Sunday 29 April 2018

Desert, Ranches, Lakes, Farms, what Beautiful Country we drive through.

Polly took some good photos as we drove

We let out of Pahrump early and our drive was great to start as we had been to Beatty before, but past that we noticed much flat desert, and rolling hills as we made our way to where we hoped to spend the night. Tonopah was a bust as we drove upward to the top of a mountain 6047' Wow, not as expected. It was a very cold day, wind blowing and temperature has dropped to 52 Deg F, 11 Deg C Brrr. The town was not pretty, an old mining town that was somehow still mining to a small degree. Even if the weather was warm, we would not have stayed here, but may have walked around and took a look. We bought fuel, and a subway, and off we went toward Carson City, looking as we went for a possible stop.

We did stop as we made our way there, we went through a town called Hawthorne, on the way we saw many bunkers and were told later they were munition dumps, for old ammunition. We drove through, and saw The town looked depressed, and not doing well. We did see an RV park on the highway when we left, but not what we were looking for, very exposed, and wind blowing like crazy.
We passed Walker lake on our way and thought a nice spot, but looked like was nothing open yet for RV parks.

Our next stop was Yerington, for a bathroom break at a gas station, nice little town, much farming here.  I asked for best route, and an RV park recommendation in Carson City, the woman had no idea on RV parks, but did give me best route for us with the trailer. I find this local knowledge is so much better than just pick a route on the map, as she did say she would usually recommend another route, but too many twists and turns for such a windy day with an RV she said.

It is late now, 4:30 so we call ahead for a place to roll into when we get to Carson City, and Camp-N-Town RV says they have one site left, so we take it for the night, and make our way there in about an hour. We find our site, and make it home for tonight. Now a beer, and a yak. Polly and I do that well after our moves. We like to talk about what we did, saw, and feel about this last leg of our journey. The possible stop at Tonopah was top of the order, and we agree was not for us today. We did like the town of Yerington, was clean homes and well kept businesses and farms were well taken care of too.
Not for us to stay in though, Carson City was the destination.

We got up next day, and went for a walk around the town, was told the capitol building, and other areas there were worth seeing, and they were. Many interesting statues that with there written history on the plaques, made for good reading for us. We learned that Carson City was developed mostly by one man with a vision, here is the history link  Abraham Curry He saw a city where others saw land.

Our site first night at Camp-N-Town RV

No dogs in Casino's, unless a service dog

Never made it in, Next time!
Ain't we cute

Kit riding through the brush

Polly reading about the Miners Monument

We went up to Virginia City, and was a good climb up hill to get there. This is an old mining town, which there are many around Nevada, but this one is mostly intact, and was a real good view of what it was like in the past.

On the way up the hill to Virginia City

Love this sign

Was a school in past, now a Museum

Dressed in clothing from past

Many great bars here

View South

We also went to Carson Hot Springs, was a beauty pool full of very warm mineral water to soak in. Was a good day for us to do this, as wasn't busy, and was a beauty, sunny, warm day.  Only a couple hours, as could only take so much sun. Showers were with same hot spring water, so soap didn't want to come off easily.

Casinos in Carson City, like all of Nevada were plentiful, and we went to 3 different casinos, Fandango, The Nugget, and Cactus Jack's. Fandando was best, Nugget next, and never stayed in Cactus Jack's as was small, and real bad smoky.

We also went for a drive up to Lake Tahoe, was a beautiful place to visit. My first thoughts were fast speed for around a lake, 50 mph, and many No Trespassing, Private Property, and Keep Out, Private Property, No turnaround!

This gave a feeling of all here was out of our grasp until we got to a good pullout at Cave Rock State Park, where we could get a few decent pictures of the lake and mountains from above.

Our first look at the mountains and lake

I made it to the top of the rocks

Tie ups for boats in summer I am guessing

Polly loved the huge pine cones

Boat that takes people out for tours of the lake.
Further down the road we stopped at Zephyr Cove Resort, where it was free parking today, and we had a chance to get out and take a walk down the dock to where a huge boat was docked that would take people out for cruises. Clean clear water here, and all the lake we saw.

Next stop was Nevada Beach Campground and day use pavilion, a forest service operation. Was closest we got to the water, and with Bosco, was a no go on the beach, so we just looked from the trails and road. Gates were closed, so could not drive in, but the walk was good. Sunny warm day made for another good excursion for us.

Next we got to South Lake Tahoe, and Lake Valley, was a bit much for us, had many huge buildings, we didn't expect here. Made a drive through, then turn around and back to Safeway for some lunch, and a picnic at Zephyr Cove as was a nice place to stop, and a little less restrictive. All in all a good look around, even if we didn't go all the way around the lake.

At Safeway we talked with a local girl, and she said there are some beaches that they go to that you could bring your dog, and were less restricted, that made me happy to hear as so far all looked like dogs were a no go everywhere we went.

