Tuesday 12 July 2022

What am I made of? What do I believe? How do I think?

Reading an article in "USA today" written by Candy Woodall, Replacement theories, hunting RINOs: How GOP candidates, lawmakers push 'dangerous' language.

The line in the headline that attracted me to look at it was about "hunting RINOs" 

I didn't finish reading it yet, once I got to the point where the question posed was about how articles written could create dangerous behavior somewhere there I thought, how do I operate? What do I believe? What is my basic operation thoughts when I think? 

I think I'm correct in saying I don't really examine how I think of what's happening. I come to a decision about what I read because of what I have accepted as my beliefs about how we all act, are, behave. 

Now I go back to the article and the place I read it takes me to there page, and I can't find it to read it there, so I look under USA today, I find it, but not able to read it unless I pay $1 a day to the business. LoL 😆 not going to happen. I'm a cheep reader, I'll find a way around this I think. There, that's a behavior I have, I'm not sure when or where I got that, but that is just one way I behave. 

Along those lines, people that know me know I don't like to pay for parking, some would say cheep, I say why pay when you can find it free? And I do often, but sometimes I do pay, even if it bugs me to. 

That's a couple of parts of me, but not all. There is so much to make a human being operate, like a computer, but we have given ourselves our operating system. We update it regularly with some information, but our basic beliefs come from a long time back in our history. 

What we accepted as the basis for our life.

This will control us, our decisions are automatically made from this base, our beginning controls everything from then on. 

Hmm I say to myself now as I write, I'm going to be thinking of this just a little more over the next while, just pay attention to what I'm thinking. I snikker to myself, will I really 😄😆

We are all taught from the day we are Born. We make a decision to accept this or not. Everyone's basics are different, so many things that make up a person. We all got information, and decided to accept it, or not. If not, then what?
 Looking for different information is critical to how we make decisions, and how we live our lives. We all think our way is correct, and at the same time we all have different beginnings. 

The article struck me as what it was implying is we are being force fed information that controls our thoughts, or enforces what we believe in the first place. 

Critical thinking will help, but our basic beliefs are deep inside us, I'm thinking we cannot change this. 

As Popeye said "I am's what I am, and that's all I am!" My learning started a long way back, I'm a critical thinker, but can be tricked by writing that hooks me on my early beliefs. 

I was taught by a friend to look at the writer, the publisher and be aware not all that's written is true goods. 

I finished the article now, and learned what RINO is, (Republican in name only) hmm, now I know. 

Every article has information, it's up to me to get the true goods, and often that takes effort. 

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