Tuesday 25 April 2017

April 24th, Bahia Honda State Park

What descriptive word can I use to describe this feeling?

We made it here finally after many wonderful places and people we have been so lucky to spend time with over the last few months, this is one of our sure destinations. Driving here yesterday I had such a elated feeling, I even asked Polly how she felt, "Excited?" Yes, she said, but I was the one with the huge eyes. As you drive onto the highway someone had the welcoming idea to paint the road centre, and side cement blocks a beautiful aqua colour to let you know you are now somewhere else. Not your regular highway, you are now entering the Florida Keys! What a good idea I say to Polly, yes it felt different, and as we went and got our first view of that beautiful coloured water, and white sandy shores, we both were Wow, I love this.
Polly through the window shot of a small island 

Sky is looking a little angry now

Polly got a few good pictures as we went, and Bosco just stayed in his seat, and slept. He was a fine passenger yesterday, never a whimper till just before we got to the Park. The drive here was long yesterday, but Polly had a couple sandwiches made, and some fresh cut up fruit, which we have learned is a good starter in the morning. We made it to the keys by 1:30 or so, and to camp by 3:30 or so. The trip from beginning to the campsite along the Keys was so beautiful. The traffic wasn't as good a feeling, but had to watch for many cars pulling out in front of you and lights, and slower speeds, but as Polly always says, "we got more Time than Money!" and we took our time, and made it safe.

Old bridge with piece missing

Bosco checking out the splashing on the other side of the rocks

When we finaly got to Bahia Honda Park, we checked in, and found out some people are marketing sites, making reservations and selling the sites to others for a upped price, just like back home. They ask me for my licence, and plate numbers, both. Been a real problem the ranger says. Just happy we got a spot, and we are here I say.
We get to the site, and we are right on the water, looking at the V between the old and new bridges. Wow, couldn't ask for any better spot to spend the next 5 days, or maybe more if we want said the ranger.
Under the road looking toward the campsite
Parking the trailer, backing it in still has some rough edges, LOL I say to myself now, but after a long drive, you just want to get set, and we get some friction happening during this time. This we have to work on, I don't let Polly know what I want early enough, and she is doing best she can. This is a work in progress. After the rig is parked the neighbours come over and we meet Rod and Bev for a few minutes, just long enough to get the info, please don't feed the birds. Yup we are on that page.

Our campsite, very large for us. Nice...
Polly and I go about the set up, as we have a fairly good routine now, Polly has taken on more as we go, as we share the setup, we are happily going about trying to get it level, and I think just one more block, and will be good. Well not too good, today will have to take one out! LOL, just another learning.
After we get it all set, a beer is in hand, and try to cool down, Humidity is un real right now. Clouds are approaching, and temperature is 87 degrees. I take Bosco for a walk, and Polly takes the burgers out of the freezer, and cooled down in the trailer, sweaty and muggy now. On the walk about I meet a few people, one guy sitting up on his trailer deck, which I think is kinda cool. His name is Gerry, and he has a BMW 1600 bike parked in front so I comment Like your bike. and we talk about the guy we met in California, Keven who is making a trip around the world on his BMW, and we go on from there. Turns out he stays here 2 months a year as camp host/volunteer, and says will stop by tomorrow with some info for us. Nice.
First trees with coconuts so far in our journeys
Then I take a walk to the small marina they have here and hear a few people talking fishing, so I ask catch any. Yep was the woman's answer, and she shows me a small zip-lock bag with what she says is 5-6 fish fillets. Dam I think, not worth fishin for that. Will ask around, but no use trying to fish if none here.
I make my way back home after the campsite tour, and I think about getting in the truck and hitching up the trailer and removing the blocks and levelling the trailer, Polly says leave it till tomorrow. I do, and as we watch outside the clouds come in and wind starts and rain now, it just pours for about 1/2 an hour, and then sun again. Just love the way this happens here, now warm and wet, and soon it drys.
Polly and I have a nice dinner, Burgers and salad, nice.

Birds here are very well camouflaged 
I go for another jaunt, with camera, and no dog this time. I get a few nice shots, but sunset was clouded over at the end today, but I did get a chance to talk with a few people that have been here awhile, and weather has been good, just wind has stopped some from doing what they wanted re swimming, and floating around here.

