Thursday 31 March 2022

What I've learned lately 😃

I've learned that I can make the same screwups over again! I laugh at myself, as I think to myself "I'm thinking ok" then I realized I still make the same pour judgment in my decisions. 

I learned again have a rinse after swimming in the pool, otherwise I get an itchy back.
I learned that bending over in our shower ðŸšŋ to pickup the soap gets a goose from the taps, and a HoTT water rush!
I learned I like my early morning time to read, think, and just have time before I head out into the world 🌎
I learned again that slot machines don't pay out nearly as much as I put in them.
I learned that I really enjoy the time in the morning when Polly gets up even if we don't talk much.
I've learned I forget more now than ever.
I've learned that I really like the view of sunlight coming in the window each morning.

I've learned that I'm pretty content to sit here and write this right now ðŸĪ—
I've learned that even if I really like playing poker, I wouldn't want to play every day. 

I learn everyday. Sometimes I do again what I thought I learned not to do, just because I say to myself awe, that's not important. Till I'm scratching my back wondering why? 😆

I'm on my way to poker, I'm walking to the casino this time, as I also learned that the eating I've been doing has caused a couple more pounds to be put back on. Will have to exercise a little more, and as a friend said before "push myself away from the table" sooner than later. 

I keep learning, as we all do. Wishing it to be true won't make it happen, but taking the things we learn and using this information to further ourselves, that's when the rubber hits the road. 

Off to the casino to learn a little more about me. 


Monday 21 March 2022

Squandering your Sunday. I thought I might but then I got busy. 😀

This photo I took while we were in Bisbee, AZ thinking to myself why wear a flag? It's a fashion statement I'm guessing, but as a Canadian I just don't understand. Not that I'm not proud to be Canadian, just our way is different. My way is different. I have a small flag on the Hitch of our trailer, stating I'm Canadian and proud of it. Having a huge flag on a tall flagpole was a problem here in USA as some people took offence to my flag in their country, so I decided to take it down. 

The small flag is all I need, it says what I want. 

Sunday was a very good day. I got ambitious and moved the beer fridge to the basement of our trailer finally, I'd been saying I'd do it for awhile. It was a bigger job than I thought it would be, but it's in there, and our living room is much less cluttered now. 

I got the outside ready for Mondays trip to Phoenix, sewage dumped, and most everything put away. 

I asked Polly and Mike if they wanted to go on a trip to the missile silo, and then the DeGrazia gallery, but both were not into it. 

Was a beauty day to be out on my own. Traffic was not bad, the GPS on my phone makes driving so easy. So much to see here. I coulda been gone for a long time 😆😁
I came home in the late afternoon, after getting some sour cream Polly wanted, I didn't forget. Also fueled up for the next days travel. 

Was a great afternoon, just me the truck, and my own desired desire to see these 2 places.

The missile silo was so amazing, even more interesting than I thought.
So much engineering that went into these silos, so much thought & planning.
I'm very glad I went, and saw what was. I'm not sure what is now, but I'm sure there is much artillery still available if needed to go into battle.

Then after a quick stop for some chicken nuggets, and a green shake I drove north, and east to the far otherside of Tuscon, next to the mountains to see and artist I had learned of on recommendation by the paperwork we got from the RV park we stayed in. I did a little research first on the man, Ted DeGrazia.
Learning that he burned his artwork in protest of the inheritance taxes that would, or could befall his children after his death. I had to see what he did, know who he was. 

I was not letdown, the gallery of his, and the grounds were such a bizarre difference from where I had just been, I didn't really think about it at the time, but later I realized it was so different. 

Was kind of a long day, but was happy to say I did just what I wanted to that day. Saw 2 new to me things, and made myself think, and write. This might not make sense to some, but to me it was a very good day. 

I write tonight as Polly went to bed, and I have energy 😂, why I don't know. We are now in Phoenix, and settled in. Our plans here are starting, friends to visit, and a few sights to see. Mike is with us, Sharon went home to be with her Mom, it seems like her mom's going to be ok, sounded dire when we first heard of her mom's condition. Hope all's good. 

The news is on, I turn it off, am I an ostrich with my head in the sand? Nope, I just don't want to hear all that's broadcast. 

