Tuesday 31 October 2023

I should have known about Memere's

Here I am watching and waiting for Polly, 10:30 at night, I'm tired and Polly has just moved to another train machine. She loves to gamble, and so did her Mom, I should have known, waiting for Memere was always something we expected when we took her to the casino, so here I am now waiting for Polly. I don't really mind, I just don't see putting money πŸ’ΈπŸ’ΈπŸ’Έ in for me, it just gets ate up in the machine. Polly on the other hand has a way of making some πŸ’Έ. 

So I thought might as well write, she's going up and down in her total, so I'll watch. I've been playing load's of poker, so it's her time now. I hear the sounds of people banging the button, Polly always so lightly touching the button, what was 40, then 50, now exactly $80. Polly with a big smile 😁 comes over and says as she's showing me the ticket amount, "I'm going to cash this in" 😁

On the way home we saw an X in the sky 

We get outta the casino, and walk through the parking lot to the main entrance, then along to the RV park, and home. Polly gets in and right away she's counting, change and then the πŸ’΅ bills. Her concentration is really good right now. I'm happy as she feels better, didn't loose so much as before, so she's happy. 

I'm tired, bed soon, but had time to write, we drank water tonight, so not feeling any effects of booze, that's good. Still I'm tired, so bed now. 

All in all a good week in Laughlin, gambling and seeing the town. We only went out to dinner once, we enjoyed dinner at home. Donations for the casino was not too bad, we can afford a little for our entertainment. Now for our trip tomorrow to Yuma, all going well we'll be there before 3pm, and I our site. Then the setup can take place the next day. 

Polly gives me the 50¢ coin I use for my marker usually, I'll try and hour or so tomorrow before we go, at the breakfast club just might help my luck. Now a little TV, then bed. 

11:11 Good night 😴

Love this life πŸ€—❤️

Saturday 28 October 2023

Laughlin and us this week.

Polly loves the slots here, I like to play cards. I like to say I'm Good at what I like, but really I'm still learning, as cards are something that changes with every table of people. That's what I like, so many different people at the table, different ways, and different opinions. Always interesting, always fun, I really like poker for so many reasons, but the table full of so many different people is what is always interesting. 

Yesterday I didn't win, but I met a man I sat beside that I'd met before, Curtis, he had been to Vancouver island before he said, remembered Port Alberni, and salmon fishing, canning the salmon, and Poet's Nook where they rented a cabin for the time they fished there. He said his mother won the Derby once, it was conversation as we played, so recalling now is not all exactly as told. 

I'll see him again I'm sure, he has a growly kinda voice, he's a good player, he moved here from Minnesota, 3 years ago, knows a lot about the weather here, says he likes the warm, and when too warm, he stays inside in the cool of the AC. I liked talking with him, I'll ask about the fishing stories if I sit next to him again, see if I can remember a little more of his mother's winning fish in the derby. 

I also met a woman in the tournament after the breakfast poker game (no breakfast now since covid), I didn't get her name, but I told her of Chris's accident, and how no charges, as she brought up a case recently of a couple kids in Vegas that killed a man, a retired cop that was riding his bike, they ran him over and laughed about it in court. She was surprised no charges in Chris's case, yet she agreed that our society has gotten to no responsibility for our actions kinda attitude. The kids laughing in court believe they will get off lightly due to their age. I believe if you old enough to get a license and drive, you are old enough to accept responsibility for your actions. 

I brought up the video games that kid's play, saying I think this is where it starts, "Grand Theft Auto", as I watched some kids playing it one time, and was shocked how the game was to kill people, and blood everywhere, no responsibility for actions in the game, just killing all over the place. She had also had watched this played, I wonder if this insensitivity is what's got our society where we are now? Was a very good conversation, but still no charges and no change in the laws. 

