Tuesday 25 April 2017

April 24th, Bahia Honda State Park

What descriptive word can I use to describe this feeling?

We made it here finally after many wonderful places and people we have been so lucky to spend time with over the last few months, this is one of our sure destinations. Driving here yesterday I had such a elated feeling, I even asked Polly how she felt, "Excited?" Yes, she said, but I was the one with the huge eyes. As you drive onto the highway someone had the welcoming idea to paint the road centre, and side cement blocks a beautiful aqua colour to let you know you are now somewhere else. Not your regular highway, you are now entering the Florida Keys! What a good idea I say to Polly, yes it felt different, and as we went and got our first view of that beautiful coloured water, and white sandy shores, we both were Wow, I love this.
Polly through the window shot of a small island 

Sky is looking a little angry now

Polly got a few good pictures as we went, and Bosco just stayed in his seat, and slept. He was a fine passenger yesterday, never a whimper till just before we got to the Park. The drive here was long yesterday, but Polly had a couple sandwiches made, and some fresh cut up fruit, which we have learned is a good starter in the morning. We made it to the keys by 1:30 or so, and to camp by 3:30 or so. The trip from beginning to the campsite along the Keys was so beautiful. The traffic wasn't as good a feeling, but had to watch for many cars pulling out in front of you and lights, and slower speeds, but as Polly always says, "we got more Time than Money!" and we took our time, and made it safe.

Old bridge with piece missing

Bosco checking out the splashing on the other side of the rocks

When we finaly got to Bahia Honda Park, we checked in, and found out some people are marketing sites, making reservations and selling the sites to others for a upped price, just like back home. They ask me for my licence, and plate numbers, both. Been a real problem the ranger says. Just happy we got a spot, and we are here I say.
We get to the site, and we are right on the water, looking at the V between the old and new bridges. Wow, couldn't ask for any better spot to spend the next 5 days, or maybe more if we want said the ranger.
Under the road looking toward the campsite
Parking the trailer, backing it in still has some rough edges, LOL I say to myself now, but after a long drive, you just want to get set, and we get some friction happening during this time. This we have to work on, I don't let Polly know what I want early enough, and she is doing best she can. This is a work in progress. After the rig is parked the neighbours come over and we meet Rod and Bev for a few minutes, just long enough to get the info, please don't feed the birds. Yup we are on that page.

Our campsite, very large for us. Nice...
Polly and I go about the set up, as we have a fairly good routine now, Polly has taken on more as we go, as we share the setup, we are happily going about trying to get it level, and I think just one more block, and will be good. Well not too good, today will have to take one out! LOL, just another learning.
After we get it all set, a beer is in hand, and try to cool down, Humidity is un real right now. Clouds are approaching, and temperature is 87 degrees. I take Bosco for a walk, and Polly takes the burgers out of the freezer, and cooled down in the trailer, sweaty and muggy now. On the walk about I meet a few people, one guy sitting up on his trailer deck, which I think is kinda cool. His name is Gerry, and he has a BMW 1600 bike parked in front so I comment Like your bike. and we talk about the guy we met in California, Keven who is making a trip around the world on his BMW, and we go on from there. Turns out he stays here 2 months a year as camp host/volunteer, and says will stop by tomorrow with some info for us. Nice.
First trees with coconuts so far in our journeys
Then I take a walk to the small marina they have here and hear a few people talking fishing, so I ask catch any. Yep was the woman's answer, and she shows me a small zip-lock bag with what she says is 5-6 fish fillets. Dam I think, not worth fishin for that. Will ask around, but no use trying to fish if none here.
I make my way back home after the campsite tour, and I think about getting in the truck and hitching up the trailer and removing the blocks and levelling the trailer, Polly says leave it till tomorrow. I do, and as we watch outside the clouds come in and wind starts and rain now, it just pours for about 1/2 an hour, and then sun again. Just love the way this happens here, now warm and wet, and soon it drys.
Polly and I have a nice dinner, Burgers and salad, nice.

Birds here are very well camouflaged 
I go for another jaunt, with camera, and no dog this time. I get a few nice shots, but sunset was clouded over at the end today, but I did get a chance to talk with a few people that have been here awhile, and weather has been good, just wind has stopped some from doing what they wanted re swimming, and floating around here.

I make my way back, and darkness is approaching, so I get out the chairs and Polly Bosco and I sit outside and watch the cars go by, and the stars come out till late, was the perfect end to an almost perfect day.

I always think to myself I don't want to complain here, but cars and trucks on the bridge here are many and loud as we sit close to the bridge, I would rethink this next time, will look around today, and see if there is quieter place here. I love the view, and will probably stay, but the sound of the vehicles going Bllump, Bllump, Blump over the expansion strips in the bridge is something I didn't expect.

Looking forward to these days here in the Florida Keys.

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