Friday 29 January 2021

Covid Capture thinking.

Every morning I wake early, sometimes too early. I start thinking 🤔 right away, sometimes my thoughts are tied to what I was thinking in a dream but not always. Today I woke thinking of a deal I had made with someone to tow their trailer to their new to them home when they were ready for it. 
Yesterday the guy called a tow truck and moved the trailer. 
That solved the problem, but I felt kinda bad as I had agreed to move it for him when he called and was ready. He did call the neighbor, and he came and asked me, I said I would when was dry, not muddy. 
He didn't seem to be upset, so I now have to let it go. 
Funny looking at this now, not a problem of mine, yet I feel, or felt bad about it. 

Onward to my day today. Pee and wash my face, take my one look at myself in the mirror, say to myself "I have to loose some of this beef" 

My daily ritual lately is to prepare the coffee ☕ pot for the next days coffee so in the morning I just push the button. Then turn up the furnace, adjust the oil/electric heater so it helps heat our living room, put the dishes away that dried in the rack, give Bosco a fresh bowl of water, unplug my phone from the charger and off to my chair for some "What the hecks going on" 

Notifications are my first go to, go through them and deal with whatever comes. Then FB and news articles, carefully trying to find out who, where and why it is written. 

I used to read and just accept what's there as the true goods, now more than ever I want to know why this is presented here in the news. Ulterior motives. Distrust. BS.

Too much disinformation put out, that to just eat up what I'm fed is stupid. So I read an article today on our new and old situation, China and it's agression in the South China Sea. 

 "These three Pacific military flashpoints could shape Biden's China strategy"  is the heading.

At the end of the article; 
The Chinese Communist Party marks its 100th anniversary this year, and it will be expected to deliver on domestic policy goals -- so foreign policy confrontations could divert attention and resources, said Timothy Heath, senior defense researcher at the RAND Corp think tank in Virginia.

"This provides a strong incentive for China to avoid provocative actions or instigating conflict along its periphery."

© 2021 Cable News Network. A Warner Media Company. All Rights Reserved.

It's one article after another till finished, and the final outcome, after all the Scary stuff they reported on is, likely nothing will escalate as is the Communist party's 100th anniversary, and would take to much $ away from the party! Lol 😆 I'm shaking my head after that read. 

But in the read I see "Rand Corp" quoted, so off into this worm hole, to find out what this outfit is. Who knew, I didn't till now, was established after WW2. 

And read I see this, 

Informal discussions with representatives of the Ford Foundation led to an agreement in July 1948 for an interest-free loan from the foundation and its guarantee of a private bank loan to RAND. A total of $1 million was secured for operating the new corporation.

On November 1, 1948, the Project RAND contract was formally transferred from the Douglas Aircraft Company to the RAND Corporation.

I think, Wow connection to Ford Foundation.

Hmm Think Tank 🤔  Coffee ☕, I need another cup of coffee. 

Gee, Joy said she enjoys my blog, let's write about my thoughts 😁😆

I hear the rain has started now, I turn on the outside lights, look for snow. Awnings are out, always concerned about snow and wind with awnings out. No snow 😉, good.

January 29th, WOW that month went by fast. Going to miss this months calendar pictures as was a beautiful time with some wonderful people last year. 

I started making a calendar a few years ago, Memere was having a tough time remembering birthday's, so I took on a calendar with pictures from our past year, and all our birthdays posted. I still like to make this up, is fun and helps connect our family. 

7:01, time to quit pecking on the phone, and get to some more reading 🤣🤣

Funny how your mind works hey. 

I'm content here at Arrowvale Campground with my thoughts, although being in Yuma or Mexico on the beach 🏖️ would be nice. 

Loving our Life ❤️🤗 

Polly & Bosco 💤😴 ❤️

Saturday 16 January 2021

I killed my tablesaw

Looking kinda inocent in the photo, this table saw has been through so much. I have not been easy on this old saw, it has been good to me. Loads of power for a small saw, light to move around, and cuts most anything I can put through it until I gave it it's final push, and crash it jammed tight, breaker kicked, and that was it. It still turned when I set the breaker and tried again, but the growling noise let me know I was done with this saw. 
Luckly I had another saw standing by I had just got from a friend that would do for now. 
Upon setting it up I realized that it was not much better. After a little mucking around, and the end of my day came, I came in and Polly said " Why don't you just buy a new one?" 
Lol 😂 now that is the question I was asking myself even as I was puttering trying to make one good saw out of the two I had. Still I laugh to myself as I write this, why? Why do I try to repair rather than just buy new? 

That question is something I often ask myself internally as I bugger around with whatever is broken. Cost? Just like this one? Don't want to throw it away? I can repair this? So many reasons I give myself, but this time I'm giving in.

