Sunday 30 October 2022

Chris is doing good

     Not sure what this is, I liked the shadow's 

What to say when asked, how's Chris? Chris is doing good. Nothing much changed really, he has the tube out of his mouth, now a tube at the base of his throat. A Trach tube. I'm told by the respiratory nurse that it is a real nice job they did, looks good. Chris is now initiating the breathing, but the machine is still breathing for him. 

When they wake him and ask him to open his eyes he's not responding as well as when his medication was greatly reduced. I'm hoping they get back to the lower medication, and he is more responsive again. I'm told they are trying to reduce the propofol, and give him  another medication to keep him calm. When he wakes he gets agitated, this hasn't changed. 

Polly and I went shopping yesterday, Safeway is a 20 min or so walk, not to bad going, but coming home our harm's grew in length lol.
Days are cool, but warmer that it was. I leave tomorrow for Quebec, to move the trailer, not the usual anticipation. Usually we are excited, and looking forward, this is just different. Polly says to me yesterday, maybe this be good for me, just away for awhile will help. Will see.

I find myself taking a few more photos, that's an improvement, I was seeing things before, but just didn't have the desire to pull out the phone. University campus is a big place, and so far to get to everywhere. We have adapted, but next step is taking the bus we are thinking. A very good bus and metro system here, haven't used it yet, no reason yet. 

As time goes on we likely will. Feeling this is going to take longer that I hoped, or thought. 

Preparation for a longer stay is where we are now. As a friend just told me, "get some winter 🥶 clothes" I will be bringing some back when at the trailer, but boots we are going to have to buy. 

The nurse this morning said "you might want to think about after he leaves here, and plan more time then, as now there is lots of support" I Never really thought too far ahead, I'm thinking Chris will be ok after a few more weeks, but I am starting to think be a long time now. 

I just can't not be here now, I just couldn't continue along our merry way, while he's in here, like this. Polly support's this line of thought too, but as time goes we will be able to see how Chris does. Patients is tested here, to the limit. 

A little numb this morning, but positive. 

I remember a saying "This to shall pass" 

I'm going to keep this in mind today.

Shift change about to happen, I'm learning to leave at this time, they have enough to think about without dancing around me in the middle of there checking up. 

Tim Hortons has been a nice place to step into at this time. 🤗❤️

Friday 28 October 2022

As we wait and watch

The sun comes and goes, night falls while we watch and wait. The smallest bit of action gives us hope or despair, never know what's coming. I hear my wife's lovely "Morning" as she comes into the ICU wishing everyone well with her bright happy Aura. I'm a lucky man to be with such a wonderful person. 

The room where Chris is has a material blind on the full length window that looks towards the nurse's station, this window has an 6' sliding window door, today the curtains pulled shut, makes for privacy for me and Chris.

 Polly is on the other side now getting her cover on and gloves and face screen, soon she'll be in the room with us. Here she is with the skeleton dog she won at dinner the other night at Sherlock Holmes pub across the street from the hospital. Was a fun time as there was poker music trivia, Polly won, so she picked her skeleton dog for a prize 

     Then I won too so I picked $5.00 gift card

Was fun, and now is in Chris's room till a nurse says no! I snuck it in says Polly 

The nurse today is Angel 😇, always think her name is so appropriate, she was his nurse when we first saw him here 2 weeks ago. 

That was on a Friday night, today is Friday, dayshift, always busy, and full of talk and actions here today. Many times the nurse's have more than one patient at a time here, now in a private room it's harder for them to watch other patients and see and deal with Chris, but they do, and do this good. A very good bunch of people here. 

We thank them often, and are so very happy Chris has such good care. A round of Tim Hortons gift cards was well received when we thanked the nurses after a couple days, I'm thinking we going to need another round soon. 

I saw a video today of a man doing visual arts, he had a set of stairs beside a trampoline, as he walked up the stairs he would fall of the side of the stairs, then onto the trampoline, and bounce back to the stairs, walk up 1-2 stairs, and fall again, sometimes going up the stairs, and sometimes going down. This is what life's like, and here in this situation, I see this even more, we can be up feeling good, then down the next minute, then up and down. 

That's life, and in times like this it's just magnified, and continuess. 

Polly and I do take care of ourselves by going out to dinner, and once in awhile take in Polly's desire, the Casino. This is our out night now, just a night away for the hospital last night was good. 