      Screen shot of the question I searched 

Anyway, I'm sitting in my shorts, and getting ready to go play poker again this morning. Some will be new faces, some I will remember, one person I remember here is Bill from Minnesota, he's always a familiar face when we come here. Ahh, Polly just got up, we both had a good sleep last night, went out after dinner for a walk about to the Tropicana, and a few others, this is when Polly gets what she loves, the slots. I thought she might break into a run as we got close to the door πŸ˜„

Dinner last night was perfect, Polly outdid the great salad, spinach and cooked apples and pecans Mmm, good. Oh yeah and some very nice steaks and cooked vegetables. πŸ˜†

       Great deal on these, $17 for 3 steak's 

   Moon was just coming up as I was cooking 

   On our way to the casino I saw this, I like it

Polly was in her element, from machine to machine, a little here, a little there. She does like the train πŸš‚ one, and last night she got lucky when she thought she was maybe going to have to get some more $$$, and whoo, toot toot, the trains πŸš‚ πŸš‚ πŸš‚ came up. She won, I could tell before I got to her, her smile was in her eyes πŸ‘€, and the story has to be told. It's great when we both get what we like to do, in the same place. ❤️

Our walk was great, even if I just put the $$ in and & the machine swallows it. Polly manages to get enough for us both to continue on the same amount of $$ we took out this time, Yay! 

Well I'm finishing this blog now as Polly gets dinner ready, has been another very nice day here in Laughlin. Polly did laundry and a little bit of cleaning this morning, I played poker till about noon, won, lost and came out only $20 down, with a Free, (well kinda free), entry in tomorrow's King of King's tournament at 3pm. Going to get the full week of fun here. 

Tonight we're going to Queen Nation, a show here at the Riverside we thought might be good, we'll see. 

Supposed to get really windy, tonight and tomorrow, will be interesting after the winds at The Valley of Fire, I'm not sure they'll compare. Polly will remember that for a long time I'm sure, and the story is going to be told many times πŸ˜†❤️

Penny my daughter is going out tonight in Port Alberni, she said on messenger, she's apprehensive about it, but going. I'm hoping it'll be good for her, she's still having a rough time with Chris's death, even more than us. Time will change it I'm sure, but they were close. Life goes on, and so will we. 

As I learned year's ago "One day at a time" 

Love this life we do ❤️πŸ€—

PS, pool wasn't heated, so one lap, then hot tub, then shower πŸ˜… 

Thursday 26 October 2023

Grande Prairie to Yuma Beauty every moment.

    Goodbye Wendover & Bonneville salt flats 

Here we are just above Las Vegas about to skip it, as we have been a few times already.
We chose this route as a few others had posted on (Snowbirds in and around Arizona) it was a good option to get out of the traffic through Vegas, and neither of us really want the hustle and bustle of a big city. 

Most of our travels we try to look in different places, not just stick to the main highways, although sometimes they're the best route, often busy and rushed. Leaving I-15 for Wendover, to see the Bonneville salt flats was a really good plan.

 Much less traffic, and sights we wouldn't have seen if we stayed on the main highway. 

I'm really happy we made the decision to skirt Salt Lake City, and Vegas, this place we stayed last night Poverty flats was really windy, Polly had a tough time sleeping 😴, not me, I crashed at 9, woke once, then again at 3:45, not a bad sleep for me. Coffee ☕ first, a little FB look, now to write as seeing so much this last 4 days has been filling my mind with beauty of the trip.

   This isn't the beauty, is biggest fill-up so far. 

    Grey snowy days is what we left in Alberta

Leaving on Sunday was not as planned. Knowing the weather, we decided leaving now for south was the best decision, new tires on the truck didn't make me comfortable to drive in the snow for the beginning of our trip. Just seeing the snow coming down as we left Okatoks was unsettling, knowing we had Montana to pass through. 

I take photos of signs then read them later. This one was very interesting to read. 

      About the ancient history of the area 

Looking back now, we left at exactly the right time. To start it was wet and snowy, but the day ended a couple hours over the boarder with nothing but clear skys ahead. Cold still, but no snow worries, next day we drove another long day to Fort Hall, a place we never heard of. Looking for a campground we went to a place that the campground was closed, so look again, called ahead and yes they had room, and was a decent price at a native casino, Yahoo says Polly πŸ˜€

  took this as we were about to leave Fort Hall

We stayed the night there, had a shower, filled our water tank, was empty as we used it all in Morinville, (the water there we would have had to boil, so didn't want any in our tanks) had power again, and TV, but the casino called, and Polly just loved it. Came back a winner 😁

Next leg was a turn off at Pocatello heading to Wendover Nevada, well is also Utah, the town lies right on the boarder, so gambling here, but not there. This part of our deveation from the fastest route took us through the farming area of Idaho, potatoes were everywhere, also sod farms, so much grass planted for next years building. I knew this was here somewhere, just never seen so much before. 

            thats a HUGE pile of potatoes 

We also saw this yellow on the road, I thought at first was paint residue from painting the yellow center line, but further we went the more was on the road, we also smelled cow, like they were close, but didn't see any. It took awhile but I figured was manure that was being hauled to the field to fertilize, and as we approach the tiny corner where the gas station was, I looked left, and long yellow lines led to that farm, yep that's where it's coming from. 

