Wednesday 28 September 2022

When you find a nice place stop πŸ›‘ for awhile.

After traveling all across Canada this summer seeing many beautiful campgrounds and so many beautiful sights, Polly and I have decided to stay put this week at a campground that has all we want for now. People that camp here yearly have wrapped up their rigs, ready for the winter πŸ₯Ά. Only the odd traveler passing through like us that comes for a night. 

We decided this place was just what we needed for a stopover. No major plans to see something right now, kinda waiting for a friend to get home and settle in before we come visit her. This place just fits the bill for us right now, the weather looks warmer, and drier the next week, likely move again this weekend. 

For now we are comfortable, WiFi is really good, so evenings are filled with new Netflix as we have settled into watching. The morning views are beautiful with fall up on us. 

I know that seems not too earth shattering, but as we travel sometimes it's nice to just stay put awhile, even if no excitement πŸ˜‰

Polly gets me another coffee ☕ as I push my cup towards her and we both have a good laugh, the rain's coming down again, that promise the weather app gave me has let me down again LoL πŸ˜† thats ok, we are just fine here in our comfortable home on wheels. 

Polly spilled the coffee on return to my tray, again we laugh, I complained about the server making a mess, and she hands me a Kleenex for "all the whining I'm doing" she says LoL. We laugh again. Now Polly comments on the rain, saying, "raining again, is it supposed to get better?" Like I'm the predicter of the weather.

Our mornings are quite, we both on the phone awhile, Polly does a quick look around FB, then on to a puzzle, she has taken this up as a passtime, and is enjoying it immensely. I do the same, although I get up first, and make the coffee ☕ I do the FB to start, then onto something else. 

Today it's writing here, and this I enjoy. Polly asks about the calendar this year, am I going to make it in Canada before we leave, or while in USA, we have a short discussion about it, and decided to finish it in USA as we haven't finished our year yet, and there are places we will see before the end of the year I would like in the calendar.

I started making this calendar when Memere was alive, she was always having trouble forgetting birthdays, and wanted a calendar close to where she sat, so I made one up with all the birthdays on it (I did miss a few) Memere loved it, and after that the calendar becomes something our family looks forward to. So this year I'm going to try hard to make sure it's a gooder, and it is done before Christmas, so everyone has it to look at in the New Year. 

I used the laptop for the first time in along time yesterday as booking something on our phone was just not working. That was a test in endurance for me, as one problem just led to another. First the bank didn't want to recognize me on the computer, and it kept sending a message asking to send a text to my phone, well I have a new number now. I fumbled around with this awhile, then decided to go to the bank and get some help. 

This was a great decision, as the woman in the bank straightened it out, and showed me how to make the changes I needed to make this work for me. That felt so good. Later yesterday I got on with the laptop and booked our flights with just one glitch, but I got over that. Let y'all know where we'll be off to when Polly says I can. 

And the rain continues, feels like home here πŸ˜€πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ₯° wet and wonderful. 

Pollys getting ready to put together dinner in the crockpot, I just am so lucky, what a great woman. ❤️

A sprinkle of this a sprinkle of that & Love ❤️

Sharp knives are the topic now, Polly says we need some, I agree let's see how long it takes before this happens! 

Ok now I'm going to get started on the calendar, before I let it slide again. 

The beginning of another wonderful day in our lives on the road. 

Love this life we live, ♥️πŸ€—

Tuesday 13 September 2022

Wasting time thinking πŸ€”

Here I sit looking at the water, grass trees & hay bails. I'm thinking about if I'm wasting time? I don't think so, even if I'm not getting something done, I'm enjoying the time to just think. 

My grandson once drew a house, his house in the future in the sand. I asked him what all the rooms were and they all seemed like most houses, until I asked about this room he had kinda central. He said" this is my thinking room" boy did that catch me off guard, I think all the time, can't really shut it off unless I'm sleeping, even then I'm dreaming. 

I never thought of a room for thinking πŸ€” what's next? 

This image and conversation with him has stuck with me ever since. So when I ask myself, am I wasting time? I'm asking am I happy with what I'm doing right at that moment. 

I'm sure there are jobs I should & could do and would like done, but I don't. Am I wasting time? Not if I'm thinking. What am I thinking about I say to myself, I'm thinking....

Here comes Polly, she just finished the laundry so I help her bring it in the trailer and the end of our day is close. 

Beginning our day was like this.

Coffee ☕☕ to start our day, Polly always has oatmeal and fruit πŸ‘πŸ“, I usually have cereal and silkmilk. Sometimes Polly makes me a big breakfast, maybe once a week. 

The plan today was to do laundry, then go shopping. Plans changed, we go shopping first now says Polly 😊 no problem, I'm not sure I really have a plan. 

