Wednesday 3 November 2021

November rains can be fierce, pounding & wonderful all in the same moment.

          I wonder about this scene 

The third night at the house we will watch for friends as the spend some of there winter in Mexico. We have watched more TV than usual as the rain has kept us indoors. We have a bed in the house we could use, but decided to stay in the trailer till closer to when Ted & Cindy leave. 

Staying in a house again will be different, so much room, and everything is so big, and far away. I have to say the shower I had yesterday was the best I've had in my whole life, was like standing under a waterfall. 

Speaking about a waterfall, as I write here the rains are so strong on the trailer that it's noisy in a comfortable kinda way. Fireplace is going, coffee ☕ is made, I'm all snug in my chair, Polly is quietly sleeping. Life is so good in this moment. 

What will today bring, I started out on a walk yesterday, but that got rained out, next time I bring the umbrella. Was an unproductive kinda day, I looked at my tools, and thought about setting up, but the ambition left as the rain continued. 

       my first picture as I left the house
Picture #2 this squirrel came out to see what was up as I stopped to take a picture of the tree
#3 I remember when this much different

     The things you see in the country 😆

I had a good look at Ted's shop yesterday, was a step back in time, so many memories in one place. I talked with him about it later, was interesting the stories there to tell. 

Today if the rain let's up a little we'll hang some plastic around the area I'll make my shop and start getting set-up to make something, not sure what will be first yet. I'm excited though as I have much to accomplish in the next couple months. 

I think I'll start with a piece of wood I've had for a year now, has a big knot in it, and looks like some kinda animal. That will be fun, a good start as will be artistic and push me outta the comfort of boards. 

I have this desire to set up a shop, yet I want to travel. So when we leave this time I have a few tools I'm taking for sure. My battery operated Brad nail gun, a saw of some kind, a palm sander Hmm🤔 I have to be aware not everyone in and RV park wants to hear the sounds of tools operating. Will pick my times, and be considerate, but I will create 😃

Actually I have some driftwood I brought from the beach this summer that needs to be used before we leave. I have ideas for them. Project #2 

And that's how my mind works, jumping from one idea to another, then the stuff I said I would do is mixed in as time goes on. Trailer improvements, and stuff I should do usually gets put on the list to work on once we are outta the trailer, this will be a perfect time to get these things done. Like making storage under the stairs for our shoes & slippers, that will be my first "I gotta do". 

I get a Snapchat from my son in Rainbow lake, Alberta. Is clear and cold today, snow in the forecast Friday. As a father you then go to,  he has to drive home that day!
5-10cm snow, then my mind goes to the thought of worry. Funny how my mind works. I let it go.

Still dark out, daylight savings ends Sunday, fall back to standard time again, the deep dark winter. I never really let the weather effect me, I keep my spirits up. Winter is a time I can alter by going south, and if I can't I do what I can during that time. Like last year, we managed just fine with the rules in place, this year will be different again, still some rules, but slowly change is happening. I'm looking forward to Christmas ⛄🎄 here this winter. The closeness with family and friends, the music, I did miss that couple days when we were South, but I did enjoy the pool on Christmas day 😃

Let's see how the next 2 months goes, I'm sure I'll blink and we will be traveling again soon. I feel Polly rolling around in bed, that's one thing about a trailer, you learn to feel what's going on by the trailer moving. 
I might have to go say "Hi"😉 and ask her if she wants a coffee ☕ 🤗 

Nope, she's still out, I'm going to watch a little utube now, get a plan for those huge pieces of red cedar I have, still not sure exactly what I will create from them. 

Enjoy the rains today, I will for sure. 

Love this life I do 🤗❤️

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