I should have stopped for gas here, but the station was kinda plugged with trucks of farmers getting breakfast at the cafe, so I passed by, that was a mistake that we corrected in the next town, 98 miles away, and only 1/2 tank of fuel. Glad a fuel station there, and a cowboy 🀠 bar for lunch with a really nice bartender that just opened for the day.

        Polly made a few more $ here

As we traveled we watched as the lush land became desert slowly, was amazing to see over the next hill how it changed from the lush green to the dry, yellow and brown sage brush country. We both talked about this a bit, a long with solving all the world's problems, we talk the best while traveling. Joking, and laughing at the silliest stuff. We both are happy to be traveling again. Not that we didn't like where we were, just we like the trip, the diversity in our views. 

I don't think we just want to travel all the time, but after awhile we both love to get into the truck, trailer behind and move forward in our lives towards new sights. This trip south has been wonderful, as most of this we don't remember from any past trip, that's the discovery that we both love, what's around the next corner, the changes in the land, the long straight roads that at the beginning it looks like they will never end. Yesterday we saw probably 10 of these long valley's, when we started into them we couldn't see the other side. Looking back now was a really nice day yesterday, and to get to this place just in time for sunset was great. 

We parked overlooking the ravine below a long with a few others, cracked a beer each to celebrate🍻 the Polly started in on dinner right away. I asked want the jacks down? Naw was her answer, want it leveled? Nope, well just park and leave tomorrow. So dinner was great, as always, Polly has a way of being prepared ahead with a plan, and once she starts I just stay outta her way. I set the table, and walked about took a few photos, then I started to search for our next route to Laughlin. 

That's how it goes, we seem to have an UN thought about way of who will be doing what. I laughed to myself just now, Polly said when we started this way of life that we should write a blog! She's pretty crafty hey, now I write πŸ˜€. 

Yesterday on our trip all of a sudden Polly says "you got to put this in "your" blog, "we had to turn on the AC today," 80°f out now. Funny how we work together, how we operate. Sometimes we say what the others thinking, when this happens Polly often says"Would you get outta my head!"  Such fun, that just how we want it, fun. 

The wind blew all night here, Polly had a rough sleep, but she's a sleeping good now. Wind has died down, the clouds are over but will cook away today, supposed to be another warm day here, further south we go warmer it gets now. 70-75° just right for me, 80+ I need the pool πŸ˜†

Today we will travel to Laughlin, all going good they will have a site at the riverside for us. We know this area a little, mostly the casino, will be fun to play cards again for a couple days, Polly the slots, also a tribute to Queen is playing there this weekend, that we will see hopefully. Polly wants to try a couple other casinos this time, so a little traveling around I'm thinking. 

Yuma next stop, Sundance RV Park, and some meeting the neighbors there, a different site this time, be nice to get to know the neighbors. Also to meet friends we know from times before. Card game friends, and friends from staying beside in past times, just so many people all happy to be here and enjoy the winter in the warmth of Yuma. 

That looking back and forward this time, back at our trip, and for to our destination. The now is here in this trailer, still dark outside, coffee ☕ getting Cool, as I peck away here. 5:56 says the time on the phone, almo 6am, that's good, I'm interested to take a walk about here, was kinda outta energy last night before it got dark. See what the bigger picture is like here before we do like the bird's,  and "Flock off" 

Good morning Poverty flats 😁

Love this life we do ❤️πŸ€—

Monday 16 October 2023

Our last day in Grande Prairie was great πŸ˜€

                  Tea is served πŸ˜†

Started off with an early wakeup, but not too bad, I'm thinking 4am is ok now. I knew I wanted to get the brisket on early as last time I cooked one was 8pm before it was ready. So I got going early, did all the fat trimming and got it ready before 8am, so at first light I was ready to start. 

