Monday 24 August 2015

Monday morning and 3 weeks left to first trip

Our first trip with our trailer and truck is soon to be on. Last week I got my trailer towing licence, and right after that Polly started packing the trailer with all the dishes, and pots and pans. We have started buying what we think we will need during the trip, I start off with an impact gun to make sure if we have a flat I can change it fast with less effort, also a multi tester in case we have electrical troubles. Poly is buying a Malita coffee pot and filters so we have a dependable coffee start to our day, and a step stool to acess the top cupboards. I have to put a tool kit together, and will over the next couple weeks. Our trailer and truck will soon fill up our goods, and we will be on our way before we know it.

We hope to make one camp trip before we leave the island, but still not sure we will make it. I took the trailer to CP Auto in Duncan Friday to give it a check up on some of the major components Brakes, Propane system, and the slide mechanism.  There were a couple problems, and will be finished today for sure says the Trailer technician. One valve for the fridge, and one for the hot water tank, and so it starts, trailer repairs...

We leave on our trip on the 11th of September on the Coho ferry out of Victoria harbour for Washington state. Our 21st anniversary is on the 10th, so we plan to celebrate in Victoria the evening before we leave, as we can park our rig at the ferry terminal over night, and catch the first ferry in the morning. Celebrating our anniversary is dinner and a few drinks, and maybe a few dances, if we can find a pub with some music Thursday evening. Will be fun anyway, we can make a party out of most anything, as Polly and I have much fun with less.

I have started planning which towns, and campsite possibilities we may stay in, as we have to have some idea of when we will have to move from place to place as we make our way to San Francisco. I am shooting at 3hr drive trips so far, and 2 night stays in each campsite. We may find we can travel further, and stay longer in the final camp spot, but for now will work with this.

Joining Passport America, or/and Good Sam Club is something we are most likely going to do, as we will get some good discounts with membership.  Got Polly checking this out today, should have much info when I return from work tonight.

Friday 14 August 2015

Friday again

Bosco and I went for a walk around the country block yesterday evening, and on the way I had thoughts about how it will be on our adventure. I am used to this walk, I know what expect next as well being close to our family living on this island. I think I am ready to move on and see more of this land, but am questioning whether I will miss what we have?

Familiar places, people, smells, sights and just comfort in where we are will be a test. Next month on our tester trip will help me make adjustments, but I will keep checking how I am feeling about leaving, and what I might miss, and what I can do to help check this as I go.

Friday again, and off to the cabin for the weekend after work tonight. Looks like will be a fun weekend with friends, fishing, joking, eating, and drinking possibility, likely too much!

Will be fun for sure. I will try to make this weekend just a little more controlled, I don't want to feel shitty next day while fishing... Good luck Brent! LOL