Sometimes I look at Chris, so calm and relaxed like now, and think why am I so upset, he's ok. But until I see him the way I remember him, the way I know he is I'll be on edge, just right now I feel just a little less on edge, for this immediate moment. 

Fridays sure have changed 😉

We have so much support, family and friends all binging us with Love ❤️🤗

What more can we ask for, 🤗🤗❤️❤️

Thursday 27 October 2022

Plans, Procedure & Patience

     The view out Chris's window he can't see 

Planning so far has just been planning, some of it will happen today, Chris will have a Tracheotomy, this will allow removal of the tube from his mouth down his throat, and is next step in getting him more aware and awake. He is opening his eyes intermittently now, and trying to wake in small bits, but until this trach is in they keep him sedated. 

I didn't know how I was feeling about this, but just had a good conversation with Alex, his nurse in the morning, she explained the procedure. This helps as I imagine a big hole in his throat, she reassured me it was a small slit, then the trach tube is installed. This means he will as time goes on be able to breath on his own sometimes and talk in the future, and best part, after they reduce the sedation, he'll be more aware and awake, so we can communicate. This is when they can determine his brain damages, if any. 

That's planning #1

On another front, I'm flying back to Montreal, get our truck and drive to Eastman and pack up the trailer ready to travel. Catherine our friend there offerd dinner, so that'll be nice, and be able to say goodbye to her River, and her parents. 

I'll sleep in the trailer, and early get up, and travel for 2 day's to Chesapeake, Virginia to store our trailer south till we are able to travel again. We had a friend reach out to us after my last post about wanting to head south, offered to help with a place to stay, and parking our pickup, and sent me a link to a storage place close for our trailer. What a great offer, we are very fortunate. Thanks Christy & Duane. 

This will happen starting Monday with the flight. I booked another flight back for November 4th, allowing another day just in case. So that's a big plan for me. Polly will hold down the fort here, and Ciara will come be with her after Halloween 🎃 till I return. Always want Chris to have someone here. 

Next we have to work on is something better for a longer term stay, not knowing right now how long, we want to be a little more comfortable, with cooking 🍳 ability. Would like it close, but not likely getting as close as we are now. That's a job I'm working on, who knows what might come? Options open, and optimistic is my motto. 

If we are farther then will get a vehicle, that be good, but I'd rather be close, is nice like today, when I wake early, I can just walk over to the hospital. I'm going to talk with the manager of the hotel we are in see what might come?

The fact that we just don't know how Chris will be when fully aware and awake, this is an unknown until the trach is in and they work on having less sedation in him. Then we will have a better idea. 

In the mean time we still have the waiting.

Hopeful, optimistic, positive 🤗❤️

Monday 24 October 2022

Monday morning, the machine starts up again.

This was a nice start yesterday morning as I got to the top of the steps coming up from our hotel, they moved to get there, then after I stood for a minute they started eating again, they seem not afraid. I'm thinking they are in the process of turning white for the winter. 

MRSA, this is what we are told now is the kind of lung infection Chris has, he's now got a brain injury he's healing from and a lung infection that talking with the nurses is expected in ICU. I have yet to look it up, but Polly did yesterday, and said "This is not good". I'm feeling like the whole dam thing is not good, but one step at a time. 

Today up early, had another good sleep, dinner last night was basic, but Polly always knows how to jazz it up a little, even with not much in a hotel room. Polly bought a couple salads macaroni and potato, that made the steak sandwich dinner better. We're going to be eating steak sandwiches for a little while yet, the leftovers from Saturday night, Mmm 😋

Monday is when the head Dr for ICU changes, a new Dr makes me wonder what will be next. A new week, and coming at the end of the graveyard shift it's quiet, and I get a good explanation from the nurse. Chris is opening one eye when they wake him, he was hard to wake yesterday I say, I thought he was heavier medicated, the nurse agreed. Propafol was at 50mg and other nurses before had him down to 40mg or less. He reacts good, just gets moving too much, so have to be careful to get him back to sleep quickly. 

They turned him just as I came in the room, and not a problem with where I was sitting. On dayshift during the week, always kick us out of the room. Such a difference when all the brass around. No different that when I was at work in the mill, everybody on edge during the dayshift, too many chiefs as we put it. 

I forget that this blog we started when we started to travel was about the travel, and now is about our stop 🛑 here in Edmonton. I say to myself it's ok, it's all part of our life.

