Wednesday 29 November 2023

That Christmas tug!

          Suset last night was beautiful 

I start feeling the "Christmas Tug" I call it at a different time every year. This year it's starting before December starts, I know not why, or when. I just feel it, and there it is. I didn't even realize it till I was talking with a friend and it came to me, I was feeling it. Talking with my daughter this morning, I'm thinking might be part of it too. Maybe all the photos of people putting up their trees, or the decorations, and plans. Just happens.

I'm thinking we'll get busy and soon the day will come and that'll be it, over. But till then plans are to go to LA for a few days and visit friends there, and on return here, will have Christmas dinner with friends here, friends from cards that we've known for awhile. Will be nice I'm sure. 

Looked at the weather north, foggy all week it's been in Port, I really don't miss that, worked in that lots. Will be nice to jump in the pool on Christmas morning, I love to do that, just because I can, don't want to miss a chance to enjoy a nice warm pool on Christmas day, then the hot tub to top it offπŸ‘πŸŽ„

That's become my new Christmas since retirement, pool always my favorite part of this winter escape. Sun also, is so nice to have more sun. I don't really want to sit in it all the time, not a sun hog, just a little here and there, but nice to know it likely always there when I want to enjoy it. 

Still the tug happens, I just acknowledge it, know it happens, and go on. Sometimes I just think too much, lol πŸ˜‚ 

Today we plan to go shopping, I have a parcel to send, and a few things we want at the store, as well as groceries, gotta eat. There is a band at the pool at 4, might have to check it out today. We had a howling at the moon celebration to go to last night, but neither of us really into it, so we stayed put. 

We watched a good movie last night, "The last Laugh" with Chevy chase & Richard Dreyfess, was funny and true about the last of our lives, I couldn't imagine going into an old folks home, neither did they want to. Made us think alright. 

Sometimes I think we're running away from getting old, but mostly I think we are running, we'll walking towards the stuff we want to do, see, feel, enjoy in our life. No matter how you do it your always somewhere missing something, or someone. Can't be everywhere, or with em all. So here we are this year, and next who knows, that is how we roll as the saying goes. 

Time waits for no one, so "do it" as Nike likes to think they invented, just go forth and do what you can with what you have. 

I often say Giver, giver all ya got! Is that a motto? Who knows, I just think in life we should be doing what we love, and love what we're doing. 

How's that for a buncha words. 

7:35, Pollys still sleeping 😴, I'm going to go for a walkabout now, can't sit and peck here too long, Oops I feel the trailer moving, she's up now. We'll I'll wait a bit, have a little chin wag with Polly before I go. We know what the others doing most the time, 7:38 Polly says, coffee ☕ now, into the microwave, then we'll talk. 

OK, talk over, out now met new neighbors, and their dog Frankie, a beautiful black and white with a tiny bita brown Boarder Collie, going to really like this I am. 

Life is good, walk time, love our life πŸ€—❤️

Sunday 26 November 2023

Does it matter if we know where we are from?

Pollys very happy with the lights she created 

A friend we met a few years ago posted of a time him and his wife celebrated her birthday in a Lowcountry, Gulla area of South Carolina where research was done that connects the people there to their African roots, to where their family originated. The documentary "The language you cry in" is on YouTube,  it tells the story of how this was discovered, and what it means to to the people now. 

I wonder if this is important to us as we move forward in life? Do we need to know our roots, our history to make it in life? In the video the people are connected by a song that was taught to them by the older generation,  handed down. Was interesting to watch, but do we need to know our roots?

I know some of my family history, some of our towns history,  some of our countries history,  and some if where my roots were from. The history of our society is written,  but actual history of my family,  I do not know.  The question I wonder is do I need this information? I think not. πŸ€”  moving forward in life takes much knowledge, and training from you parents, & other family members,  also friends and their families,  and all they have been taught that helps you form into the person you are, along with all the lessons you learn as you travel through your life. 

I believe the part that is most important is your decisions as you grow, the person you become has most to do with the "being" you decide to become comes from your experiences and your decisions that you choose as you grow. 

I always have questioned how in a family we all develop different, some similarities, but we all become our own person. 

The choices we make as we travel through this life is what determines our person, not the outside parts. Sure the place geography makes a big difference in what our view of choices are, education also makes a huge difference, as we learn we choose what we believe, what we let into our brain as truth is most important.  

