Wednesday 27 October 2021

Yesterday we went to visit a friend❤️

       Gary's Restaurant car on the wall

Was a stormy day and after we said we would go we thought, hmm. But we went, the wind was blowing, the rain was pouring, the inside of our truck was warm and dry. Yes this was the right decision, as our friend reached out on messenger as most of our connections are, our phone numbers change every once in awhile. 

The drive was great, was nice to see the trees swaying, and leaves coming down, just a beauty day. Cameron lake was wind blown, but not crazy. When we arrived at the pub by the water the ocean was huge waves and wind and rain like crazy. Our friend was there already watching the water rage. We got a hug in then looking at the pub, Closed Monday sign was not expected. So off we go to another local restaurant Gary's for a bite. 

Vax and ID please was the first order of business. Once that was outta the way,
Coffee ☕ and a shrimp cuissant for me, Shrimp wrap for Polly, and a bowl of Soup for our friend.

We sat by the window looking out at the street, but didn't pay much attention as conversation was good, very good. Been awhile since we caught up, and much had changed. Lot's to talk about, past events, present decisions to be made, and future plans. So much of our lives were changing for many reasons. 

Was a beautiful day to meet and talk just the right day and best time. 🤗❤️ 

Time passes fast when it has been a few years since you met last. Before we knew it 2hour flipped by just like that. We had covered alot of ground, made loose plans for the future, listened, & talked our way through lunch, like the food wasn't even there. All on a rainy, windy, ugly kinda day.

 What a gift we had that day. ❤️

We parted outside with a hug, and off we went on our seperate journey's just a little more prepared as we now are on this journey with a friend, a friend that knows what's up. A friend that you know is on your journey, as you are on there's. Reconnecting gives us that comfort to move forward knowing you have people that care along with you as you move through this life. 

We were on our way home when I asked Polly, "Wanna go look at the water?" "Yes" she says, and after a few turns we drive close to the water and what a change, water was calmer, no wind. Like we had talked the weather into calming lol. 

The turnarounds took us to Judge's row a little known street by the water, was nice to drive slow and look at what I remembered from my youth. Just a beautiful place. The subdivision at the end of the street was a football field when I was younger, now full of huge houses, all with there own place by the beach across the road. 

I have the memory of walking across that field years ago, that will stay the same 😉

Never know what a day will bring if you go with what comes to you. Thanks to our friends for all we get and give. I'm thankful always for our friends, always 😊❤️

The rains are here for awhile, enjoy the sounds inside our dry, warm home. 

Love this life I do 🤗❤️

Friday 22 October 2021

Are you going South?

          Our view today is sunny ☀️

One of the most asked questions I have been asked lately "Are you going South now the boarder's opening up?". Along with "Where are you going to go?"

Yes we are going south, but will wait till January as we have a house to watch over here in Port Alberni while our friends go south. This will give them peace of mind, and us a chance to see how the boarder opening goes. A little time to have the crazy get outta the way, so when we do go the rules in play will be just a little more organized. 

I think the first of the people that go may be in for a long lineup's, with mixed up boarder control officers. The way this  passport is being created as the boarder opens makes me happy to stay put till things get better. 

Our plan will be to make our way towards Yuma, by way of Palm Springs and to Indo at Indian waters, we have friends we want to see there. Then a couple weeks in Yuma.

Talking with our friends recently, I believe we will head to Mexico again, San Carlos was a good place to spend our time together in early 2020, so will try that again. We did love the beach, and looking at the water, dolfins, sandy beach. Just love that kinda beauty ⛱️

Just messaged or friends, yup all reserved already, so lucky Rock is looking out for us. He has it booked, and we are ready to go, just a couple more months to go.

Wile we stay at our friends I'm going to do a few things to the trailer that Polly wants, improvements that need time to get just right, and while we are out of it will be the best time to do them. Nothing big, just some comfort alterations. 

So, Yes we are going south. 

Now for my morning walk, looking just beautiful out today❤️🤗

Loving our life as we plan ahead. 
Mexico here we come 😁🏖️

Monday 18 October 2021

Thanksgiving weekend lasted 2 weekends

It started early, and ended late this year, as we didn't have the regular kinda Thanksgiving dinner as family is still kinda separated. Vax, non vax, in town, outta town, also some other stuff. Our families, like many others have challenges when it comes to all getting together. 

When Polly's Mom "Memere" was alive we all gathered at her house at times like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and birthday's.

Dinners were an event, everyone brought something so there was many different flavors, we all dressed up, so that was exciting too, we were working so was a rush to get there and organize the families each trying to get everyone we could to show up. The more the merrier was Memere's way. 

Cards, always cards after dinner, cards sometimes just a few games of crib would keep Memere happy, but most of the time poker, Texas Holdum was the game of choice. A few times so many players we weren't sure if we had enough cards to play 😂😆 Always fun that lasted late, and the last one at the table was Memere, saying aww, comon, 1 more game 😀 you guys.

As Memere aged and we took the rein's organizing the day, things started to change. A few wouldn't show up, then some would be late, and the day would kinda change. Memere though, always a smile happy to have who came to be there and spend time together. 

I remember one year two of the families, us and another, and our kids went to the cabin to celebrate Thanksgiving, Memere was not happy about that, and she let us know 😠😆

This year was very different, we had 3 small dinner's that was great, but different in that we didn't all get together in one place. Funny how things changed, and how fast it seems it happened. 

7:00 am now and just starting to get light out, and thankful we had time with family, & friends even if was in small groups. 

Next year we will have to start earlier, so we can get to everyone's place for a "Hi how are ya!" Thanks to everyone for the Mmm 😋 good cooking, and the fun visiting. Was a great Thanksgiving ❤️

 Remembrance day ceremonies next, a solmen time we always observe.

 Christmas day, we are staying home for this year, let the boarders clear up, and get the rules figured out, well travel in January this winter. 

Life on the road is also different this year, but travel we will. Mexico is in our sight's as we make plans for our winter. 

Life is a changing, just like the season's. 

Loving our Life ❤️🤗