Well as it turns out it was ready early, which turned out in our favor, Polly was also ready early with her baking and salad making so we could enjoy our company as they came.

Of course never one thing at a time we both were preparing our home for the move today. I had all the outside stuff to get ready, sewer dumped, and all hoses cleaned and put away, everything in the basement packed away, chairs loaded, all wile checking on the brisket. Loads of hand washing as I went! 

I'd check in with Polly, " Got to turn the water off" "OK" Polly says, and then go to work dumping the sewer and then filling the water tank. Is quite a bit of stuff to do inside and out if we have been awhile in one spot. Most we kinda do a little at a time the days before we leave, but some has to be left till the last day before we leave. 

Was a busy day, but all got done, and today the lift off will be easy. I never called it a lift off before, but really that's kinda what it is, we have to lift the trailer up, and get the truck under it, attached, then set the trailer down on the pickup. So lift, and off we go πŸ˜†, will be a nice drive today. 

Our dinner worked out great yesterday, all went well, food was good, people turned up early, Jack was first, he just returned from a trip south to help a friend move. He was really tired, a long trip, I was really happy to see him, so was Gracie and Walter the dog greeting party. Always nice to have a loving greeting when ya come home ❤️

Then Ciara (dressed up beautiful) came with Colton, that's when the real busyness started. Colton didn't sit still for many moments, he was here, there, and everywhere. Thinking back now I wouldn't of had it any other way. Sometimes I was playing with him, sometimes I watched, again he got everyone involved. Just makes my heart swell how inclusive he is, fun and full of life. The center of attention wherever he went. 

Jack was now showered up and ready to enjoy life again, we sat in the yard awhile, in the sun, was really nice out. Then to the garage, where the toys were, the kids table & chairs and the tea set were well used here, so much entertainment now. Water, cups, pouring, yep it was what kept him busy while his Mom went to pickup Chase as he was home again, and would be coming for dinner now. 

Colton didn't like that mommy was leaving, he was really sad, well for a little while, then the tea set came into play. I'm shaking my head as I peck on the screen here, he was so fun. Polly with him, Jack with him, Wendy playing ball, he was with all of us, and never ran out of energy.

Ciara came back with Chase, and Colton was happy to see Mom, but much play yet to be had. I started handing out some of the burnt ends I'd made, and everyone Mmm πŸ˜‹ liked them, a first for me, I'll do again. Brisket was now off the grill resting in the cooler, this works great. Ciara brought some coleslaw, and corn bread, and an assortment of wine, 🍷 🍷 🍷 🍷 🍷 I asked for a bottle πŸ˜†. 

Now Taylor & Brett arrive (Taylor also dressed up fine) and dinner is good to go now. It's always nice to see the fruits of your labour, and dinner was fruits of many peoples labour. Polly had made a Caesar salad, Wendy made her famous beans, buns from the Hutterite Colony, Ciara brought the coleslaw & cornbread, & wine,  then I was cutting the brisket up. I was really happy that the meat turned out so good, everyone liked it, both the burnt ends and the brisket. 

                  Burnt ends & Brisket 

I tied right into serving myself dinner, I didn't wait for others this time, I was sitting waiting while others served, I got outta the way. Thinking back now watching it all take place was so great, all worked out great πŸ˜€πŸ‘ Colton the Star in the highchair, getting lots of attention. 

Taylor came and sat beside me, Chase on the other side, sure felt good, grandchildren all around. Jack last to sit at the table, looked and said "how come I always have to sit at the kids table" LoL πŸ˜†. We all had a good laugh about this, Jack was seated next to Colton, Polly and Wendy were at the kitchen bar,  the rest of us around the table. 

Was a perfect ending, almost, Colton finished early, he was "Done" he said, that was the go for Polly, out she went and got her famous cinnamon buns for dessert. Colton was crying, he went for the candies that he found in Wendy's office, and Memere took them away, big tears 😭, then when Polly came in with the cinnamon buns he dried those tears so fast! We all had a good laugh over this πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜…

We all ate too much, but most everyone found room for a cinnamon bun Mmm πŸ˜‹

After dinner still full of energy Colton and Chase went at the wooden nails, then Taylor & Brett had a turn with him. He really likes this game, he gets others to do it for him, I'm thinking he's got boss qualities πŸ˜„ 

                  Taylor, Colton & Brett 

Hugs and more hugs, and soon after they were all gone, last time we'll see them in person for a long while now. We do some cleanup, well I kinda just sat there really, taking it all in now. 