"Garbage in - garbage out!"  I've heard this many times.  As I write my thoughts grow clearer, and more certain. 

We are now, here in our society able to access so much information at the tap of a phones face that it's almost unbelievable, and some of what's available is truly not information,  it's disinformation. This is where the person comes into play, you have to choose what to believe, and what to discard. How you make these choices is developed when you're very young, they are the very beginning of the you that you developed from your choices as you developed as a person.  

Do I need, or is it beneficial, will it change my course, to know that I have Irish, or French, or English, or whatever in my blood, my past where I'm from? I don't think so, and that's my choice, another choice that makes me, me. 

I went to a Browning reunion once, a family member in Armstrong, BC Jessie I think was his name brought us all together for this. I can't remember all the people that attended,  but I do know Paulette & my sister Joy came, and we met many Browning people, all somehow related. It was a nice gathering, I don't think it changed me, we never had another reunion. Jesse made a statement, it's up to you now to have another, and nobody jumped up to volunteer. 

When Polly and I got together, her family ties are quite strong, so we my children and I became a part of her family. Pollys extended family not all as strong, but still some very strong connection. I enjoyed this time getting to know others, also the fun stories from past.

Family connections are up to you, not all family gets together. Polly and I have visited some of her extended family, some are very good friends. We have also visited some of my extended family, but not as much. 

I think we need to be connected to each other, know our family, and have support of family is really important, also support from friendships, all is important, the final decision in any person though is up to the person.

Make your own bed and lay in it! Is a saying that often is said when people have made a poor decision, like you get what u deserve.

Yet, I made my own bed, and I have to lie in it is good if you're making good decisions. 

This saying we have all heard, I believe we make our decision very young, from there we decide the person we'll be. My life is up to me, and I believe yours is up to you. 

Can we change midway ? Of course we can change somethings but the person we decide to be young, the basic beliefs are "in my opinion" cemented into our being. 

As Popeye said many times as I watched him "I yam what I yam and that's all what I yam" 

I'm OK with the me I Yam, I'm happy with my life, can't beat that. 

Polly and I went to the Kareoke here last night, we were invited by Duane , a friend from poker. We weren't all excited about it, but said we'd go. We were both pleasantly surprised, was some really good singers, we had a fun time there, Polly really enjoyed it. As we walked home we talked about the night saying how much fun it was. 

Life goes on, I love our life ❤️πŸ€—

Wednesday 22 November 2023

Feeling like a slouch, comparing to others.

I woke this morning 6:30am, best sleep in a long time. Washed my face, took a look at my face in the mirror, hmm haircut looks good I think.

Into the kitchen made coffee, put the clean, dry dishes away. Now on the phone looking at what today brings.

I notice outside the beautiful pink clouds filled the sky, so after pouring a coffee I slip outside to take a photo. After I gauked in awe of the beauty a man walks by, I remember him, he introduced himself and his wife a couple days ago, George & Julia from Parksville, in a Reflection just down the road here.

George seemed to be on a mission, walking but he did stop for a bit, we talked about people that are here from the island, he mentioned a couple that pulled in yesterday, I said Ivo & Patti Solda, yes that's them. Then he told me he gets up early, 6am to the gym, then a walk about, and another at 7am. I talked about the dinner tomorrow for Thanksgiving. Then off he went in his walk. 

I thought he's probably going to pickle ball later. That meeting gave me the slouch feeling, like I just don't do enough, I'm not as full of energy as many here. George seems so motivated, I am happy to sit here and look at the phone, and watch the sun come up while I drink my coffee this morning like most every morning, just today it's light out while I sip away. 

Am I a slouch πŸ™, I don't think so, I have times where I giver still, but mostly I'm more sedintary than I used to be, and I think that's OK. I don't have a thing to prove to myself, or to others, now or ever. I did feel slouch after George told me his routine, then I thought about it, and I'm happy with how I am, so can't beat that. 

I like to take photos, I love talking with people, I think way too much, I love writing, if I think of all I do I'm no slouch, I just have different interests. We have played poker here most day's, both Polly and I love it. We don't play alot when north, but here games are many, so we enjoy it and the people while we can. 

Today is trailer wash and wax, I'm sure will be a good day for it, the winds almost quit, and the crew of 3 people will do a really good job. Then Polly has lights she wants to hang, and decorations that will be placed. I'm not as much into it, but Polly is. Will be nice to see it all the decorations lit up after Thanksgiving here, this park really does it up, one guy leads the group, he's really into it 

Another sip of coffee, another bit of writing, gee I'm so darn happy right now. 