As for the travel, I'm planning to return to Montreal on Oct 31, morning early, and get the trailer ready to go, I'll arrive in Montreal at noon will drive 11/2 hr to Eastman and get the trailer ready to go. Next morning will head south towards a warmer place to leave the trailer, I don't want it snowed in north, and we still have no idea how long before Chris wakes, or his condition once he does. 

I haven't booked a place yet, I'm waiting to see how this week goes with Chris, but I'm looking. Below New York for sure, but not too far. Carolina I'm thinking, I'll call around today. Close to a city to fly out of back to Canada. 

That's one part done, then we will be looking for more permanent place to stay here, as the hotel will get to be less enjoyable as time goes on, Polly likes to be busy, and cooking is her game. Oh, I I really like that, as I'm a good eater lol. All in planning now, Ciara may join us then, as she will want a place to bring the kids with her later, if there allowed to come see Chris. Maybe even if not, just come spend time with us. Will see how this goes. 

All planning, no go yet, but have to plan, just incase plans. 

Car? Distance from hospital? Size of place? Is it completely furnished, is there stuff in the kitchen? So much to think of. 

So that's the travel part now, get ready for some Edmonton travel, not to exciting here, but if we stay long term it will be different.

Chris is moving more now, but still sedated and no open eyed look. They are giving him less drugs, hopefully they wake him this week. Fingers crossed 🤞


Sunday 23 October 2022

Cool Sunday Morning here in Edmonton

All I think as I walk to Tim Hortons across the street from the hospital is how lucky we are here not snow like Calgary. 35cm is what I read Calgary got, we just got cold, so far. 

I woke early today, and felt wide awake, and ready to go. At 5:30am, walking to the hospital from our hotel, was a good feeling. As I rounded the corner towards the hospital front door there was a person in the street yelling out, hey you hey! Hey! I just keep walking, then a truck stops, and the person yelled out "fuck you, I don't want a truck" and I keep walking. I'm sure the person was looking for conflict, I wasn't having and part of this. I never really looked back, just rounded the corner again, and through the parking lot, and into the hospital. 

Now it was warm, my glasses fogged up, the guy that gives you a mask, and makes sure if you've been in today and have a sticker saying you have been in on this day as a visitor days, "wash your hands" there is a guard there too, asking if the visitor sticker is from today. Feeling like the checkpoint inspection here today.  I walk away with a new mask, as they carry on there conversation like I didn't even pass. 

Now my nose starts, as a woman is tailgating me to the bathroom, I stopped, she passes, feeling odd how this all goes down. I blow my nose after I remove my mask, take my glasses off let them defog, then put it all back on. 

Now to the elevator, I push the button that was smashed out a few nights ago. Bing, and it's ready right away. The inside looks a little dirty, the stainless, and the floor. Elevators here work so darn good here. As I assend I think, always thinking. What's next, we are all thinking what's next.

I approach the phone with the number posted in big numbers 570, I'll never forget now. I call, and the charge nurse says can I help you, yes I say I'd like to see Chris Browning, give me a sec, and the phone goes down. Off the person goes, to find out if it's ok with Chris nurse. 
Ok come in I hear, I push the big button on the wall and the double doors open, I walk in looking at a very quiet ICU. Graveyard shift always quiet early, 5am, so nice I say. 

As I approached Chris I talked with Stephen, who was his nurse last night, all night. 12 hour shifts. He tells me he has a bit of a temperature, so they have ice packs on him, they have a special antibiotic going into him, due to the kind of pneumonia he has. He had a problem with the tube not being in far enough last night, but all good now. Although still making some pain like faces, he's more comfortable. 

I dress in the gown, gloves, face protection, and go in to see him, and touch his arm, and say hi Chris, I'm here, I Love you ❤️🤗 I never know if he hears, but I still say it, we all do. I brought my razor to shave him a little again, is ok with the nurse. Is different as the tube, and hook-up is in the way for getting to some of his face. I did my best, got one side done. 

Next I ask about the tube, it's crooked on his face, and down on his lip. The nurse adjusts it, but doesn't last, the breathing group will deal with it later he says.  

Feeling good right now, but not long later my feeling changes, so off to Tim Hortons for a coffee ☕ and a muffin. I have a chat with the guy next to me there, kept my mind off it till he asks, then explain a little to him, and I get a call from Polly, she be coming over soon. Ciara messaged, she be on her way soon too. 