Our stay here in Carson City was just what we wanted, even took a trip into Reno our last night to see the Peppermill Casino we had been told about in Laughlin. A great card room I was told, so had to check it out. Yes it was a great card room, and a very nice casino. Polly did well at the slots, Me I left a few at the card table, but was a very nice casino, we will return again.

So much to see here in Carson City, will stop again if we pass by here.

Wednesday 18 April 2018

Should we stay, or should we go? The never ending question as we move northward.

Here we are now in Pahrump, Nevada a small town spread over a big area in a huge valley.

We came hear from Las Vegas, and we came there from Laughlin, and we came there from Mesa by Phoenix, and we came there from Yuma. As you can see we have been travelling around the southwest a little, and have seen much, and more to see as we move back toward our home town Port Alberni, BC. We plan very loosely, and make some up as we go, but this trip has been full of fun, and new experiences, and a few less miles than last years trip. We still know we will have to go over some of this trip again, as we just can't visit all we want each time, but we can return.

Posting on Facebook gives some info, but there is just so much to tell, I have to write once in awhile just because I like to give some detail. Here is a little about what we have been doing this winter.

Fun, lets start there. We have been having just too much fun, meeting many new people, some will be life long friends I'm sure, Sharon and Jim Bohner are a couple we met in Yuma, and spent more time with in Laughlin, and as we left them a week ago, we realized we just couldn't say all we wanted to before we parted company. So nice to meet really good friends, that are on similar paths.

One of the most memorable looking casinos at night

Chris Stapleton was fantastic

Our site at the base of a bank
We enjoyed two great concerts in Laughlin, as did Jim and Sharon.
Sharon was "Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner"

We played cards, and slots, and some of us won, and some did not! LOL We made plans, and will meet again this summer all going well.

We stayed in Riverside RV Park, right across from the casino which also had a shuttle to and from the casino 24hrs a day. Our site was close to the dog park, and laundry, made things just a little nicer. We had a huge bank behind us, and at first I was thinking would be crappy view. That was until Polly spotted some interesting wildlife here, small chipmunks, and geckos and migrating birds made up some of what we got to watch out our living room window. Was much better than the nature channel as we saw live what happens here daily.

Hold on hey, I want a piece of your tail
Oh Yea, right here I bite

We hada fun afternoon dancing with Jim & Sharon in the sun
on the river-walk by the Colorado Belle

We met Chris & Jenn Browning, our son & Daughter in-law, and Jenn's parents John and Jane Juska and spent some time with them while they holidayed in Vegas, was nice to see them all again. Vegas took some $ from us, and we saw much, and Oh yea, we had more fun! We stayed at Mainstreet RV, was good deal for us, as so close to the downtown & Freemont st.

Our site at Main Street Station RV

Fremont Street Experience was fun

Our view of the casino at the 4 Queens as we ate dinner

Excalibur, where Jenn, Chris, Jane and John stayed

A painting on a building I liked.

Jennifer's Birthday cake

Such cool art work in the casinos

Making our way from one casino to another

Now in Phraumph we have been staying close to the RV park, Preffered RV, and yesterday we took a drive into the desert to a small town, Beatty, and Rhyolite. Was a nice day, warm not hot, and very little wind, which I know now are the two conditions that stop us from exploring sometimes.

Our site at Preferred RV in Pahrump

One our neighbours in the RV park. Love the old buses.

I was surprised to learn that Mars Attacks was filmed here

 I learned much about this area at the museum, like I usually do about most places. Talk to people, and visit the museum, and you learn much. Farming was most important here, and now seniors buying here is one of the main economy, along with people that live here and work in Vegas.

 This area, and The Yucca mountains have been a place the Atomic Energy Commission has been working to be a dumping ground for the atomic waste from electricity production for many years, to the tune of 14 billion dollars spent, and to this day not one spent fuel rod has been placed.

The testing that was done years ago for atomic explosions is still present and will be for years to come.

Setting up for another above ground test

I was amazed to see this, and read of how the testing was done.

What it looked like from above after many tests

The rig that was used to set up for an above ground test

What is looks like after the explosion as the dirt sinks and a crater is created

In between we do have some time to watch TV, ("The Voice" being our steady show of choice), take many walks with my friend Bosco, he helps me see places in areas I may not otherwise walk to, he also enjoys and afternoon nap with me on a fairly regular basis. Polly and I have visited many Casinos, and left a small fortune spread around the south west as we make our way home, no regrets, we keep getting a pension check, and as Uncle Doug says, we will keep doing all that Polly's pension can afford! LOL

Other things we have to do are small, laundry, dishes, clean wash, maintain our home and truck. minor repairs, but mostly we are having fun exploring the areas we are in.

Choosing where we stop and stay has something to do with weather now, as we are heading north, and want to make sure we don't leave warmth too soon, and run into snow, and cold rains, so we will stay here in this warm lovely place for a few more days as a beauty pool here, and warm here temps right now.

Today off toward Tonopah, and see what we will learn there.

Next we will make our way to Reno, and spend a few days, and nights there.

Loving this life we are living.