Friday 15 November 2019

Paradise, what's that?

We are in Indio, California @ Indian Waters RV park enjoying the first few days our winter retreat. Sunny, 🌞 warm 😎 beautiful days make me think of paradise. Is this it? 😲
 Feels so nice to be in our shorts again, with friends we met last year here, and friend we knew before. 
We all have an idea of what the ultimate paradise is, and if you ask people often it would encompass many of what I see here. Pools,

Sunshine, πŸ€— Warmth, beautiful ground's, friendly people, feeling safe and comfortable, many thing to do, golf, pickle ball, bochi, all sorts of games. Happy hour, evening entertainment, in a well cared for  environment. Most everything you could want. 
This Paradise is manufactured by companies that create Paradise for people like us wanting to spend Winters in warm sunny places like the geese and others. I'm glad they do, and we enjoy this warm weather, clean cool pools on hot days, talking with friends about many things. 
One thing we all know is how fortunate we are to be able to live the last part of our lives as we envisioned a paradise. 

This place like many may be manufactured, but the people and the way we treat each other isn't. We have aged and are the same and yet changed. Funny how we act when we are at peace with our lot in life, and satisfied with all that's left. 

Time will change us now, more every day, but how we treat each other is just so nice now as we age. Seems we care for each other just a little more now seeing we all have aging process that we really can't battle, we have to accept this will come. 😁🀣 And it isn't all than fun, we know we only have so much time left, so let's enjoy it. All of it.
Paradise is what you want, make, see, view envision it. Take this time to really Do what you want, as paradise only lasts so long.

Living life to the fullest here in IndioπŸ€—❤️


Wednesday 6 November 2019

Choices, we all have them.

As we travel we often get a choice where we are located in the RV park or wherever we stay. But sometimes we are given a site and don't ask to change. For many years I have thought not to change it up as we seem to get a good place even if we thought not good for us at first. 

Acceptance is a big part of our ways, Polly is great at acceptance, she has a very easy going way, and if something is not quite as we would have it Polly shruggs it off and we go on. I learned years ago that trying to choose the best situation doesn't always pay off, and as we travel we see these times as opportunity. Never know what might work for you, we find that something or someone makes the situation just great. 

Example lately is at Zoli's place, he saw the barn parking not as desirable, and so did we at first, but as we moved the trailer around and found the level spot, and kinda like a Bosco does, go around in a circle a few times, we got to where we were just fine. We were very happy in the spot next to the barn. Horses greeted us in the morning, so did the goat's. The view out our back "picture" window was south so we saw the 🌞 come up every morning. 
All was good, we had power for our coffee and our small heater on low, we had water, and close access to Beaver & Elk lake trails. Zoli came and visited, and we went to his house and met his family. Was just so great, spending time with him before we headed south.

Being at Zoli's also gave us opportunity to attended Melissa & Carl's wedding from here, that was so good. Polly got to reconnect with Terry, Ellyn and other's.

 If we had gone to an RV park we would not likely had all this. So when we had a challenge to get into Zoli's from the road, I thought I can't do this, I will have to go to an RV park. But Zoli said I can, and helped me into the spot, and helped me turn around and made a very nice place for us to stay. πŸ€— Thanks again Zoli 😊

So going forward we will continue to pay attention to good opportunities that come our way, and make the best of what comes 😊

Loving our life as we go! πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—❤️❤️❤️