Back I go again, the new mask, and check I been here before? what ward are you going to? I passed the test. Up the elevator again, and down the hall, Ciara is there already, says have to wait a few minutes, they are turning him. From side to side every couple hours, making sure ho bed sores. 

We tak awhile and Polly shows up, Ciara has an appointment with her uncle at Tim Hortons for a visit, so Polly and I go in together. 

That how a day goes, a little at a time in hospital, and out. 

Last night Polly's Cousin Juliette and her husband Gerome, along with Bobby Polly's other cousin came to get us for dinner, Julie had made the reservation awhile ago, and invited us, she invited Ciara too, but Ciara was not good today, she stayed for Chris. 

Was a fun ride there in Bobby's avalanche truck, Julie telling Bobby this way that way, and Bobby doing just what he thought was right. We got to the great Canadian Brew house right on time, was very few people there then, just right.

Drinks and talk for an hour, then our steak's arrived, holly crap, huge steaks. One plat was got for 2-3 but we each had one, except for Julie. 

I sent a message to Ciara, later when the bar filled up. Was a good crowd, steak's we great, only at a small portion, but was really nice of Juliette and Greome to take us out. ❤️🤗

At the end of our dinner Julie ordered Ciara's Perogie dinner, and we came home Polly to the hotel, I went to the hospital with Ciara's dinner. Ciara was upset, the nurse's had Chris breathing at a faster that normal rate, and he wasn't doing good, but when I got there his condition had changed, but Ciara was still upset. She told me what happened, and how the nurses seemed inexperienced, and didn't know what to do. 

When we got in to see Chris I said the guy he had as a nurse was good in my opinion, but he didn't see or realize the tube that goes in his lungs was not in correctly. Once the tube was inserted more, and a kink in the line was changed Chris calmed down. Ciara was not happy with his treatment earlier.

On we go, Ciara stayed a little longer, I went home full of steak. Was a nice night, and Chris is continually changing. We are adapting best we can. That's how this goes, a step seems ahead, then 1 back. Just how life goes. 

We have best treatment, and best Drs, Nurse's, and Hospital. Now to heal and move to next treatment. 


Friday 21 October 2022

Please give the nurses another 20 minutes

         A rainy day today, but it feels good

I'm in the waiting room again, getting used to the answer, "another 20 minutes" I have a way to deal with it, I'll write then I think. I'm sure he's fine, still. Woke later today, was good, I needed the extra sleep. Polly was awake already, we talked, she got me a coffee ☕ was nice for a short time to be together, and not tired. Penny was on the bing, Bing Bing of messenger, she talked with me there, we been talking there alot.

Another day waiting, always positive, and with something to look forward to. Ciara called just now, she's gassed up and on her way, will see her in about 4-5 hrs. 

How things change, I'm back in his room after my first request learning that his breathing machine is being changed, I tell them it seems like going backwards, more machines instead of less. They inform me this is the normal after 1week in, so not a problem, no real difference. I tell them it feels like going backwards. Trying to be positive is not easy when seems like instead of getting off machine getting another. 

Now another change, as the curtains are pulled all around and the nurse informs me that we will have to wear gown, visor, glove's saying now he has a "super bug" what the heck, how does this happen so fast, I'm sitting with him like yesterday, and all the sudden, I'm going to have to gown and glove and shield. Then I just get in behind the curtain, which is open about 4' where the bins to take your stuff off at are, and I sit down talk with Chris about 5 minutes, and the nurse says we going to turn him, please could you go stand by the window. Yes I can, no prob so I go there, just behind Chris where until now they had as a storage area, all empty now. As I look out the window I wonder, what's next. I turn around to look, and the nurse says, "please turn and look out the window" ok now what? I ask can I use my phone? She says yes, but we will have to clean it when you leave. 

I call Polly, I texted her earlier when I went to the bathroom, I talk as they turn him, and try not to talk to loud. I'm not happy with this, I'm actually kinda pissed, but what can I do? Just seems re-dic-u-less! One moment I'm ok to be visiting normal, next most uncomfortable and why? Protacall is what I'm told. I'll find out more as time goes. I don't get it. What really changed, and how can this skirt around Chris stop the bug? I just don't get it. So I type here.

The nurse says I can visit again, come out of the corner, I walk out and move the chair beside Chris, I sit and hold his arm, I try to be positive, but this is crappy. With gloves on it feels impersonal, with the face screen it's reflective, and as I look up I see glare from behind me, my glasses are not easy to adjust now, my tears are hard to wipe, glad I'm not crying right now. I worry how Ciara will feel, how she will deal with this "new normal" case it doesn't feel normal. 