Life is good I love our life πŸ€—❤️

Sunday 19 November 2023

Poof that's how the week went.

    Morning exercise class 

"Time flys" is a saying we've all heard, or said. This week it really did. Started out the end of a cold I had Monday, so I stayed home from poker that day, didn't do to much, slept a little more. Then the week just flew by, poker every day at noon, Wednesday went to poker in the morning and evening. The pool attracted me a couple times, the hot tub too. A few times we just stayed in, as the day was busy. 

Dinner out at our friends Don & Constance's home Thursday, was Mmm good, cards after dinner was fun, Don always making us laugh.

Don showed me how he cooked the ribs Mmm good 

     Beef short ribs were for our dinner 

We like the slow starts to our mornings, not getting going till 10 or so is something we are getting used to, I'm still fighting with the sleep, but I did have a couple nights I slept till it was light out. Today I'm up early, but I expected it, I had a nap yesterday.

Friday was the welcome back dinner & dance at the resort, was a fun evening, we sat with people we never met before, was a really fun evening. Joking and getting to know the group, they were all known to each other, didn't take long to get acquainted though. 10 at the table, 7 of us Canadian, 3 from USA

    Alice in wonderland was the theme 
    I took a picture of the managers too

We had a good dinner and 1 dance, then we left early, my back was not liking the chairs that were at the dining table. 

There was a ball game on between Fortuna and our resort, we had planned to go, but decided against it at the last moment as wanted to put up our new tent, & Polly had laundry she wanted done.

I ordered the tent we decided on, one just like our friends. It came a couple days ago, but we had a few days of rains so didn't get to putting it up till today.

     Foggy the day after the rain

We are both happy with this, our "Arizona Room" as Polly calls it, it's nice to have a little protection when sitting outside, from sun and wind. Putting it up was good thanks to our friends experience, we knew to watch the video first. The instructions sent with the tent was very basic, but did help with the setup.

In the late afternoon, 4pm I finished nailing the tent down , and tieing it to stakes, then put the carpet floor in, and chairs and a table, got a beer for Polly & I so we could try it out. We called our friends in Courtenay, had a visit on the phone. Told them we wished they were here, so did they. Was fun talking with them, even if we couldn't have em over for a drink and dinner. 

That is one thing about traveling, you can't bring everyone with you, but we make friends where ever we go too. 

We sat outside talking till the guy from Spectrum, our internet provider showed up, we had some trouble with it not connecting. He came out late and did a really good fix up, now good internet, and he rerouted the equipment so it's in the basement now, so out of our way, not inside the living room. The service guy was very good, he stayed till after dark fixing the problem, a bad connection fitting, and a new box, all good now.

As he worked we talked, I related Christopher's accident to him, as he asked me about my children, he has two, and two grandchildren. We talked about the way we were brought up, and how people are different now, he is 40 as was Chris. He said when he was a kid if he got in trouble, he had to hold books out arms length, at the same time kneel on bottle caps edge up to teach him to behave. He said he learned respect, respect his elders, and respect the police.

He tells his boys, don't argue with the police, you won't win he says to them, just say yes, and take the ticket. His boys like to push the limit, as we often did when young, he says he tells them don't, you must just walk away. He said to me he couldn't imagine my pain in loosing my son. 

I said tell your boys this, because if Chris had walked away, he'd still be here, so walk away from the BS, just walk away.

Hay-Zuse is his name, he is a good guy to stay so late, I told him I really appreciate it. 

I signed for the new equipment he installed , we said our goodbyes. Polly had stayed in the tent the whole time we were working on the internet equipment. We had planned to go for dinner, but it was leftovers instead, we were both OK with this. Dinner in was great tonight, we had music at dinner, music video's, the Rolling Stones & Lady GaGa, was a nice way to end our day. 

We started to watched a short series I had seen advertised, "The Railway Men", we didn't finish, but was a very interesting show about what happened when a factory leaked a deadly gas into the air that killed thousands of people. December 2-3, 1984. A huge disaster, thousands killed. Still to this day people suffer there. 

Now it's Sunday morning again, Poof the weeks done, and another begins. 

We're not moving fast, but enjoying the moments, retired life is good. 

Love our life πŸ€—❤️

Sunday 12 November 2023

Sunday at Sundance

 Today I'm remembering my past, reflecting!

