Friday 24 July 2020


When I'm 64 applies to me now, thanks for the birthday wishes everyone 🤗♥️

Today I can sing another Beatles song.             🤔 Yesterday 😁

We had a heck of a day yesterday, huge hill coming down from Rossland to Trail that Polly and I were a little concerned about. All went well though, Polly gave me koodos when we made it without the brakes heating up and smelling. Then a beauty drive up past Nelson to the Kokanee lake ferry, that we got on almost right away. 

Waiting for the ferry

Off the ferry on our way down the other side of the lake. The campsite we picked didn't work out so south we go merrily along our way. We pull over for a quick lunch by the lake, left over Pizza.

    Our view as we ate lunch

On or way again, then I see smoke coming from the left rear wheel. Luck will have it a huge pullout was right there ahead.

Looking at the smoke coming I think might need a fire extinguisher, but nope, just a brake that's tight I think. So I back up and drive ahead to the shade as this might take awhile. All tools out, jack up the trailer axel and go to loosen the wheel nuts and the tire falls to the ground.

Notice no outer bearing here, completely disingrated 🤔😳

    Spindle heated up a little, but okay.

Holly crap I think, we are so darn Lucky!
Having that all happen right at a pullout made me think dam we are Lucky.

Polly reads her Mom's Diary and Bosco sleeps as I fuss around getting things in order again. 

So no now put the trailer Jack's down, this will take longer than I thought. Called ahead to the NAPA parts store and Mike answers, I explain and he says I'll be right back. He checks at the automotive shop next door Integra tire and yes they can help, take things apart once I get there. 

So load up the parts, Polly and I had a very tough lift, tire, wheel and brake drum, ugh!

Off I go and get parts, some back and forth between the parts place and the garage but all worked out just before there close. Sure was lucky this happened when and where it did. Thanks to the people in parts & the man that runs Integra tire, his crew had gone home, he doesn't usually do the work anymore, but he cleaned the hub, packed the bearings with grease, put back it all together. I was so thankful.

No more pictures as I'm all gitter done now. The drive back was better than there, now put it all together. 

I was pretty exhausted when finished, Polly says, well no rib birthday dinner now, 6pm and still have to find a campsite. 

We drive to town, and find a site, back in like a pro, sun just going down as we setup, a shower, a sandwich and a beer. 

All good now 👍 

Never again will I let this happen. I'm usually good about maintenance, but this was an overlook this time, never again.

I have written about our Luck before, this is one more time I think how darn Lucky we are. What could have been catastrophy turned out to be a very good lesson. Chalk this up to I don't know, I shake my head as I tap here, darn Lucky we are.

A little tired, but still loving our life 😃

1 comment:

  1. I agree, you sure were lucky. What I didn’t hear you say is that you repacked all the other bearings. LOL.