I talk with Chris but with the shield it feels like all the sound comes back to me. Despondent is how I feel now. Where did this bug come from? Did he Catch it from the next door neighbor? How bad is this? 

The nurse tlod me she was going for coffee ☕ still gone, and the other nurse comes in with no gown, no face screen, just glove's, changes a bottle, and out she goes. What the heck???
The curtains open still, the curtains only for privacy, will not stop bugs, I just don't get this. 

The nurse goes into the private room, gowns up, we are right beside this room, it has a glass glass sliding door, huge, the wall is about 16feet, all glass and a door at one end is about 1/2 the wall. This door is always open a bit, and the patient has been in for 6 weeks his wife said to me yesterday, as he got this lung infection, and has been a long haul clearing it up, he still can't breath on his own. 

 My thoughts are is this what we are headed for? I know not positive thinking, but is my thought now. I have to use my password to get into my phone now, gloves won't let my finger print work. Small thing, but just another change.

I'm afraid to leave now, as I don't know what it will be like to come back in. I don't like this, nurse still gone, I never paid too much attention to this before, but now I wonder what the heck is going on. 

I can't imagine what Ciara's reaction will be. 

Chris is moving his head side to side, calmly, kind of restless. 

Polly's here now, told hang her purse here, not on the chair, the chairs are for us to chart! Bossy nurse I'm thinking, I don't like the way she is. 

The nurse helps her get dressed, I'm now feeling upset, I talk with Polly after she gets in the room, I'm sorry for her, she is accepting, I'm upset. I tell her I just don't get it. This change just doesn't make sense. 

I tell Polly I got to go pee, and have lunch, maybe it will help. She says, yes that might be it. So off I go, I ask the nurse what is the reason as I leave, she tells me it's a super bug, and it's all over the hospital. Now I'm getting really upset, so upset she can see, asking if I want to talk to the charge nurse. I say no, it won't help, it's me. 

I leave, bathroom and lunch, after I realized I have to go back, I just have to see if I can deal with this. I get in after waiting for them to ok I can come in. I talked with myself outside, try to keep it together, for Polly, for Chris. As I get to the nurse she started explaining this bug, so I ask her about the bug, she stays by saying Chris might have had it on him when he came in! 😳 Now I'm fuckin mad, so I back her up to her language, she is now trying to tell me it's in the community, I say what, you said all around the hospital, now expanded to the community, I'm now just fuckin vibrating, what are you telling me? Would you like to speak to the, no I don't want to talk with anyone, I just don't get it I say, when I first got here today all was good, then a new tube machine, the guy explaining that this happens after 7days on vent. Ok, I get that this one gives more moisture in the tube. 

Ok that just a change, be ok. But I tell him and the nurse, it just feels like we going backwards, that we are getting new machines, not closer to getting the tube out. 

Next I'm told by the nurse, we getting change due to the bug Chris has, called it a superbug, we going to have to wear protection called it PPE, I didn't realize it meant we have to be gown, face screen, latex glove's, and if I use my phone, it will have to be cleaned after I come out. 

I'm very upset now, I told the nurse this makes no sense, curtain wide open, nothing to protect the people passing by, bugs all over she says, and here we are all PPE for what, what's changed since yesterday? Just now you know it's a super bug? I got to leave I tell her, I can't stay, this I just don't get. She asked again, do I want to talk to her, and I cut her off, will it Change This? As I wave my arm, she says no. 

So I left, I'm still so upset. 

I slept in the waiting room, I regrouped, and after Ciara came in and we talked, I went back in, was better this time, I apologize to the nurse, she says I have right to get upset. I vist Chris with Polly till Ciara comes back. Dinner now, Ciara takes the evening shift we decide. Was a nice dinner, and hopefull again. 

Today's start, I sit in the waiting room again, Another 20 minutes please, nurse doing an assessment. And on it goes.

Positive thoughts 🤗❤️ Ciara's back, that helps, we are one day closer to Chris waking up, all will be good 👍🤗


Tuesday 18 October 2022

Another 15-20 minutes please

I am here at the hospital, visiting Chris, and hoping everything will be ok, hoping he is healing and will be better. To see him we have to go to this phone on the wall, and call in to the desk inside ICU and ask, can I see Chris Browning, they say just a sec usually, and off they go to ask the nurse that's looking after him if it's ok I come in. Sometimes when they are real busy this coming back could take awhile, you hear conversation's of others at the desk, and noise then the person comes back, and says yes or more often, could you give us another 10-15 minutes. 