This is our 2nd Sunday here at Sundance. I have a cold, caught it Friday, the night was crappy, lotsa hack hack, and running nose, we have all had it sometime in our lives. Yesterday I stayed home, except for a trip to the hall here to honor the people that fought during many wars. I stayed in the back of the hall, away from people and watched as the ceremony proceeded, was very good. Honoring the Canadian and American soldiers, I was humbled again. 

I wouldn't say I walked home a changed man, I just felt good that I went, was good for my soul to hear what was said. I'm very fortunate to have never had to go to war. I was in the militia one summer at 15, a summer income was what I was looking for, and pay was ok, if I didn't gamble it all away as some did. I learned how to call a rifle a rifle, not a gun, how to dig a trench, and stay in it all night, I learned to keep my head down. I also learned how loud a sergeant could yell if you didn't iron your uniform, or polish your boots to a bright shine. 

I learned alot that summer, a friends father drove us to Naniamo each weekend, as we lived in Port Alberni, and we were based in Naniamo. He was a good man, he gave the 3 of us, his son Keith, my friend Don, and I a ride home and back each weekend, without fail. We learned how to shoot a rifle, an FN it was called. Also a submachine gun, how to take them apart, and put-em back together in record time. Was interesting, how much there was to learn. 

We had our hair cut short, we learned to respect rank, even if we didn't like orders, we learned to follow them. I learned a lot that summer. I learned to drink alcohol, I should have learned I wasn't good at it, but I continue, mind you a little less, so maybe I've learned that now. I learned how to March, and parade in an organized fashion, "Present Harms" the seargent would said so many times we just became repetitive at it. 

I'll never forget that summer, and the many different people that we all got to meet and know at a very close level. I remember this guy that got to be my partner in the trench, his nick name was "Mouse", he was huge, and could dig like a machine, he said "I'll dig the trench, I like it" so I backed of and let him go at it. I learned if someone wants to giver, let them, was good for me, and him. We stayed in the trench, ready for the battles that were staged. A fake bomb came very close to going into our trench, and when it went off we ducked, but the sound of the explosion stays in my mind. Was so loud we couldn't hear for awhile, that taught me to be very cautious while in battle. 

Yep I did a stint in the military, but never became a soldier for real, but I do have an understanding. I understand enough to know that I'm happy I just have a cold, not missing body parts, or worse. 

Today I'll walk about freely, in a country that has been in many wars, also a country that has evolved with freedom and basic personal rights that many countries still do not have. I have no fear of being hurt as I walk about. 
Yes I'm in an RV park, but I feel the same walking about in downtown Yuma, or in our home town Port Alberni. 

As I write this I'm watching Polly building a bell for Christmas, she came up with an idea, and away she goes. I have no desire in building decorations, but Polly has the drive to decorate this year, I'm sure the trailer and our site will look great. I may have to do something to help, but so far it's limited to get the glue gun, and how does this look. That's the easy part. 

I love our life, free do do as we please πŸ€—❤️

Friday 10 November 2023

Remembrance day or Vetrans day tomorrow

I have no fancy words for this day, as mostly I just remember this day as a solom day remembering the men and women that gave it all for what we have today. I started to watch a movie yesterday called "Oppenheimer", I had never really thought of how or who made this bomb, but I had seen the movie and read the  book "Hiroshima" years ago. I can still see some of the image's in my mind of what happened afterwards, how people died, and or were disfigured. 

I would think nobody likes war, but going  forward I see we still haven't learned. On this day I know I'm fortunate to have never had to go to war myself. 

On this day I take the time to attend services to remember & honor those who fought for our freedoms we all enjoy now. 

For some it's a day off with pay, a long weekend. Being retired now everyday is a day off, but I do remember when, in our logging camp we worked on this day. Then one day the men and women in our union insisted as a group to have the day off not as just another long weekend, but to have the 11th day of the 11th month off so we could reflect, and attend services at the 11th hour.

I was glad when that change came, as before we often would just take a couple minutes at 11oclock as we worked to remember,  and take a long weekend.  

As I write this I'm not sure where I'll go yet, I haven't asked around here yet, but I'm sure I'll find a legion. I looked it up just now, the American Legion Post 19 on Virginia Drive and 26th Street where there will be an 11th-hour remembrance ceremony. There is a parade with this legion at the end. This it where I'll go this year for veterans day here in yuma, Arizona, USA.  