We played a game of tile rummy with Wendy as Jack watched 60minutes, and gave comments from the living room. Was the last game, we had scores from before, when I went out Wendy went over the 100, and Polly and I were satisfied πŸ˜„ we had each won a game then.

We got the last of the dishes out of their house, brought some dishes back, split up the leftovers, and the cinnamon buns, then the good night, and see ya tomorrow.

And today we leave. 

We have been here almost 2 months, and seems like a few weeks, has been a really nice time here, thanks so much to Jack & Wendy for their hospitality, and Ciara putting up with my, our, many visits. Was a really good time this time, Really good! 

We built memories, different memories this time ❤️πŸ€—

Love this life we doπŸ€—❤️

Sunday 15 October 2023

Sunday here, we are close to moving on now.

Sunday again, geez the week's are just flying by. We have had a great stay here in Grande Prairie, like our second home now, I know how to get around town almost every bit of it. The main arteries are North South, and East West, with a Bear creek in the middle diagonally. 

We have seen spring, summer, fall, & winter here, knowing all this we understand when it's time to leave, so before our wheels get attached to the ground we will mosy on down the trail towards Edmonton in our next move. Morinville RV Park is our next stop, close to family and close to Edmonton area. Looking forward to moving, even though we will miss everyone here, we are heading to the warmth of Yuma, knowing we have friends there that we look forward to seeing again. 

Traveling is something we have grown used to knowing or time has come to move, we both look forward to the trip from here to Yuma. We always like to see new places, and the route we take this time is a first for us with the trailer, we have been before in a car, but being able to stay as we go this time will be nice. Polly already wants to go around salt lake City, but I plan a Sunday morning trip thru as most will be in church then 😁

I want to stop and see Bonneville salt flats, I'm thinking nobody be there, but still I'd like to see it. Also there is a place close that is where the last spike was driven for the railroad, that'll be interesting. Polly always finds something she'd like to see once we are closer, she starts looking about, never know what she'll come up with. I look forward to this, the surprise of what's next. 

Today we will have our last dinner with family and friends, cooking the other half of the brisket we bought when we first arrived. I'm hoping to get the timing right this time, 5:30 dinner, not 8pm πŸ˜„ I woke early have the meat trimmed now, and the rub on it, just a bit more time and it'll be light enough to start, I expect 8 hours of slow cooking to be just right. 

           the brisket flat and tip separate. 
We have done much while here, visited with many, and passed on our love to many, and received much love also while here. ❤️
The fall here was beautiful this year, we moved from heat and smoke to the most beautiful fall, warm and surprisingly less windy that usual. Foggy after the rains is something that is a little unusual here, but we got that just like on the coast. Now we are infor the cold πŸ₯Ά, cold nights, and warm, well now, not really warm days ahead. 

The final part of our time here culminated in the vigil for Chris, this was something I wanted to do, yet was unsure how to, or what it would be like. I made up signs the couple days ahead, finishing just before we left to go to the place. I'll never forget the rushing to finish, and the anger in some of my actions as I wrote Prosecutor, and RCMP on the boards. I used tape to make the letters, so sometimes I caught myself not cutting the tape, but ripping it, ripping with anger. 

The vigil went well, and many showed up, was really nice to hear people talking about Chris, all the good he did and was. Makes me even prouder than ever. He was a good man. 

Today we'll say goodbye to Ciara & Brett,  Colton, Chase if he comes, Laurie, Ciaras Mom, Taylor & Brett, Jack & Wendy & Gracie their dog. Been a really nice time here, and we have a reservation for next year already, that's if Jack doesn't block the driveway πŸ˜πŸ˜†

Sunday's always a favorite πŸ€—❤️ love our Life 

Saturday 14 October 2023

17 year old driver killed Chris, no Charges!

