Wednesday 15 May 2019

"Back on the Island again" Could be the title for a song

Our New Diggs

Ahhh, feeling relaxed this morning, a good solid sleep.

Mmm fresh coffee, a good internet connection, and a sunrise about to happen as I write, and our site is even better than I thought we could have imagined. Here till end of July, Nice, time to cleanup.

The Peak (CJAV I think) playing in the backround as I write makes it even more Port Alberni.

Funny how when I wake where my mind goes, and how I build the day as I wake, and how I feel helps me choose what will be that day. This morning I will write, even if looking out I feel I'm missing the days start

What a fast return we had from Dearbourn Michigan to Vancouver Island in a week was fast, but not too fast to have a few good heart felt visits with family and friends we havent seen for a long time, and meeting family I had never met. Thinking back we did get time to say Hi, and connect with people as we went.

Sunny day ahead

Polly gets up now, 7:12, More coffee? Thanks, you got up just the right time. Love Polly. As she gets coffee Bosco jumps in her chair, and when she gets to the chair she says, Oh no you don't, get down, no stealing my chair! Of course she invites him up after she sits down. LOL Life is just so wonderful.

When I started to write I looked up a draft written a few weeks or a month ago, I forget. As I look I run into one I wrote after we had stayed 2 years ago with Mike and Linda MacKillop in Guelph, Ontario. I never published this one as never got it finished for some reason. Busy I think, we always have something on the go. Such a good time, and will finish that one today, and publish after this one. I also read the one post when we got back from our first retirement trip around North America, when we got home and who came an greeted us, and how the hugs were just so nice to give, and receive.

Hmm I shake my head as I write, I'm really tuned in today, hyper sensitive, as Polly sits quietly, looking at me once in awhile, making her plan for today. "Laundry" I say, she says "yep, I was thinking of that yesterday". We are in tune even when we don't know it.

Off goes the radio, and on goes the TV, and we hear Mark Madryga tell us the weather. We have a satellite dish, and keep in contact with our news and weather as we go, but nice to have it at the correct time of day now. and look out the window and see what is forecast.

Came home to 30plus degrees and now the rain, but still warm. Love this Island, and the comfort we have as know most places well here. Still we do like the travel, and will continue until we get our notice that we cant. So much we like to see in Canada, and the USA.

1 week looking back

One week, and 2,655 miles later and we make it home in a hurry as we got some info as we were into our plan to go even further east, that out BC Medical was cancelled in January due to what I think is a misunderstanding, Mistake. Dam, now lets call and get this fixed up, right. No, I'm told on the phone to MSP, our medical in BC. You have to be in BC to fix this up, even if a mistake. Bull I think, and many expletives come out of my mouth, and after 3 hangups for the office and a few more bad words, I give up for the weekend, and call back on Monday and get someone that can explain this to me, and what I have to do to resolve it. Get Back to BC and fill out a application for Medical, get our pictures taken again for our cards, and then I can plead our case.

This is what we did first thing Monday morning at the service BC office in Port Alberni, with the help of Suzane who went above and gave us a way of submitting our records to MSP, as we had to prove were were within the rules for the medical and had been in BC every 6 months as required.

Not as planned, and many wondered why we came back so fast across Canada, this was why, now you know.

I hate to be told what I have to do, and even more now as I thought we could travel as we please once we retired. I knew about 6 months in USA limit, as well as MSP regulations re 6 months in BC, with a extra month if you call and ask them. Also a 2 year leave of the province every 5 years, but I was unsure how it operated. So when we were about to retire I called MSP and asked what the rules were so I was clear. I should have never called. That was when they said I applied for leave for 2 years, and I did not. But they have it on there records I did, and so Cancelled our insurance while we were out of the country, and we didn't even know. If Polly didn't call to check on her appointment that was scheduled in May, we would not have known.

Hard to believe that our medical can be stopped and no notice given, and no way of resolving unless you are in BC. In a world where we all expect to deal with many things online, or on the pnone at the least, this was beyond me. So if you travel, be sure what you have for rules to follow.

I didn't start out with this story in mind this morning,  but good to get the info out. Be Careful.

Time for a walk in the sun that has developed as I sat on my ass here.

Loving Life here on the Island, amidst the greenery and warmth of Port Alberni.

Love this familar trail by Arrowvale campsite

Bosco likes the smells more than anthing

Rain day yesterday

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