At first when I didn't understand I was always upset about this, now I understand that this time is needed to do things that they don't want others to see, or hear, personal stuff, private stuff. I now get it. 

Today I'm kinda numb, there is another man in here that his brain in not working, brain dead I used to say, his family all here as they wait. They pulled the plug as I used to hear, took out the breathing tube, and let him go on his own. Well that doesn't happen right away, and last night when I left here the family had to deal with this from afternoon till this morning, he's still alive and body still working. 

I talked to his wife this morning curled up on the couch, waiting, all night, all of them all night. There is a private quiet room they have, but has a long couch, only good for 2, there are 6 of them in the family, is a very hard thing for them. I told the woman as we talked that I felt for her, and the son when I saw him. What a terrible thing to have to go through. 

All from a child coming at him out of control on a scooter, and he falls and hits his head, then this, his brain is bleeding, and built pressure, and swell up, caused the brain to be squished and that's it, a dunner. Just like that life ends, but the machines we have keeps him alive, just can't repair what's damaged. 

Here they wait, and here I wait too. Early morning thoughts. I gave the woman a hug, and told her I'm sorry for her and family, and she disappeared into the quiet room. I on the other hand am on my waiting 15-20 minutes, patiently. This helps pass the time, writing here helps me deal with time till it's ok to go back in, even though I know likely nothing has changed, I want to make sure Chris has someone there when he's laying there healing, even if no response. 

The waiting room is empty except for me now, TV on Corner Gas is on, LoL perfectly Canadian I think. 

Go for coffee ☕, or go back to the room for more sleep. Hmm decisions...

Another day waiting and hoping that Chris gets better soon 🤗❤️

I'm going to go to the phone now, ask to go back in, maybe see a Dr and get some good news, Never know.

I found out that the tube won't be taken out till next week today. Is ok, we hoped for this week, but will have to wait. We are getting used to having to wait. Well a little, but really we want him awake talking and joking 😃😜😃 and laughing, but we will wait, can't do anything else.


Monday 17 October 2022

When your plans 🛑 stop and life changes

         This bit of artwork makes me think.

Yesterday we got a call from or Daughter-in-law as we we watching TV, and snacking on peanut butter and crackers. I'll never forget this moment. Ciara was so upset and telling us as she drove to the hospital that or son Chris was in and accident, and he was not doing good, and this was not good. He was hit by a car as he got out to approach someone that had given him the finger for some kind of driving action, as Ciara told us crying and sobbing that this was not good, Chris is not good. 

Polly and I tried to calm her down, she was so upset, and as she explained things more we also became upset, even more than when she first told us. We were concerned she would have a problem as she drove to the hospital, and said pull over, take a moment Ciara, she did at the light, cried and regrouped, then off she went again, wanting to be there when he woke up, see him, be with him. We wanted the same, but we were miles away in Quebec and Chris & Ciara were in Grande Prairie Alberta. 

We helped and listened as Ciara drove, and learned more as she went about what happened. We both were in awe listening to this.

 I'm on the airplane now as I peck on the phone, I had to do something, sleeping didn't last long, and doing this helps me. 

We found out later, Chris has a broken scull, many breaks, and a bleed inside his head. Polly helps Ciara with her emotions, I also try to calm her, in the middle we take a turn at crying as quietly as we can, trying not to let Ciara hear us breaking down. Polly was much better at this, she held on very good, helped Ciara to the hospital, and we gave her hope, she was thinking the worst. 

Once at the hospital, she was going in and said she would call or message when she new more. 

We waited, and waited, then she mesaged, they were doing a CT scan, then flying him to Edmonton. She wanted to go with him, but decision was made to drive in the morning. In the middle of this I called or friends Wendy and Jack, Jack answered, and he was what the heck, unbelievable, people! He said a little more, but I asked him if he or Wendy could go to the hospital to be with Ciara, she had dropped her kids off at her Mom's, and was there by herself. Jack was Yes we will, will make sure we will be there, at least one of us. 

I needed to do something, and that was all I could think of I could do, Ciara needed someone to be with her. I called Ciara and told her she was happy to know that Jack and Wendy were going to come, I hoped it would help her, cause there was nobody for her right now. Dam, not being there was very very hard. 