Well Chris's friends and family came to the place where he was hit, rundown, 1year ago yesterday, was a good turnout, signs got some people wondering slowing down to read them. We gathered and talked, laughed, cried, and just told stories of the past. Was good to see people remember him so fondly. 

I was just getting to know Chris better when he passed, and after I get to know him even better from all the stories his friends tell now. 

I wish it was different, but it is what it is! On we go in our lives, not forgetting Chris, just moving forward as life is ment to be lived. 

Soon we will leave Grande Prairie for the south, I hope to be able to sleep better, I hope that the thoughts that come to mind won't come if I wake in the future. 5am used to be my wake time, now I never know when I'll wake, 3am, 1 am, 330 seems to be often, 230 also a good time it seems, take pills to sleep still wake, just have to go through the process I think. 

Time heals all I know from past experience, but this time is different, it's taking longer than I thought it would, just can't hurry up the healing. 

We have a last few visits with Ciara Colton and family this weekend, then Monday we move a little south. Right this moment it just doesn't really matter to me, it just feels numb. Tomorrow and Sunday will be nice, the last few goodbyes, then off we go. 

I haven't made reservations in Edmonton yet, guess I'll do that tomorrow. Or last minute Monday, two possible places we could stay, both close but not in Edmonton. I hear the owl noises now. Dogs too. The highway is quite at this time, one good thing about being awake now. 

That's it, all I want to say. Funny me running out of words. 1:44am thoughts are not too bright. 

Back to bed soon. 


Monday 9 October 2023

Thanksgiving Day today, so much to be thankful for!

I'm thankful for family, friends and our way of life in this beautiful country ❤️ I often say how thankful I am for never having to fight in a war, I can imagine I would if I had to, but really happy I never had to. November 11th is the next holiday, I usually attend to honor the people that gave their all for our freedom. Is a solom time, and remembering them and realizing our lives could be much different if it wasn't for the battles that were fought to keep our freedoms. 

Just thinking of how we move around our country with our home and stay here, stay there, visit and see so much. I don't know we'd be able to do this if the wars had gone the other way. This freedom to roam is something I'm really thankful for, along with the pensions we have to support us, this makes it doable. 

Having friends along the way helps us out so much too, Jack and Wendy here in Grande Prairie have been great πŸ‘, we let them know how much we appreciate them, the fun we have together, and the way they don't have expectations while we are here, we visit with them and our family here, and all's good. We often joke about when we leave, be real quiet here lol. 

Friends, I remember an uncle who said many times "You can never have too many friends!" I believe he was correct, as when we were not sure where to turn after Christopher's accident, we found friends that offered a place to stay, a place to park, a place to just get away from it all for awhile. Yes I believe you can never have too many friends πŸ€—❤️

Today will be a very relaxed day, Polly is still sleeping 😁 its 9:am, I'm thinking WOW, I just felt the trailer moving, she's up! WOW, that was a long sleep. That heavy cookin took alot outta Polly. Yep a relaxed day, Polly said yesterday Turkey pot pie is on the menu tonight, I love how she plans ahead. 

I'm very thankful for our relationship, Polly and I have the best friendship and marriage, I feel happy & thankful for this. Also thankful for our family, so many different people, all part of our family, all related. All spread out now, some Port Alberni some Naniamo, some Comox, some Qualicum, some Grande Prairie, extended family as well, all over western Canada. And friends all over the world, geez we sure are fortunate. 

Being able to plan our winter south, and summer north, and visit with many, and live free in our part of the world is great πŸ‘ I'm thankful for all of this and more. 

Love our life πŸ€—❤️ where ever we are!

Sunday 8 October 2023

hmm, Sunday morning again, week went fast!

Looking back now it was a busy week, with much accomplished castle finished, a trip down memory lane with Larry, that was great. Some really good talk with friends and family on Messenger,  some furniture made and painted for the castle, a few games of tile rummy with Wendy and Polly, that was fun, shopping for clothes, I bought 2 pair of pants and a pair of shoes while Polly prepared early for thanksgiving dinner.

The Friday we went to dinner at Sotos restaurant, we had dinner with entertainment, made for a fun dinner. Then to a play of Patsy Cline, that made this night! Such a good play, and a short life for a very good singer. 