Off we go to Walmart here in north Sydney, NS. What a pleasure it was inside this store, clean, well organized, employees available to help, just a good experience and I let them know that I appreciated this. We look for a new screen for my shaver first, I dropped it yesterday and was buggered. Ahh got it quick. Now I'm off to look at shorts and a couple shirts, Polly off for groceries. 

After a few different things I decided on 2 shirts and a pair of shorts. Might seem like not a big deal, but I'm not a good shopper, I often look a few minutes and say to Polly, Okay, I'm done. But today I wanted a new pair of shorts. 

Polly call's me on the phone, asks where I am. LoL I'm in the dressing room, I hear her outside talking. Well at least we can find each other after we have finished our shopping. 

I get out, Polly liked my choices, hands me the buggy, "you pay for these, I'm going to Sobeys to get? Something" ok, I'm going to get gloves for the sewer work, and some sea foam, stuff for the truck to add to the fuel. 

Polly says "darn, I deleted all my list of groceries off the phone" 😊 I say, "well you probably remember most them anyway".
 Aren't I a big help 😁

I get the gloves, but sea stuff I don't find. Ok to the till now, a cashier was waiting for me, that was nice, went through quickly, and she helped with the packing, I'm always a little slow at this. All in all a very good experience at the Walmart here, I let the woman on the way out with all the badges on her vest know, I really appreciated the clean well organized store. She said that people from the city of Sydney come here, as the store in Sydney is not as well taken care of. 

Hmm I think, people make the difference, and these people are on the right track. 

I started writing this yesterday afternoon, while Polly did the laundry, and here it's 6am today, just starting to get bright out now. Another clear, sunny day ahead. We talked about traveling today to Antigonish, will be a nice day to see a different part of this province. 

I love the quiet of first thing in the morning, I'm on my 2nd cup of coffee ☕ now, I hear birds outside making Squaking noises, ahh the gulls are awake. I guess is time for a walk. I'll be thinking some more LoL, I laugh to myself, will it ever stop? I don't think so, I'm doomed to think forevermore. 

I love the sunrise, this morning I'm going out to enjoy it, no dew here, and a warm night. Summer is still hanging on here. Love this time of the year. 

Love our traveling life πŸ€—♥️

Friday 9 September 2022

Fall came fast this year.

One day we have the windows open at night to keep cool, the next day we have our coats on, and fireplace going, it happens like that. We left St John's, Pippy park Tuesday after labour day, and drove to Gander, when we pulled over on the way we both say brr πŸ₯Ά, cold day. Then we notice the leaves as we go, all starting to change, and like that it's fall. 

Every year it surprises me how fast it happens, one day I'm saying how hot, next I'm going for my coat. Here on Newfoundland island I'm also watching weather from the south, as here the storms from the south effect the wind and weather in a different way. Cold gets sucked down from north, and wind can be fierce. I have never experienced a hurricane, and will try to make sure we don't as we plan our trip towards the south now. 

We will sail off the island Sunday, so I look at the weather forecast and Earl the swirl on the weather radar shows up close to us, so could be a ruff ride on the ferry I'm thinking.

This is a photo of the app I use to check wind

I look at the picture, then look at the wind speed on the route we plan to be on. Looks like gusts of 33knots, with 24knot winds forecast. Might be a cancelled ferry crossing 
Will see, I know if really bad they postpone the crossing. We be ok I think, but I did show Polly, just so she knows ahead. 

Looks like will be on the outside of Earl, will keep looking till we leave, see if it gets better 

Planing ahead always involves the weather, always. Traveling in wind, rain, snow, all causes problems, not that we don't go, just we have to prepare for the different weather. Sometimes we wait it out, and sometimes we try to beat it, and sometimes we get caught in it, this we try to avoid if possible, makes life easier. 

So in looking towards our next few months I plan to stay here in Canada's warm till it's November all going well, then start our decent into the USA. Always looking at the weather, always planning where and when we go. Like the birds, except they know somehow exactly when to go, and how far to travel each day. I try, but only have the weather apps and experience in my side, the birds have instinct. 

Maybe I should just count the days I have to have the heat on and say at 30 days of heat, it's time to move south 🌴⛱️ πŸ˜€ 
Ahh who knows, I/we just plan what we want to do as we go, and watch the weather,  move with the rainy days, and tour around on the sunny daysπŸ˜† that's my logic. 

Today we will move a little closer to the ferry, to Stevensville Newfoundland to check out this town, see what there is to see, and enjoy a different place. 

We had lobster 🦞🦞 again last night, was not as good as the last 2, but still yummy πŸ˜‹ 
We bought 1/2 a salmon for dinner tonight, the tail portion. Looking forward to this, I know not the same as when we used to catch our own, fresh, but will enjoy it anyway. 