I can remember when I was younger bringing my children to the service's that were held in our home town of Port Alberni at ADSS auditorium,  as mostly it rained on this day so better inside. 

I just went to get my second cup of coffee,  and remembered that today is the anniversary of my son's death. When I started this I didn't think of this. Boy that kinda took the wind outta my sails! I feel like swearing here, but I'll keep it clean. 

Chris lived a good life, his end wasn't what anyone of us desired, but here we are. So today with no fanfare I'll remember him, as I do most everyday, and tomorrow I'll take the time to remember our vets and those that are not with us. 

Today I'll go about my life, doing as I had planned,  volunteering as a monitor at the woodworking shop here, and learning just a little more about the shop, and the other's that I'll meet there. Then later we will go to the poker game at Fortuno de Oro next to our rv park and play the game Polly and I both really like, with so many others that also love the game. 

In the evening we have signed up for the dinner and a movie at our park, Sundance. Will be a first for us this year, and many more to come. 

And that's how life goes, you just live on past the memories, "lest we forget" is something I remember at this time of the year now has a double meaning for me. 

Some memories you want to put away and not look at or think of them, but I believe it's good to have a look at leat once a year at what's past, the memories that are hard, will fade I'm sure, but still is good to remember. 

I now go on with the memories of our grandson and all he will do and be, that's the future. I saw Colton the other day, I was busy playing poker and Polly was talking with him and Ciara, even for a short time, we visit on the phone now, but he remembers us. He calls us Memere and Pepere, Polly really liked that he said her name so good. 

Yep that's the future,  Remember the past, Live in the present, & Plan for the future.  

That's life, I love ❤️ our life ❤️ 

Thursday 2 November 2023

Yuma here we come!

       My last morning walk to the Riverside 

We had a great start to our trip from Laughlin, all went well, Polly tells me left up ahead, GPS says left here, Polly always looks ahead, GPS can't see. 

The day started out great, we had stayed up late, so I got to sleep in for a change, for me 7:00am is definitely a sleep in. Coffee ☕ made, Polly gets up about 7:30, then we get a call from our cousin Rene, asking about the house we sold him in Port Alberni, just some regulations, and then we got to see his daughter Avya for a short time before school rush was on. Was nice to get this call. 

Now I get ready as we are leaving today, but I have one last poker game to attend. A kiss goodbye for Polly, a wish for good luck, and off I go. I felt refreshed, 2 coffee ☕☕, no food. Still I felt happy to be going for one last game, even if I had been slowly going down on funds since we came to Laughlin. Polly had found my lucky 50¢ piece in the drawer last night when she was searching for something, so I had this in my pocket, but didn't really think it would change my luck, but it came with me just in case. 

I saw this when I walked into the casino the morning before I forgot it was Halloween πŸŽƒ

The walk over to the casino was warm, wind had settled down now, so travel today would be great, I felt light, kinda like walking on air a little, was nice to feel so great, optimistic. Hi to everyone as I went, "good morning"  was exactly what it was. 

Entering the poker room I knew most the faces at the breakfast poker table, was really nice to see them, and be welcome. The dealer Tim, was always pretending to be grouchy, but was really a nice guy. As I write now I can see the people in my mind, was a fun morning. Well especially as I started winning. Looking back I don't know if I started winning when I remembered my 50¢ piece, or before I put it up on the table, but I did put it up, and covered my cards with it. Then as the morning game went I was seeing the chips being drawn to me. 

I don't remember all the pots, but I do remember one, I had AK, off suit, I raised $6, Mike, the biggest better decided to raise to $12, as it went to other's that had $6 in, they called, was going to be a big pot! The flop came, nothing big, and no pairs. I checked, and then the biggest bet, the guy at the far end bet 10, comes to Mike's bet, $22, well now to me, I have some extra chips now, so I decided I'm going all the way this time, I called, turn card, not to big, another $10 bet from Mike's corner, I call, now just Mike me and another guy, then the river card comes, Mike again $10, I call, the other Guy drops out. I call, we show, Mike has no pairs, neither did I, but I had AK, so got the win.

Mike was shocked, he was surprised I stayed in. I just used his saying "I played the player" Mike always a big better, I believed he couldn't be always getting the cards, but never had the chips to call the big bets. Mike was really lucky, but this day was mine. I got high hand for the morning as well as walking away with $295. We got to see Mike pull out $20 and buy more chips too. Was a sweet morning, I said good bye to them all as I headed home. Was a great start to our day.