Yesterday we had a wonderful dinner, it was later than planned, but during that time we had a really fun time outside with Colton as our entertainer. So many great memories during this waiting time. The sun was out, I had shorts on with flip flops on. A beautiful day. Then dinner, man was that good, Polly and Wendy really made a nice dinner. Everyone was happy with the many different choices. I was carving, and then we were all eating, no thought about a photo. Man was it ever good. 

Colton he wasn't too interested in dinner, but when that desert came, he was all about that! I heard him, Mmm Mmm πŸ˜‹ he really tore into the turkey cupcake, and once the cookie and the icing was done, the cupcake wasn't to interesting, so he left that. 

We had a great day, Polly created dinner, while I created a couple more chairs, Jack cleared the leaves off, and made a couple piles, and Wendy was in the kitchen and cleaning house getting ready for the troups. 

I had some very special moments, one laying in the leaves will Colton as everyone left for a moment, we layed in the leaves and looked up at the trees empty of leaves, I said "look no leaves left" and Colton stayed still a long while and looked, it took me back to days I would do this with Chris and Penny in our yard on Nelson road. Was a beautiful moment, I'll never forget with my kids and now my grandson. Lucky me! 

I can't really explain the fun we all had yesterday watching Colton, and playing with him, he was so full of energy. He shared himself around to everyone, a little bit here, a little bit there, just a very busy boy. A few drinks spilled, a few chairs wet, but no broken glasses. And golf balls everywhere, he had a blast. 

Looking back on the week it seems now it just went poof, but that's how life can be, when you're busy time just flys. Now looking forward we have one last week here, and I'm sure that'll go poof too. I know it's time to go, but I'm also feeling like I wanna stay. It'll be ok once we start to travel, we'll miss em all, but we will be seeing them on FB and messenger in the camera. 

     We sat in a circle while Colton was busy

No major plans this week ahead, Polly wants to get her hair done, Jack's got a trip planned south for a friend that's moving, I might add a few more things to Colton's castle, and surely play in and on it with him a little more. I'll make an adult seat for inside so I can join him inside. Maybe a walk to the park this week with Colton Ciara and Polly, always love that. The last few days we will be relishing I'm sure, as be a long time before we see them in person again. 

Sunday has always been a day of reflection for me, a day where I kinda take stock, think about how things are going. How was that week? what's the next look like? What's the plans for down the road now? Then after a little of that I think what about today, what's on the docket for today? Today we have no plans, cleaning up after yesterday Polly said last night, and maybe some extra rest. I'm going to make that stool for me to sit on in Colton's castle, and maybe another Knights chair. That'll be 4 knights Chris for the round table. I'm sure he'll have much fun there, he will be busy creating all sorts of memories in and out of the castle. 

I heard Polly just now, a little too early for her to get up, but sometimes when she has something she wants to get done, she's up early. I'm not thinking she'll be wanting to get going on the cleaning lol. I look around now, and it doesn't look to bad, just a few dishes, and mostly tidy up. Inside and out LoL. 

And so another week begins, as many have before. I was happy to see Ciara out, I was worried she might not come, her face was really bothering her, but she came, and laughed, and had a really good time with all of us, and forgot about it for awhile. Taylor and Brett came too, so we had 8 of us, 7 adults, and one entertainer 🀣 what a blast!

Love our life wonderful πŸ€—♥️

Sunday 1 October 2023

Sunday morning just north of the 55th parallel

A trip to Rainbow lake yesterday was needed to store Chris & Ciara's car's for the winter, and check on the trailer that's on the property as well as assess the water pipe situation as it froze last winter and don't want that to happen again. All went good, the shop that's on the property is huge, so got 4 mustangs in it with room to spare, 

Might be the last time I go there, never know. I was happy to help Ciara, get the cars there, and see that area one more time. We are fortunate we didn't try to go last weekend, as the fire there went over the road and burned some of the power poles, was a huge fire that knocked out the power to Rainbow lake. 

As we travel into the town, about 5 or more kilometers along both sides of the road was completely black, right up to the road. So devastating looking. We hear of fire's this summer, but this is my first time seeing this so close, and so late in the year, and it's still burning πŸ”₯ up there. Because we got rain, and the smoke is gone in GP we think it's out, but this let us know the fires, many are still going. 