I make my way back, and darkness is approaching, so I get out the chairs and Polly Bosco and I sit outside and watch the cars go by, and the stars come out till late, was the perfect end to an almost perfect day.

I always think to myself I don't want to complain here, but cars and trucks on the bridge here are many and loud as we sit close to the bridge, I would rethink this next time, will look around today, and see if there is quieter place here. I love the view, and will probably stay, but the sound of the vehicles going Bllump, Bllump, Blump over the expansion strips in the bridge is something I didn't expect.

Looking forward to these days here in the Florida Keys.

Monday 24 April 2017

Fort Myers for a couple days, will be back...

A short stay in Fort Meyers was just right for us at this time, as the next adventure ahead is our drive to Bahia Honda State Park.

Lucky us, someone cancelled their reservation and we picked up 5 days at Bahia Honda, which many say is the nicest park in the keys, we will see. I slept good last night, so will be easier drive. Our last drive was a little longer than usual, but we started earlier, so made it better as when we got to our destination, still time and energy to hit the pool and meet some of the locals having a dip.
One of the most lush lots here

Love the roots coming from this tree
Between Walmart and the RV Park,
hunting after the rains

Polly and I take Bosco go for a walk around the block after dinner, and was a nice time to check out our surroundings, Bosco got empty, and cast his trail around, and we got full as we looked around at some interesting places. Yes this is a tourist place we see as the mini golf experience is across the road from our RV Park, and a new Walmart next door, and many other RV pars around, this place is setting up for the tourist for sure.

Beach day yesterday, and taking the trolley wasn't what we started out to do, even though it had been recommended by the locals, I thought just go for a drive. As we headed out we saw the trolley, and yep, lets jump on that as I had scouted out the next to us trolley stop on a walk with Bosco, and there was a park and ride there, so on we get. The driver was friendly, and a passenger asked "First time here?" Yep we say in unison. He explained to us the place to get off, and get back on, also where to look around, and shop. so off we got, not really prepared for the beach, as we started off for a drive. Well the beach was beautiful, and the sun came out full tilt. Hot now as we strolled the beach looking for shells and checking out just so many people, and Music from each bar along the way was great. I can see why people come here in droves! The sand is the softest we have encountered so far, and the water is calm, so no problem for me with pockets full to walk in and not worry about the waves soaking me. Yep this is a beauty beach, and many people here, but not a full load we are told, a couple weeks ago, Spring Break crowds were here, and was nuts. Line ups everywhere, especially on the way over the bridge to get here. For us right now, was the best, like the sky opens up just for us.

Polly and I pose for the pic, Love Polly...

This looked like would be fun to swim to.
Early morning, soon to leave here
Our stash of collected shells
The Pier was a nice spot to spend a few hours

OMG ordered too much

After we had enough sun, we make our way to the DQ for a drink we think, not too inviting, so lets go to the restaurant on the beach that has the music, and sit under an umbrella and cool down. This was a good place to cool down, and have lunch. Pierside Grill and Famous Blowfish Bar had all we needed, shade, music, and a couple cold beers, although in plastic cups when you order draught. The food was fantastic, Polly ordered a Seafood Salad, and I hot wings, well this was more than we could eat, and we tried, but had to take some home. Was a nice place to chill in the heat, music was clam now, as changed bands to a single player, made for a nice experience. Was packed when we came in, and thinning out when we left.

We now head out to get the trolley, as we see the weather looks like may rain again, and we were cooked enough on the beach. We get to the trolley stop, and there is an older couple, (yes older than us) waiting for th trolley so we start talking with them. They are not waiting for the trolley, they are staying just down the road, I guess a shade stop. They fill us in on how busy it can be here, they were here through spring break, and was crazy they say, many people, and just too busy. We starts having a good conversation and along comes the trolley, and Bye we say as we move quickly to get this one as we missed the last one, we didn't move quick enough. And off we go again, with a new driver, a woman who was much friendlier than the guy before, she gave us some interesting facts about what was to happen with the trolleys in the next while, and how long the lineups get to get to the beach when busy, they line up on the road sometimes 1 hour long to get from our RV park to the beach, about a mile or two. Gee now we are thinking don't want to be here then. The driver says we are here at just the right time. I think so too.