Polly still has TV in bed room on, I'm going to bed. Was a good day, again.

Happy to be able to write with no fear. 

Till tomorrow, such a happy life we lead ðŸĪ—❤️

Tuesday 15 March 2022

Spring Break

Having heard of USA's spring break phenomenon over the years, we had never experienced it. Not that we went out and partied with the college youth, but we did get a little exposure this past weekend when droves of young people came to Peurto Penasco. 

I have no photos of this time, or the wrecklessness we saw on our way to El Captain Restaurant (La Casa Del Capitan) on Saturday evening. On our way to pickup friends from there RV park we saw so many people on Quads & ATV's on the road turning in front of us, blocking traffic, going in-between vehicles, and all with little or almost no clothes on. Drunk? I'd say so, and crazy like I had never really expected or realy experienced before, except at a pit party in the past, or drags on the highway years ago. 

Mexico and the lack of consequences, or rules makes this the purfect play place for these spring breaker's. I heard one statement as we yaked about this on Sunday "If you can get to the bar they will serve you" I shake my head, I'm thinking I'm old alright, I just can't imagine this when I was young. Closest to this was grad drunk, or a house wrecking party ðŸĨģ

I think I just didn't get out much, at least not like this. So wild on the way too the restaurant, and even Wilder on the way home when dark. I was driving, so trying to just get through the mess without hitting anyone, or getting hit. Happy to say we missed them all. Lots of music ðŸŽĩðŸŽķ Saturday and Sunday night to 4am or more. I slept through the Saturday night, but Sunday I woke at 1:30 and was awake till 4:30, then awake by 6 as was a travel day. 

I am happy to say I experienced a small bit of what the spring break is like, and will remember to not be where it's happening if I can avoid it in the future. Not that I didn't like looking at the young girls with little on, just not up for the wild drunken crazy behavior. 

Yep I'm old now, and fine with that, I hadn't fun, didn't get on a quad, or ATV. I took my chances too, but not with this machinery. Cars, we raced around in cars when I was young, and luckily I didn't have any bad wrecks. 

I've said before I'm lucky, and watching the performance this weekend makes me glad I didn't have a quad to play with, I may not have been luck with these and drinking! ðŸĪŠ

Tuscon AZ now, back in the good ole USA today, the trip through the boarder was uneventful, with a friendly boarder guard for a change. Saying goodbye to Rock Janine and Nugget was a little sad, we have gotten used to the happy hours, and the laughing. 

We will be together with Mike & Sharon, maybe till Alberta, who knows. Then the summer will come, and east we plan to go. 

I'll miss Puerto Penasco, the beach there was fantastic,
and the last day at Wrecked at the Reef was great, warm no wind, and a fun group to be with. 

Happy hour was always fun, with so many laugh's. Will remember these times always ðŸĪ—❤️

Last night's happy hour was a little more subdued, we were tired, and I haven't had time to meet everyone here in this RV park 😀

I did hear a guy playing guitar ðŸŽļ and singing, have to check that out tonight if he's still here. Our view is different, was very quiet last night. Mike & Sharon are happy, 24chanels on the antenna here

Sunday 13 March 2022

Emotional start to the day today

Woke at 4:30 am today, feeling refreshed know I won't be able to sleep again so up I get, pee wash my face and make coffee ☕ next on my agenda. Warm in the house this morning, no need for furnace to take the cool away. Put on fireplace for a few minutes to just make it toasty. 

Looking through Facebook and saw a post someone had put up, by Dan Fogelberg song was "Leader of the band" I've heard this song before, but really listened this morning, the video photo was kinda like this

Lyrics were coming up as the video played. I'm not sure why it hit me today, but it did, and set the tone for my early morning walk. 

We leave here tomorrow, has been a nice time here, renewing friendships from a couple years ago, and making new friends as we go. Enjoying the beach and surrounding area, shopping and restaurants, Wrecked at the beach planned for our afternoon today will be fun, band playing on the beach, good food, friends, and sunny day. What more could I hope for on our last day here. 

Happy hour after will be our last with the nucleus of 3 couples we have been traveling with since the early part of January, Rock & Janine going West. Mike & Sharon Polly & I going to Tucson. 

