Thursday 25 April 2024

Tired feeling thinking I just did too much this and last week.

I Walk most every morning, about 3-4km, about 30-40 minutes, depending on the route I take. Then onto building something, last week was a shadow box for a friend, another small planter for Polly, along with 2 bigger vegetable box planters for a friend.
Not a bad week, considering I'm feeling not as peppy as usual. 

I took yesterday off, was just really tired, my legs hurt, and no jump. A movie day I'll call it, we did watch a few. Today is rain full out, the spring rains we need here on the wet coast to bring the scores of trees and other plants to life here. This rain is different, steady, but not hard or cold, the temperature at night warms when the rains come now. 

What will we do today? I have some cleanup in my woodworking tent, but will see what Polly suggests, always a thought there. I'm thinking beers at the pub with Lyn, Polly's sister might be in line, will see. The humming birds haven't started yet, 6:38 now as Polly asks, then back to bed she goes. I hear a yawn, I doubt she'll go back to sleep. 

Coffee ☕☕#2 now, very quiet here, just the ticking of the rain on the slide roof. We had Americo & Claudette over on the weekend, she said when it rained a bit that she didn't know at first what the sound was. We are used to it, hearing all that goes on outside, the roof is not to thick, not too much insulation, so we hear most everything that happens close to us. I kinda enjoy the sound right now. 

One day in shorts, shirt off, next in front of the fireplace, spring on the west coast. Soon the leaves will be full bloom, all the views will change, temp's will rise, and days will get longer, much longer, sun will be hot, and then we will hear the complaints about heat! Funny us people, how we operate, wanting the sun, then looking for shade as soon as it comes. 

I can't get a video on here, otherwise I'd put one now of the sound and the views of the cherry tree leaves 🍃 flicking as the rain builds, then falls. Nice to see so close to us, from inside our warm cozy trailer. 

Oh, yea, I got the bathroom sink installed, works great, bigger, cleaner, and I don't bump my head on the mirror/cabinet anymore.

I have to add more caulking around it yet, that's what I'll do today. Well, maybe not, it smells when it's drying, I'll wait till the weather is better and we are outside more. 

I'm wrong, Polly did go back to sleep. 

The fireplace 🔥 is nice and warm, but after awhile it drys out my eyes, so I only have it on for an hour or so at a time. It does feel nice on the feet though. I notice all the animals are quite, I guess they understand the change too, weather effects us all. 

7:06, I'll finish my coffee and go back to bed too! 😄 No plans for today yet.

Love this retirement life 🤗❤️