Tuesday 2 June 2020

What's next? Where are you going next?

    Mmm another great dinner last night

Questions we get asked as we approach summer are the same questions we are thinking ourselves. 

We always have a plan for where and what's next, never really sure as we go forward until we research, make a reservation, or just make sure there's a place for us.

Having all the limitations now makes planing like driving with the brakes on before you move.

Alaska was our first plan earlier this year, now with "Corona Control" we have thrown that plan out. Next is a BC trip, see some of our own province during this pandemic, would be nice. Listening to the talk now our government is telling us to stay close to home. Still not sure, may travel here on our island? 

The part that holds us back is we have a very comfortable place here now. We have put down the plastic carpets, set up our tent beside the trailer, stretched out our awnings, attached sunscreens, planted our garden and just got real comfortable here at Arrowvale. 

Now we can plan all we want, but we wait and see what comes down the pipe as people, summer, government & Corona move forward πŸ‘£πŸΎπŸ‘£πŸΎπŸ‘£

Yesterday June 1st I noticed trailers being towed as Polly & I went to town for our first haircuts in 4 months.
Was nice to see people are getting out now parks are open to camping, and restaurants are going to seat people, surgeries going ahead now. Life is getting back to normal it seems. Well as normal as the controllers will let us behave in what is a new & different way. 

So moving forward we will do so with control, our own, and controls beyond our control 😁🀣🀣. Looks funny when I read it back, but that's it, "Control" is the new normal.
Not what we are used to. 
Or are we? 

How often do we break rules? 
Are we sheep? 
Do we always do as we are told? 
Hmm, I think! Now that's a new idea, thinking for ourselvesπŸ€”πŸ˜³. 
Is that against the rules? 

Gee are we allowed to think for ourselves?
There are rules against this I'm sure, just look around. We have been told what to do for a long time, so much so that looking back the last few months I see we are mostly all well trained to do as we are told. Do not think about it, don't question the athorities. They know best. Just do as your told and all will be good. 

Well I'm thinking (I know I'm not allowed to think) that we will take our holiday as planned through BC and just see how it goes. Camping is open, it is our province, will explore our own back yard this year. 

Hey, did I make a decision? Am I allowed to? πŸ€” Will I get into trouble? Will I get a ticket? 

The new normal is "Don't think" just do as your told. 

I'm shaking my head right now πŸ€ͺπŸ™„πŸ€«πŸ€

Life is still good, love our life!