Polly was surprised when I got home and showed her my winnings, was a really good day. I started to pack up right away, no desire for food yet, put this away, put that away, check the roof just in case anything had gotten blown onto it with the wind. All got ready very quickly, and soon we were off. 

Looking back now all went well, Polly and I both commented how good the packup went, I even took the time for a shower before we left, and said goodbye to the neighbors. The road towards Needles was good, then to Parker, we stopped, Polly made a sandwich for me, I got a coffee from the gas station, fueled up, ate and off we went again, all was good. 

(When I started writing here I thought I didn't have any food, but I did eat. I thought maybe I got "Hangry" πŸ˜†)

Anyway not to far along the road from Parker this car passes then slows, it keeps slowing then going, like the person was busy doing something else, I was not to concerned at first, then the swerve here swerve there, slow fast , geeze! I started feeling perturbed, what the hell, pass then slow down.

 I started to be the pissy driver, Polly always the, "just take it easy" coach. This went on, me behind them, and a huge semi behind me, then another car, and another truck, was kinda silly to be honest. Anyway we got to an intersection, with a green arrow, a 90° turn for us to go at the intersection, and the person now almost stops in front, I'm going Holly crap, "Goooo ya dummy" Polly coach, "just take it easy"  πŸ˜€

Well after the turn, I see a passing lane ahead, I'm thinking what now, I'm going to pass this idiot. Well now the person stays in the laft lane blocking me! Now I'm pissed, Polly still "take it easy". I get my foot on the pedal thinking I'm going to pass on the right, well now the person gives it gas, and the more I give it the more they do, not wanting me to pass. 120km, still holding me back from passing, I have to slow, the lane is running out, I can believe it, but here it is, "complete idiot", I say to Polly, "just wants clear road ahead of them I believe". Of course here I had a few f words, and a few others, Polly, still  "just let it go" Hmmm mm. LoL, I laugh now, but I was really pissed. 

Well if nothing else the person picked up their speed, and as time went I got less pissed, Polly coached me down a little, LoL. Then cars started to bunch up as we got closer to Quartzite, so we all bunched up anyway. 

Once into Quartzite, there is two lanes, and a couple cars between us and the idiot, so I'm calmer now, I stay to the right lane, idiot in the left, then same thing, wouldn't move, so someone starts passing, and the idiot trys changing lanes when they are coming up beside them, holly crap, almost an accident right in front of us, Polly now, "Holly crap, they almost hit that car!" Yes I say, "that was the idiot!" 

Now the big semi's that have been held back pass me, and after them no traffic, I pull behind them and pass the idiot, Polly looks, says it's a girl! I didn't want to say that before, but I thought, I wonder, guy of girl. 

It really doesn't matter, idiot is idiot! I just thought I had learned to stay away from them, this time another example for me to just leave them to crash into someone else, or create a crash. Just don't what to be near them. 

Lesson learned, Polly is Right πŸ‘, just take it easy! Let it go!  Let them go. 

The idiot turned off in Quartzite, we continued on, good speed, and no more idiots, well at least I didn't get close to any 😁

On our way close to Yuma we were talking about a friend and her kids, thinking about who would marry first, then after a bit I thought, let's call her, so I hit the Mike on my phone on the dash and said call Linda, and after the idiot phone got the message correct, we got to talk with Linda for about 1/2 hour before we got to Yuma. Was a good time to call, and was a really good conversation. No agreement on which child will marry first though πŸ˜†

We pulled up to Sundance RV Park, checked in very easily, then Todd in his cart guided us to the site we picked last April, helped guide me in with Polly helping too, we got all set-up. Met the neighbor, and others that were visiting, Larry across the street says "anything you need, come over here, I got lots of stuff." I did later when I needed a board to help support my sewer hose, drain hole πŸ•³️ was all the way to the back of the site.

 It was warm out, so once we finished I asked Polly if she wanted to join me in a beer at the pool, she didn't want to swim, but I did, so off we went. Ahhh, that was just what I wanted, I layed on my back in the pool and was ahh fantastic. 

We had two beers each, only met two or three people, one guy from Calgary, Kenny one from Rocky Mountain House, Oh, and Grandpa John, not sure where from, & us from BC. 

Nice to be here now, warm days, cool nights, just right. 

Once I calm down, I sure do love our lifeπŸ€—❤️