 Saw be gone! Poof 💭

And Voila a new saw appears 
 I have ordered one from Home Depot, a Ridgid table model, no stand, when I get it I'm going to build a shelf at the end of my bench, and attach it so when I use it I will have the bench for the outfeed, that has always been a problem with the table saw in the past. Dangerous to continue dealing with wood coming out the other side of the saw and trying to hold onto it over the running saw blade. 

Once I made the decision to buy, and started searching online for what I wanted, then watched a few reviews on YouTube I started getting articles on my news feed about tablesaws. I read a few, then one caught my eyes full. 👀 

It was about tablesaw safety. I read it through and realized I have been lucky to get away with my fingers doin what I have been with that little powerful saw. 
Never to late to change I say, and that's what I'm doing. New saw, new operation, same operator 😄 

I have now read 3 best practices articles, learning what I knew before, but ignored. One thing that really hit me was an article that started with 4700 accident's where appendages, fingers plus more, are removed by tablesaws every year. Article written likely about USA stats, but still it hit me hard. I do not want, can not loose, will not loose any appendages. 
So now with a new saw coming, and a new plan for where it goes, as well as new operation I'm really looking forward to my projects 😊 a little differently. 

Thinking 🤔 I will have to move the bench a little, as the way the saw mounts will be better at the left side of the bench, and that would put me outside the workshop, so wanted to finish the bench off anyway, this gives me reason to change it up. 

I laugh again, work shop, 10'x10' tent alongside our trailer lol, well it's working,

and I'm getting some things built, as well having fun. Just wanna make sure I don't hurt myself in the process. Planning ahead will make sure that doesn't happen. 

I do remember a man that was a maintenance head supervisor that just as he was aproching retirement he buzzed off 3 fingers. I thought, how the heck could he do that? Well easily I think now, not me, I'm no going to take the chance. 

That's my thoughts today, as the rooster 🐓 crow's this morning here at Arrowvale 😊 going to be a beautiful day hey 😁🤗

Loving this Life ❤️ with all my fingers 😊

Wednesday 13 January 2021


I remember a friend describing to me how he felt when he got his first boat, launched it and his description has stuck with me. He said he felt free, he could go anywhere he wanted, water ways were open, and nobody around, "I can just go where ever I want!" 

This stuck with me because I think many of us like this idea, Freedom. 

Today we are all feeling that locked down feeling, but if you look around there are still Many many freedoms we have. Freedom to make a good cup of coffee ☕ in the morning, I really like that. Freedoms to watch most any Chanel on so many different network's. Freedom to walk most anytime, anywhere you want. And freedom to go fishing almost anytime, any where. Now that's one I have yet to use this last few years. 

I fished alot my first 50 or so years, so since retirement I have only dipped a rod a few times, even though I've had the rods in the trailer all the time. 
My point is that we have many freedoms available, but often concetrate on what we can't do. Funny how we think hey, just can't do this, can't do that. Lol 😂 Yes I'm laughing, as it is kinda funny how we yern for what we see as restrictions, yet what we can do we disregard. 

I do take advantage of what I can do, and woodworking has been a fun time for me. 

Walking is also a great way to enjoy the day. Pictures also a driver for me, I find myself thinking as I talk with a friend sometimes of what a beautiful picture that would be, not really like that, more like hmm, I like that view, shot, glimpse, feeling. That's it, the shot I want is attached to a feeling about what that beautiful sight gives me. 

Now I have attached a feeling to it, I want to capture it in a photo to show others, or just to look at it myself. If you 🤔 think of what looks interesting, beautiful, it is attached to your feelings, what makes you go Ahh!

Hmm, 😀 I guess that's why they call these emojis hey, they represent a feeling we want to attach to, or in place of word's. 
I use these often, and like them. I'm 🤔 because I am a very emotional person. 

Now to the just of today. I read a obituary that was about a friend's best friend that died. I got about 3 lines into it, and was teared up, so a wipe of the eyes, and a few more lines, and again I'ma blubbering. I did finish the obit, and got to know the man a little in what was written. Sounded like a person I would like. 
Made me start thinking I really don't want to be around to see my friends go, but on the other hand I don't really want to go first! 😳😀😂

So now what? Well I start my day now, Polly gets up and we sit freely, having our coffee ☕ together side be side, at 5am. 
What's your mission today I ask? Polly says"Cinnamon buns, we are going to drop some off today" I love Polly! 🤗♥️

Me on the other hand, I'm going to make a few small projects for a couple grandchildren today. Something I think they will like. 

           Wall mount fishing rod holders

Life is good if you just keep looking at what you can do, not at what you can't 😀

Loving Life here at Arrowvale Campground