We talked again, she was so upset, and needed comfort, Wendy came and helped, she got the Dr to let Ciara see Chris, and that helped as she saw him move his feet and fingers, made her more optimistic. Being away from this I didn't know what to do, I just wanted to get in the truck and drive there, all night! Not logical, I know, but that was how I felt. 

I'm on the plane writing here, crying and wiping my eyes, blowing my nose as discreetly as I can with a man I haven't talked to beside me, is a weird feeling. 

I tried last night till past 2am to figure out what to do, with pour cell service, looking for how long it would take to drive it, which flight I could take, should I book it now? I did get some info for the next day, and did get an update when Chris was flown out, Wendy mesaged me, said he was off in air ambulance, and Ciara was giving her statement to the police, and her friend Jenny was there, she would go home with Ciara. 

We stayed up and got more information from Ciara, but mostly we learned that it was not bleeding too bad, and that they would observe him overnight, and the head Drs would look at him when the team came into the hospital in Edmonton. I felt good enough to sleep now, but still unsure what we would do. 

As we slept Ciara got a talk with the Nero surgeon, said looking not as bad as what we first were told, and will be looking at him in the morning. The message was sent 3am my time, I woke at 5 am, I couldn't sleep anymore, so I started developing a plan, I booked a flight for us, one way to Edmonton, started to send messages to others saying what I was going to do. So many people to call, we had called most last night, but so many. 

Next a place to stay, a pace to park the truck, change our reservation at the campground we were going to in Boston, tell the campground here we staying till at least Wednesday, let Ciara know we were coming, she was happy to know that. Propane, needed to make sure that was full and both tanks turned off, turn the hot water off, turn the water off, shower 🚿, pack, somewhere here Polly got up, and she also got in gear. Shower pack, let me know, did you do this, did you do that. We were like a well oiled machine doing! 

But here, on the plane, I couldn't do anything anymore, I was just sitting here, between the window and this guy, not sure what to do, so I wrote, and yep it helps, it helps alot. 

Stewardess just told me 1:40 minutes left, I don't think I can pick here any more. I think I'll get up and go pee, and stretch my legs, get another tissue or five. 

Back, Forgot the tissue, but got a drink of water, and had a good pee, peeing on a plane, always a little un-nerving, body functions are weird in such close tight places. Always thought planes should have people in beds, but I'm sure is not best for making $$$, need Max people to make it pay. I'm not sure how many people are on this plane, but a 737 full, 6 seats across, and we are in rows 25&26 so I turn and count, 31 rows, x 6 =186 + crew. 

Polly got a window, so did I, we didn't care if we didn't get to sit beside each other, just get us there, quick. I opened the blind for the window, just clouds, I shut it again, and type. 

I think I'm done for now, I feel better, not only the pecking here, and telling this story, but knowing it's only about an hour to Edmonton airport now. I think I'll rest now, was a good decision to do this. 👍

I met the guy beside me after I stopped typing, he was from Romania, nice guy with a family working for a gold mine out of Montreal. He was on his way to a self improvement course he said in Edmonton, he had never been to Edmonton before, hell be there for 2 day's. We covered alot of ground talking in what was left of our trip. He was a nice guy, and interesting talking with him. 

Now at the hospital, on day 3 since Chris was injured, had a good early visit today, Ciara still sleeping 😴, she needs it. Polly too. I like early morning, I had a good talk with the nurses this morning about the ventilator, and how this works. We were here Friday night, I was very impatient with the nurse's when we first came in, was hard not being able to see him right away, they had lots going on in there, I didn't understand. 

What a rollercoaster, we all dealing with emotions and information, and pain. It was painful not knowing, and painful not seeing him the way we remember him. I had a talk with him this morning, I talked I don't know if he hears me, but I still try to talking to him. Mornings are a good time for me, and I shared many mornings with him. 

I don't think I want to write all about getting here and how it's been the last two days since we got here, just know it's been tough, for all of us, and good we have each other here. We have some plans today, Polly's cousin Juliette and her husband Gerome are coming today we will meet at timhorton's for lunch and a visit. Close to the hospital, Ciara knows her from Chris working with Juliette at the same plant. Julie had invited them to dinner when Ciara was in Rainbow lake, they have a good friendship since. There good people, and will be nice to see them again.