The trip up was solom, I left about 6:30am, was on my own towing a trailer with Chris's 65 mustang inside, and the morning was really foggy. Had to really watch out, visibility was poor. Ciara came later in her car, and Brett in Chris's other mustang, a prade of mustangs. 

I stopped once the daylight came, a pee and a good look at the beauty as the sun started to show it's light. Took a few photos, and drove on to Manning where I gassed up. I remember Chris talking about many places as he drove this highway so many times, and often he'd call and say I'm at, wherever he was, the calls almost always ended with no connection, he was loosing me hed say, or I might loose you. 

Of course that's exactly what would happen, most of the time that was the end of the call, unless he hadn't finished, something yet to tell me, like "you should see this barn!" Or I just saw the biggest Buffalo, or "you should see what I just saw" always something to see along this highway. 

I'm glad I went yesterday, Ciara needed the hand, and I was happy to help. On the other side of it, it was just another way of connecting with Chris and his past.and just seeing what he saw again remembering his words, and understanding his feelings and why he loved it up here so much. It's all beautiful, just not my place to want to live now. Although I understand why he loved it. 

On our way back Ciara sat up front, Brett and his two children sat in the back seat, was a long ride, but smoke breaks, and run around the car play breaks, and Manning gass up stop was all fun. Ciara and I had alot of "Chris" conversation, as we traveled, was nice to stumble through how he was on the road, the calls, the sights, remembering him each our own way. 

Brett lives in Chris's shado, he's a very patient man, and Ciara knows this must me hard on him, but still I'm sure they love each other, seeing how they are together. How they are developing a relationship even with the presence of Chris's memory so close. I'm happy for them. Moving on after something like this is not easy, and how you do it is your way, we all handle it in our own way. 

My way was solom on the way to Rainbow, the radio on and off many times, be a song come on that I said, dam I can't listen to that! "Cat's in the cradle" came on, had to shut it off half way, just too much. Was sung by a country singer, was nice but just too much for me. 

The thoughts and sights were beautiful, as the fog parted on the way over Peace river towards Dunvegan I remember stopping there with Polly on our way up to Rainbow to camp a week to be near Chris. Him and Ciara followed with the tent trailer, was a fun week, with a couple hiccups, as our trailer had some spring troubles,but with Chris's connection there, and the mechanic Don that's been there over 30 years, we got it fixed. I will never forget this time in Rainbow, bugs were bad, and the town seemed bleek, but Chris just loved it! 

I didn't really understand, but I do a little more now, it is peaceful there, off the beaten path. Small town friendly, I like that, on our way outta town I fueled up at what's left of a store there, and the guy that was on duty and I talked a bit as he rung in my sale, he was in his last year of school,grade 12. He asked me "guess how many will be in my graduating class?" I said I didn't know "3 people" he said, WOW. That's way to small a town for me. 

The country looks beautiful, but not a place for me to stay, just to remote, but for Chris it was great, he worked there, had his quad there to ride around on, could shoot there, he loved his guns, many roads around to check out, buddy's from work to hang out with, life was good. I can't imagine that for my life, but for him it was just great πŸ‘

He'd travel home every other weekend, another honeymoon πŸ˜„ he joked, visit with his family,  he had it all! 

We got home to Ciara's about 10pm, all tired and just wanted to get to sleep. Unpacked the stuff outta the truck, had our quick goodbyes, and off I went home to Polly. I kept the trailer on, will return it today. 

Not an earth shattering day, but the amount of emotion squeezed outta me was lots! I'm still kinda reeling from it this morning, interesting looking back, and seeing what was, as well was seeing what is. I know life goes on, we all say that, but sometimes you just cringe at the thoughts. Believe it or not, this helps, even with the Kleenex beside me piling up, it helps to put it down here, fumble through the thoughts. 

I'm no freaking pro at this, but I'm learning every day what grieving is all about. Today I cry, for now, in a few hours I'll be like, I'm Ok! And that's just how it goes, a little at a time I'm moving forward. 

Ok enough of that, what's next! 

Sunday morning coffee ☕☕done, breakfast I'm thinking is soon. Still dak at 6:45am, I guess I'll have to wait. 

Another day in paradise ❤️πŸ€— love this life πŸ€—