Had to go for the hot tub after the cool beach walk this morning. Now writing here 😎

Traffic going by in the gravel, and birds singing, Tony & Loki stopped by on their walk & said Hi. Wrecked on the beach today 👍 they'll be there. 

So quiet now, what a great start to my day.

Just met a couple this morning staying here, had not seen the hot tub before, funny they been here awhile too. Had a good chin wag with them, talked about San Carlos, he wanted all the road travel info, sounds like we might see them there next time. He shook my hand, and said pointedly, " You Canadians are the most friendly people" that felt good, of course I had to say " I find that people are friendly wherever I go!" 😄

Margret just after me about the cinnamon buns Polly's baking, Marg such a great person. We have had much fun here, friends are our gift as we go. 

Such a wonderful life we live ðŸĪ—♥️ 
Love this life 😍


Friday 11 March 2022

I write a Blog

I learned something yesterday, not only are people reading what I write here, but they are seeing mistakes in my diction. I do write as I speak, so some of what I put here is intended, some is just I don't look up the word. 

Just so you know, I'm not illiterate, and spell check is on here 😄 😆 most of the time I'm intending to write as I do. If this bothers you please read on past the part that bugs you, and enjoy the parts, thoughts I'm trying to pass on to reader's of this blog. 

Peurto Penasco 😃 is a beautiful place if you can look past the mess, or better yet accept this is how Mexico is. The beach is wonderful here at Playa Bonita RV park. The short time we are here, 2 weeks isn't long enough, almost over before we start it seems. It takes a week to just start to really appreciate the place. 

Spring break is on right now, so an influx of people from our start here made the park feel crowded, full, then yesterday the groups evacuated in droves. Many areas empty now,

   Was packed here yesterday all cleared out

 we have been told this weekend will pack them in again. We are going to leave Monday, so will see what the road out will be like, going to come back here again I'm sure.

We are all planing our leave now as only 4 days left till we move to Tucson, so we all started thinking about it and planning which route we take, where we are staying, what's next! Funny how this happens, like a switch going on, one person starts talking about it, and the change happens. 

So last night before we went to sleep Polly says, "You have to check the springs tomorrow!" I hit a big Tope at the traffic circle on the way into Peurto Penasco a little fast, didn't see it, so Polly's worried there may be damage. I'll look today. 

We shopped and got a few last things, Tee-shirts, vanilla, was fun at "Rodeo drive" so much easier to shop there that at the high pressure sales at the Malecon. This is an area outside, or on the edge of town that has all you could want in a vacation shopping mall, but all outside, well under cover, but a nice warm sun on us as we walked along the edge of to road, then duck in here for a look, and move along, and duck in again. So many shops I want to go back again. And I'm not much of a shopper lol. They have stores with so many seashells, I was amazed. 

I bought a couple small starfish to finish a mermaid I have been working on. 

I finished it yesterday, but didn't get a photo, will have to do that today. 

        Here is the final result of my fun art

        I think the starfish helped finish this.

While we were in town Rock got a call from Janine, Julio was here and Janine wants to get a other shell art piece for there sister, also my frame I ordered was here too. So thankfully Sharon had some $$ and sprung for it, we paid her when we returned. 

       The Sea horse I made is framed now

         This is the one I bought for Polly

       Ignore the stain, I laid it on the counter

Julio's work is more detailed than mine, but Polly loves them both, and so do I. ♥️ðŸĪ—

Taken 3 days to write this, we have been busy. Christopher was home this morning, I was surprised when I saw him calling me, then I answered and Colton was on the screen, hey you home? 
workers wife having a baby, so he drove him home a day early, was a nice surprise for me to see Chris and Colton early this morning. The guy's wife had there baby before he got to the hospital, all good though. 

We had a fun chat, and Colton was full of energy, playing and aggressively after his toys when Chris put him in his huge fenced area he has for play. Was a nice surprise visit 👍ðŸĪ—♥️

    Today more beach, I just can't get enough. 

Tomorrow going to La Casa Del Capitan on the rock by the lighthouse, will be a beautiful view.

Kinda sad to leave here now, the weather is warming up as we are leaving, Tucson will be nice 👍 though, and lots to do and see there.

