Monday 30 November 2020

Memories, lucky to have them.

Started looking through my pictures the other day, making a calendar for 2021.
As I flipped through the days past in January and before, I saw so many people that I can't see this year again. 

When we retired the plan was to travel, south in winter, and north in summer. Plans change. This virus has us anchored here at Arrowvale Campground, not a bad place to hang about. Close to our hometown, family and friends, close to all we remember from days gone by. 

Still the sweet memories of winters gone by where we traveled south have me thinking about friends we won't see this year.
A phone call away, but still will miss the fun times we had, at same time we know will have again.

Next is what to do, we keep busy doing what we love here in town. I plan to make a few changes in our trailer, and Polly is busy making Christmas decorations for our trailer. As the winter progresses i surely expect to see an early spring this year, as so far the weather is mild. 

I have a few projects in mind, finished my first today, a bench for a boy we have grown to love here at Arrowvale, River is his name.

Was a fun project, and with the few extra tools I aquired, band saw, router, circular saw as well as tools I brought here from my friends place, Table saw, jig saw, air nailer & compressor, and a few others I'm looking forward to completing a few more fun projects. 

November rains subside this Monday, the wether forecast predicts sunny days ahead till Friday. Plans, what's the plan πŸ€”
I'm thinking of the planter I started yesterday, I'll finish today. Then shelves beside the bed, shelves that fold up so is easier to make the bed, as narrow space between the bed and the slide walls. 

One of the things about working in or around a trailer, the space is limited. And adding things, always thinking of weight. And placement, no wood studs to screw into, have to plan well so not to punch holes and have to move your shelf. 

The rain has stopped, the Sky's bright. The dropped still on the windows. I'm sure this will be a great week. πŸ˜ƒ 

I look out the window as I write, over top Polly's head as she leans back in her chair, and she says "oop blue Sky's coming!" The announcement I was hoping for. Polly has a very positive outlook, always seeing the optimistic possiblities. She is right, blue skies are here. 
I took some pictures as the day unfolded and looked at them, showed Polly, and I think we have one of the Beatles here in the tree lookin in on us. What do you think? Lol πŸ˜†, I'll look different at that tree now. 

I start this week with a haircut today, booked on line with a very familiar personπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ŠπŸ‘¦

Thursday 26 November 2020

I'm thinking I should write a Book! πŸ€”

This was my thought this morning as I was walking back from a long for me walk. Thinking as I was walking what could I write about? I have many subjects I could write about, but the one I know the best is Me, that's what I do know alot about. 

At first I thought about a couple conversations I've had recently about my working history, the last person that asked I gave a fairly in-depth rendition of my working history working in a logging camp, then about the sawmill. As I spoke I realized I have done a lot, many different jobs, and learned so much. 

Today I decided there is even more to learn about me then just about the woodworking history. I worked from early in life, gee I'm shaking my head right now, how far back do I go 🀣🀣

Picking up bottles and cans at 8 years old gave me money to buy candy and treats. Fishing for cod in the canal down from our house and trading for cash or sometimes a pie. Then shovelling snow for $ the winter of 68-69 gave me enough to buy a family and friends a present at Christmas. That memory is burned in my mind, is the year I learned the lesson to just keep going, even if I was tired, too tired. Just keep moving, the job will get done, can't give up! 

Determination is something I am not the best at, I do give up sometimes, but I do understand my determination is something that I'm proud of. Determination has carried me through life, and today, if I really want something, I know how to go for it. 

There is more. I need to think things through, I often act too quickly, that can be very good in a needed situation, and deadly in some. Hmm, is this introspection? I think so, and that I'm thinking is a very good trait. 
Happy, that's another
Positive ✅
Forceful ✅
😑 Angry ✅
Hurtful 😑✅
Generous ✅
Thoughtful ✅

Dog got stuck today in the bedroom, Polly tells me, LoL 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 couldn't find his way out πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£

That'll be me someday πŸ€”πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

I'll write a book! 

One day πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜†πŸ˜Š

Tuesday 10 November 2020

Winter ready is our next project.

Our comfort level increased with our new home, and making it ready for our winter stay is my next project. 

Water lines insulated, waste water protected yesterday got the trailer skirted all around. All roof cauking checked for cracks, even if new, I like to go up on the roof before the heaviest weather comes, just to check, and sweep off the leaves. Besides it's a nice view on a warm day in November ☺️

Inside our home heat is with our propane furnace and an additional plug in oil filled heater.
As we heat we close up the doors and windows tight, pull the blinds to help insulate,  this gives us the next problem to solve. Moisture, this can be a big problem if we don't deal with it. Having the fan on and open to the outside as we shower or cook helps, but as the weather gets colder we are trying to keep the heat in. Dehumidifier is next purchase, to help with keeping heat in and moisture low. 1cup of water yesterday in 24 hours. I expect more as the weather gets better and colder.

       Dehumidifier is a good investment

Now thinking problems solved, were ready for the rain and snow. Oops, not yet, awnings outside will be a problem if we leave them open, so tying them down to prevent them riping, of flapping in the wind will help, but always a concern if we leave, so have to manage by rolling them up if a storm aproches.

After all the winter preparation is done, I have planned to get busy on our small alterations to make the interior just right😊 This part of making our home a little more comfortable is my favorite part. The small comforts that the manufacturer doesn't always get right. Getting to make something from wood, that is a favorite part, creative & fun. Looking forward to some interesting creations this winter. 

Always something to do with our home, as well as the area around it. When you travel, most likely just put out the awnings, get the BBQ set up & chairs out is all that's needed, but when making our camp more permanent calls for just a little more preparation. Feeling satisfied we are almost ready. See how we fare as the weather comes. πŸ˜ƒ

Love this life, even if stationary πŸ€—