Monday 20 February 2017

Today we move, geddy up baby

Early in morning I wake again here in Riverside, with the sound of the train going by in the distance. Love the low thundering sound as it approaches, then the horn for long and short blasts, I understand how people can miss that sound. Has been a nice place to stay here at Rancho Jurupa Park, it is a Riverside County park, which I didn’t know when looking for a place close to LA to stay, without venturing right into the city. This has made a good stop to get organized, get a phone, and get online again, get things in order inside trailer, and truck, then yesterday Polly Bosco and I walked around the park, saw some of what there was to do here. The pond is close, and has ducks, and diving birds like, loons, as well as big white birds like herons. There were many people fishing, and some were catching small trout, Power bait was the ticket we were told. One trout we saw caught by one of the diving birds caused much squawking and fighting as the others all wanted the fish, but the bird who caught it managed to eat it on the fly. The grounds are wet and mushy as you walk around as water still draining through the grass from the rains, and duck crap everywhere. Polly got some in her flip flop, that was cause for some concern till she cleaned it off. We sat on a beanch not to far from all the fishermen, and one fisherwoman, and watched. First to catch one we saw was the woman. Polly was all about “Of course the woman gets the fish!”. People clap, and Polly is laughing. After awhile Bosco saw a dog that was chasing a ball off leash and started to bark, we couldn’t quiet him so had to leave, was kinda odd, but he was on leash, and wanted off? Not sure.
We went back for the trailer and waited for Patty and Falavio to arrive from the city, we were ti visit, been awile since we had seen them. They were later than expected, as company the night before, so Polly and I played crib, she beat me 3 times in a row, then she let me win one, and I quit at that as was to have a nap. Nap turned into truck cleaout as box had oil in it from an oil container spill, so gave the oil to the neighbour, as he ad diesel truck, and I didn’t want it. He was happy.
Train again, nice.
Patty and |Flavio came around 2pm and we had a real good visit, lots to catch up on. Flavio had a nap he was beat. I understand, but still had to take a picture of him. We yakked the afternoon away, then they took us for dinner to The Sire, a local bar/pub that was recommended to us by Linda a friend who saw a post on Facebook that we were in Riverside, said best taco she ever had. Turned out that was only on Wednesday nights. We did have good dinners, and more talk, saw many of Flavios pictures of Brzil, he liked the idea of buying land there, a small resort he would make it into, but Patty was not going for that. Was a good evening, Flavio drove, he has a new car a Chevy Volt, we learned some about the car, and about electric vehicles in general.
Next time we come to LA Flavio says to me stay closer, on the beach, Huntington has a nice place to stay. Have to get that info from him next time before we come, and try to get a little closer to them, or maybe just come back here, was a nice stay. Today we leave for Eastern California, and Arizona area. Will be nice to travel again.
Bosco gets up and wants some loving now, funny how dogs want to be close. Got to love em.
He will be back in bed in a minute, as I’m done here.
Lovin life...Displaying 20170219_084203.jpg

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