yeah, knee pads, something I'm getting used to using now.

So the whole process went well, even if I'm older, and getting down onto the mat I had placed behind the tire and even harder, getting up after I was done, all went as planned ahead. I'm just really glad it was in the campground, not on the highway, with cars and trucks driving by. I do have the reflectors just in case too, bought them same time as the jack, I've not had to use them yet. Hope I never have to. 

We slept that night in the truckers brake check ✔️, that was a little noisy, but comfortable for a night. 

Next morning we drove down the steep hill to Princeton, and stopped in at the Kal tire, service there was good, fast, and the guy did all I asked if him. An hour or so, and off we went to our destination at then Gristmill in Kereomeos for a 6 day stay. 

Moral of my little story here is be prepared, not that you ever want to have to change a tire 🛞, but being prepared sure helped me here, as all I needed was available and in working order, well... except for my body, kinda lets me down a little when I need to get down on my knees. 

All worked out, our trip had a small bump, that's it. As for the visits here in the Okanagan, WOW, going to have to come back again, been a lot of fun so far, only two days left then we start heading north towards our family and friends of the North 👍.

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