I've stopped the heavy long breaths I was doing before, I had had this before in times that are hurting, Is just part of grieving or just being upset. 

I'm going back in to see him again if they will let me. Looking like will be our life for awhile now.  How life changes. 


Wednesday 12 October 2022

Planning as you travel 🤓🤔

Planning where we will be when is a talent I've developed, along with Polly saying no, or yes to my plans we get what we want, most of the time. This week we have been planning to go over the boarder through Vermont to Boston. There is more to this than just moving to another town or campground. 

Going over the boarder is a bit different, medical insurance is a priority you have to pay for and pay attention, so many choices, and so many questions. We had to plan along ways back as we need to keep our Dr appointments, and regular checkups in order to get our insurance. 

The plan started in the spring as we traveled to Grande Prairie, we had to start thinking are we going to travel back to the island with the trailer, or continue this year with our around the continent trip plan we had been talking about for awhile. During this conversation we knew Polly's sister Lyn and her fiancee Andrew were going to be married in July. 

We planned our Dr appointments, bood tests, and other tests during the 10 days we would be on the island. Booked a return ✈️ flight from Kitchener, close to where we were staying with our friends in Guelph, asked for a ride to the airport, then pick us up and asked friend's car for the time we were there, (and they gladly loaned it to us) 🤗 and rooms from friends and family while we were there. All this went smoothly, and is part of what we needed to do to be able to be able to get to the south this winter as we planned. 

Then hurricane's hit Florida then Atlantic Canada, this was not a part of our plan, but we paid close attention to this and moved when we needed to, plans do change. Now looking forward do we continue towards Florida? Or alter our plans. Well I do leave the booking of a campground till later, as weather always plays a part in where we want to stay. 

Looking forward we have a week booked near Boston, we will vist there and see what comes. We always have a loose plan as we travel, also plan B and plan C, and on and on. A part of leaving plans till just before we travel is booking too far ahead, and not being able to change makes it difficult to adapt to changes that may come, either we change our minds, and want to stay somewhere longer, or we want to explore a different possibility. 

This year we have many opportunities that we are open to, always leaving the doors open helps us with our flexibility. This then leads to more open doors, more opportunity 😃, and on we go. I'm not sure what's next all the time, that's part of the wonder we have as we travel. 

Polly often says "I was thinking" LoL, I laugh now, but some of the most interesting turns in our lives have happened just like that! 

This travel we do might seem random, and some is, and we love it this way. Still, we have to plan ahead, and connect all the dots so we are in the right place to have the doors all open at the same time. 🚪🚪🚪
No open door emojis 😳

Once we cross the boarder we are free to roam the USA, just as if in Canada. We are both looking forward to our winter south, trying not to rush to get there, so much to see and do a long the way. So many people to meet, conversation's to have, and memories to gain. I'm shaking my head, our lives are full. 

Missing our family and friends is part of this, and Thanksgiving was different this year, just the two of us, Polly made a bbq chicken,
was so juicy, we had wine for a change, was a very nice dinner. Apple pie for dessert was very nice, with heart's on top.
We called friends, and family, had a video chat with Ciara & Colton, that was fun. All in all was a nice weekend, different than past years but still nice. 

Yesterday we visited or friend Cat's parents here in Eastman, was a fun time, meeting them was interesting as Marie, Cats Mom really only speaks french, and I only speak english, so was different at first, cat's father Pierre spoke very good english, so I spoke with him most, but was a very interesting time. 

At first Cat tried to interpret between us, then after Polly knowing some french, talking with Marie, and Cat it got less interpretation and more conversation. It's difficult to explain here, just know we managed to make friends, and learn about each other's lives past and future. We ate some, had a little wine, then tea, and chocolate cake with raspberry coulee, Mmm 😋. We played with River Cat's son, and just enjoyed the time so much that when it came time to leave I said, "we better go soon Polly, or we'll have to pull out the couch bed!" LoL we all had a good laugh at that, was getting dark, and we came a 3pm, so was a very good visit. 

Times like this are some of what we travel for, was a comfortable enjoyable visit, getting to know parents of our friend in their home here in Quebec, part of Canada that we had drove through, but not spent much time in before.

It's just getting light now, a time of day I love, I hear the cars on the road, all off to work people are. I'm happy to be here listening to this, not having to rush off. 

Polly is just getting up now, I smile 😊

Another day happens ♥️

Loving every moment of our lives ♥️🤗