Looking forward to traveling again 😃 👍

Love this life! Our Life ❤️ðŸĪ—

Wednesday 2 March 2022

What a drive that was! 3 trucks 3 trailers in a row. 🚛🚃🚛🚃🚛🚃

              leaving Totonaka RV park

San Carlos Mexico to Peurto Penasco, Mexico

Was an early morning start we left by 7:30am all in good spirits all looking forward to getting to our destination, not really the long drive. Was mostly uneventful trip this time. Highways were not too bad till the last stretch from Santa Ana to Peurto Penasco. Then the I don't wanna be here now creeps in to your mind as the day gets long feeling. 

Santa Ana has a left turn to highway 2 and as you travel through this part of the town there are people trying to sell there vegetables in the center of the road holding up asparagus & clear bottles of some sort of pepper ðŸŒķ️ or olives not sure as I was mostly trying to steer my way through without hitting another Tope, people, or cars that come out from side roads like they aren't going to stop. Polly is always jumping up and taking deep breaths as we go through a town. 

We stopped for fuel ⛽ in Santa Ana and moved ahead a bit to another station as they thought they could charge us to park and have a sandwich in the stations lot, bugger that we moved to the next bigger station, parked and ate as well as fed the dogs there that were begging, got a soft spot I'm our hearts for the very skinny dogs around there. 

After our sandwich & a short rest off we go for what seems like a nice 2+2 lane divided highway till Caborca, then it changed. Through the town it seemed to take forever, Alto 🛑 stop was every 1-2 short blocks, broken up by the road going down in to a lower area then up again like going through a huge ditch, flood control. After awhile the signs got further apart and the road turned into the narrow, rough highway we remembered from our last trip here in March 2020.

No pictures this trip, I was the leader of this trip, and driving left little time to think of photos, I do have some in my mind though. Desert mostly, and as we got closer to Peurto Penasco the road got worse in some areas, rough edges, very steep from the road to the ditch sometimes, and of course the potholes, dodging these were a job in itself. 

One of the nicest sights was the water in the distance as we got closer, then the building's in the distance, we know we're close now, and I'm sure we all just wanted to be there now, still a 1/2 hour yet to go. 

We took a different route this time, Rock suggested it, and turned out to be a very good plan. Went around the heavy traffic areas and with one unexpected tope at the roundabout that as Mike said "all 4 weeks were in the air" gave us one heck of a shock as I was looking to get into the roundabout and make the turn, I didn't see the tope and nether did Polly till the last second. 

We got to our destination without a hitch, altered the GPS on the go & Bonito RV park was on the right of the last round driveway. Ahh, the office now, and where do we go, what your booking us in now? We have had reservations for months, and your now trying to get us in? The guy's says you're lucky to have spots, the place is full, this is best we can do. Not near the beach, but all together. 

No to pay, nope don't accept visa, cash or check ✔️, WOW that was a surprise. So today I'm going to get cash, as a cheque seems antiquated to me now. We will need some more$ anyway. 
Our sites are backed up to each other, not as we would like, but all's good now. 

We all setup, neighbors are wanting to meet us, as I'm really interested in getting the trailer hooked up. Rick is one neighbor, the others I'll have to remeet today. 

Tired, and ready for a break we sat outside till the sun went down, and got reacquainted with friends we haven't seen for awhile Glen & Margret, friends we had met in San Carlos in 2020. Seems such a long time ago. We had some hugs, and after a few laughs, and having them meet Mike and Sharon we walked down to Puesta del Sol, a restaurant in walking distance down the pathway along the front of our RV park. 

          This morning sun up was great

Dinner was great, cheers to meeting again & new friendships being made. An odd thing happened at dinner, everybody was very happy with there dinner, no complaints! Food was hot and all see ed at the same time. Drinks were cool, and the waiter was great! Made for a very nice ending to a tiring days end. 

We walked home, and Marg and Glen went to there site at a park beside ours, and bed was next for me. What a day I think now as I write, we are here, Tony & Christine we will reconnect with today too, people we met in 2020. I saw there is a poker game sometime this week, going to check that out sure. 

Beach is beautiful, sun is out, I'm a coffee ☕ away from going outside again. 

What a fun life, love our life ♥️ðŸĪ—