We step off the trolley and get in the truck and drive next door for a load up at the Walmart, as we are going to be away from that kind of shopping for awhile in the Key's. Walmart is always an experience for me, I like to look around and see what the area is like by watching the people in the store. This one has many different people, and many different races of people. As we make our way through I remember a conversation we had with a woman not long ago, Polly remembers too. We were in Panama Beach City at our RV park in the pool, and we got on the subject about when things will change re race relations, and she said "I think the interracial marriages is what will make it change, as all people then have to get along with each other as they get to know each other better." I think of this every once in awhile, and I say to Polly I think that lady was right, like the saying "Walk a mile in my shoes" you never know what it is like till you are looking at the world through another persons eyes we say, but there experience and how they saw it is what we can't really know until we are close.
This Walmart has many people of many different backgrounds, when people holiday, they all are together in the pool, and that levels the field too, closer is better, then you really get to know each other.

Next stop home for an unpack, and an excited to see us dog. Bosco yips a few times to let us know he missed us, but I can see he just woke up, and will I think he will be wanting a pee after he calms down. Nice to have such a warm greeting when we get home. Unpack, and sit for awhile, snooze now. Wake and lets go for a swim? OK Polly says, beer and a swim is in order. Bosco looks as we leave once again, he is ok with it, well at least that's what he said to me... LOL

We get to the pool and there are a few others cooling down as the sun is out again, we get right in and the conversation starts right away. We realise after a short while we are talking with Canadians from New Brunswick so conversation is good, I always think we come down and across the USA and here we are with people from our own country, interesting. We learn much in a short while, and get an invite to the 1st Annual Rib Fest in Bathurst New Brunswick, now we have another planned stop on our docket. Love how we make this not a plan, into a plan.

We learn many things about where they live, what they like, and don't, Politics come up later, and we all have another laugh. We learn about Lobster, and a little more about the season, and why they fish them when. We also learn what time of the year is best, and where they come form at what time is best too. Education is interesting, I find a pool is as good as it gets to be educated in, I think some of my best learning is happening at the pool as we go right now. Will pay more attention to this as I go.

We make a plan, to attend, and get an e-mail contact, and off we go home, and they the same. They on holiday, 2 weeks away from the cold, and snow, we just on with our retired life. As we leave we all shake hands a introduce ourselves, funny how names are not important to talk with each other, the experiences is what we educate ourselves in. Getting to know each other, and where we are going and where we are from. I forget some of the names, but won't forget one, I shake a mans hand and say Brent, and he says the same... LOL we joke about it, I say I don't know if I can come back here, is this place big enough for 2 Brent's, he says yes a very nice place to stay, he lives here through the winters, and loves it. I get the info from another I will remember for life, his name id Carl Kenny, won't forget that I say, as two guys I worked with  just before I retired.

Life is good here in Fort Myers, Loving this place too!

Saturday 22 April 2017

Crystal River! What a beauty place.

Crystal River has much to see, many warm springs that attract the Manatees and more.

Crystal Isles RV was an excellent place for us to stay while in this area. Quiet during the week as we arrived on Wednesday, and leave today Saturday for Fort Meyers Beach area, will stay at Gulf Air RV for 2 days before we make our way through to the Keys.
We booked to swim with the Manatees before we got here for Thursday, nothing planned for Friday till I heard of the Mermaid show at Weeki Wachee State Park.
All planned up now, we spend the first day after setting up in the pool, meeting 3 other couples who just come for a visit as live close by. Was fun talking with them, and finding out there stories, and telling ours. The Pool was warmest since south Texas, was nice way to spend the afternoon, after a nice easy drive from Panacea.
The water way close to our trailer, leads to the gulf