Saturday, our 28thWedding Anniversary, we plan to stay at a overnight place close to the ferry dock, a place we saw on our way from the ferry, that many stay the night before, as you have to be at the ferry 2 hours before, and that means leaving early if at a campground, so this will work great. Truck be hooked up so we just pull in the slides, and pickup the jacks, and off we go in the morning, 15 minutes away.

Looking forward to our next adventure, seafood 🦞 festival on PEI is our next plan. Hopefully this works out, weather could dampen the days ahead. Say lavee I always say. I looked it up just now, (I know I don't spell it correctly) 

The expression is pronounced 'say-la-VEE' with the stress on the third word. It means 'such is life' or 'that's life'. When things don't go according to plan, some people complain non-stop; while others accept the fact that disappointments are a part of life and get on with it.

We accept, Yep, it's all part of the adventureπŸ˜€

Love this life we have chosen πŸ’•πŸ€—

Monday 5 September 2022

Labour day 2022

What Labour day means to me.

 I worked most of my life in a union industry logging, and sawmilling. I learned that the boss could be friendly, but he always had a boss, and that boss had a boss, that had a Boss and the further away from the actual people that did the work, the less the bosses cared about the people. 

Bottom line! That's the only thing that matters to the boss. Why some might ask? Because that's what they get paid for and that's what they work towards. Not all bosses are the same, I have worked for many that did care, and helped the people that worked for them. 

Fair wage, safe working conditions, best, highest, production always the goal. The more the company made, the better we were treated, and the more we were paid, right?

Not always, and if you don't agree go work in a nonunion outfit, and see what can happen.
 You, your power saw, and nobody around for miles, no radio, no partner, and no pay if you didn't produce. That happens.

 I'm happy I did have a union to support me, as I wasn't always smart about my actions, and did get myself in shit a few times. I thank my union for helping me in these times, and through my working career. 

A pension was something I didn't pay attention to untill I was 45 or so, and retirement was next stage in life. Then the union pension I paid into became very interesting. I don't think I would have saved enough if I was left to my own ways. So this is something I'm also thankful to my union for. 

Today I'm on the other side of my country, seeing how other's live, and getting paid a decent pension I worked for, paid into and deserve. 

I'm watching my children and their children grow and work, wondering how they will make out. Unions are involved in there lives too. I'm happy they are working towards a better life. We all want to be affluent, I was always thinking all I need is enough to live. I have that now, and hopefully my grandchildren will too. 

Labour day is a day to remember we the labourers are what does the work that builds our world. I'm fortunate to be one of the lucky ones that made it through the working part of life to retirement, healthy, happy and able to move about freely. Is a day to celebrate our labour's and our union's, and look towards the future.

Happy Labor day πŸ‘

Friday 2 September 2022

September, that went fast

                  Rain on the window

All of the sudden summer seems to end, just like that. The wind still blows warm, but when I turn the calendar to September I know that the summer has run it's course, kids back to school, campgrounds start to roll up the carpets, weather ☁️ starts to change. I do love this time of the year, as still warm days, and roads get a little less busy, but I know the days are getting shorter, and the nights longer. Soon the travel across the country turns to the south, and new and different sights and places with different people will be in our days. 

      Just a little wipe, and the view changes 

I wipe the window with the squeegee, and TaDa πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ 
I smile 😁 now that changes things. Still cloudy, warm and a little gloomy, but no water on the window does it for me. Funny how that works, just a small change and my feeling about the day does too. 

One moment it's August, the next September, just by turning the page. Just like a birthday πŸ₯³, nothing changes, we just perceive it to be different, but with our same πŸ‘️πŸ‘️ eyes we look at the day, it really depends on our perspective. How we see the days, how we want it to be it will be. 

I have been looking at the world 🌍 with rose colours in my glasses for years, I do believe this really makes me feel, think & act as I am. 
Popeye said it best 
I believe this, although I do try to better myself as I go, this always stays in my head. I'm not sure why, I just really like the saying.

Polly's up now, she says "I don't think it rained. I didn't hear anything!" I say "open the door, look at the table" ☺️

After Polly pours her coffee ☕ she looks at the calendar, πŸ—“️ and says, "Dawson City" as this is where we were last summer, and the photos on the calendar show that. 

"Friday today!" Polly says WOW, is it the end of the week? Or the beginning of the weekend πŸ˜†πŸ˜ just depends on your perspective is my thought. 

View it how you like, I'm looking for the sun this afternoon 🌞🌀️ a little shopping, and a beautiful weekend touring this interesting city a little more.

Love our Life πŸ’•πŸ€—