Signs say it all by the trailers

View from our camp spot

Next day we want to look for a mask for Polly so she could enjoy the swim today without choking a bunch of water down. We went to the local dive shop and they had what we wanted, a full face mask as Polly had tried in Jamaica. Great, fit good bought it and away we went. The place we booked on line was further down the road about 40 mins, and we had enough time to make it there with some to spare. Got checked in, got a pocket plastic waterproof shield for the phone, so could get some video, and a few pics. Then about 20 of us watched a short film on how to behave around the manatees, and do's and don'ts as there are rules, and fines if you are caught disturbing them. Then fitted for suits, and off we go to the marina. Only 6 persons per boat we are told, so should be intimate swim I thought.
Hmm, well when we made our way up river we were told not many Manatees here right now as water was warmer in the gulf right now, and more food for them. Manatee Feeding

This is when the Captain asks me "Do you have Red Necks where you live?" LOL

People, Locals, just out for fun

How the head of the spring looked as we rounded the corner

No problem, we will find some our captain says. As we round the bend ahead we see many boats, and only a few Manatees were present, should be interesting I think. All others from our boat get in, as we fit Polly's mask, and zip up the light wet suit, and in the water Polly goes, the captain hands her a pool noodle to help hold her up. I Follow and I ask right away OK? Polly says good, and we start looking around as we are directed to where the Manatees are. Not to swim, not to splash, just float around and they will come is what we have been educated to do. Well with what seems like a drove of people we make our way away from the boat a bit, using our hands and arms, not to kick and surprisingly we get a good look at the manatees. There are 2 in our area, a Mom and baby, and they were sleeping at first, as we saw them just laying on the bottom, just going up for air then back again, was cool to see. Then they started to feed, and we got a good look at what they did 1/2 of the time, the other is sleeping. Here is a link to some interesting info on them

Fish that follow the Manatees around and feed on what they bring up from the bottom

Polly and I were wow-ed at the amount of people, and I was surprised at just how often we did see them as they moved among us eating and breathing. The baby went up for air about every minute, and the mother about every 4-5 mins it seemed like, they went about their business as no one was there, till they had had enough of people then they swam away. I didn't hear them crunching, or peeping till later in the video, sure sounds cool. All in all, Polly and I were happy with the experience. Polly's mask was a success, and she felt very comfortable. I got some usable video, and a few pictures. Success I say, even with at least 30 people in the water, we managed to stay out of the fray, as the Manatees kept on the move, and we stayed relatively still.

I can't get video here so please go to my Facebook to take a look at what I posted.

As most of what we are doing, there is no List, no Bucket, we are wandering to where we we would like to see, and as we go people say "You should see this" or " Make sure you go here, and do this"
So far this is working well, as we keep doing, and seeing things we never heard of before.

We were told about the Mermaid Swim, at Weeki Wachee State park by a guy at the pool Polly called Santa Clause... the first day we came here. Polly says to friends on the phone that night, Santa does winter in Florida, we saw him! Well we decided to fill in our Friday with a trip there to see this show, and we were surprised at how good a show it was. We got to the park as the show was about to start, and was standing room only in the 400 seat room, as school had a field day and along with many other visitors there was 3 busses of children here today. All good, had a good view, and saw the mermaids, and a few others make a show of the Little Mermaid, and the kids made it even more exciting as they Oooed and Ahhed. Was interesting as I did wonder how they would perform and get there air. Another off the list we don't have... LOL We went on a short boat ride down the springs river and had an explanation of the springs, and how the animals lived here, and that in the winter Manatees would come up tp the head of the springs, was a good informative little ride. Was a nice way to spend the day, but still much to see in this area.

Late in the afternoon we make our way past our campsite toward the gulf, as I had seen a beach at the end of the road, and wanted to check it out. Was a nice sandy beach at the very end of the road, and end of the land. Across from the beach we get a look at the Nuclear Plant that Santa told us of that he said was shut down, didn't look shut down, as was still pumping out steam. Will have to check into this.

After we check out the beach we go into town for one more item we needed, and take a look at the mall. Only one big store there, all others closed, was a sign as Santa said since plant closed, the town is not doing too good, much closed, as we saw.

Been a good time here in Crystal River, will pass by again I'm sure, and next time stay a little longer.

Off to Fort Meyers, and will take a walk on a beach a friend told us about.
Love life here in Florida...