Tuesday 7 March 2017

El Paso Almost

We made it to El Paso west RV Park in good time with lots of daylight to setup. Nice for a change to have a little time before the sun goes down. The park is in New Mexico, 5 minutes north of the Texas boarder, in a town called Anthony, really a suburb of El Paso.

On the drive we saw a mountain that was like a huge bolder patch called Texas Canyon, (funny we are still in Arizona) there was a rest stop at the top of the hill so we stopped as I wanted to get some pictures of these boulders. I forgot all about the boulders when I saw this piece of machinery on a truck that was so interesting. This captured my attention, as it had 4 tracks instead of wheels. I went to examine it. The driver was just getting into his truck when I asked him what the machine was for, he said “Picking Almonds Sir” Always callin me Sir, still find that kinda different. I spend the whole time at the rest stop talking with the driver, and he told me he was hauling it to New Mexico for a machinery show, even wanted to give me the location and the salesman's name, good employee. I took a few pictures and went back to our truck, here I find Polly who has taken Bosco for a pee in the pet area as it was posted, and he is limping around like crazy. I lift him up and he has prickles in his feet, something I am now used to, some kind of plant has these kinda star shaped prickles that lay on the ground, like a seed, and Man do they stick in, Bosco was hoppin around till I picked them out of his paws. Then Polly and I had to pick them all out of our shoes, stuck like burs, but stuck right into your shoes. Learning as we go what can hurt you here in the desert.

The rest of the drive was nice, and as expected now the desert changes as we go, from huge cactus, to more grass lands, and different cactus, some look like cactus mixed with Palm tree. I haven’t got a shot of one yet, but will show one later.
The night was warm, just a sheet to sleep under, and still warm. Nice to hear of reports of snow on the island, when we are so warm.
Sunday and we take the highway north east to the White Sands Missile Range, Closed on Sundays the guard at the gate says, hmm well didn’t expect that, have to look up ahead of travel when places are open. Oh well we head up the road a few more miles to White Sands National Monument Park. Wow beautiful, bright white sand like snow, they even had to plough it off the roads like snow, as it would blow over the roads. We started the tour by talking with people at the visitors centre,
White Sands Visitor Centre, original style building
and learned that the sand is continuously moving, and the amount of sand is growing steadily so the park will grow in size in time. The missile range did have some effect on the park as they fired right into the sand years ago, so if you take a hike out on the trails, they have signs saying not to pick up metal if you see it. Surprised that they could make it a missile range here and still call it a park, as was designated a park in the 30’s and missile range in 1942. Hmm, that was puzzling.

Polly, Bosco and I wander through the sand park taking a boardwalk out over the sand to the edge of the dunes, reading posted signs about the animals that live here. Snakes Polly sees, not loving that Polly says, back we go. We watch others slide down the hills of sand, just like snow with the wind blowing most all the time, and the sky changing steadily, with clouds coming and going all day. Was the perfect time to go, as not blistering hot as it can be. We had our lunch Polly packed, and good thing she did as no restaurants here, just a bag of chips if you wanted. 

Took a few pictures as we went, but always worried about sand in the camera. We did do a picture where I set the timer, and had to run to get into the shot, another learning don’t setup on the other side of the road, could be run down while crossing the road...

Back home before dinner time, and on the way stopped and fuelled up, $2.37 a gallon, best price yet for diesel. Fuel is less as we head east, will get even cheaper as we go.
The Plaza down town

Monday we stay home a little longer, some stuff has to be done. Laundry, showers, bake a banana loaf, a few bills have to be straightened out, all thing we have to do with the internet, and this place has very good internet, so best to do it now. Noon and we go into town for a look at the old town, visit the History Museum, and walk around town. I got some info from the gardener here as hes lived here all his life, how to get there and where to go. Thanks buddy, he loved the piece of banana bread Polly gave him. Off we go down the old highway as construction on new one he said, well was not too bad till we got close to down town, Wow they had the highway restricted with this big bricks on both sides I wasn’t sure I could get through. Glad I didn’t have the trailer, would have been a mess.

Looking from El Paso, Texas to Ciudad Juarez, Mexico
When we got into the down town always looking for shade, in case we leave Bosco for awhile, none to be found where you could park, so Bosco comes with us to the visitor info, and we walk around the town to find the Museum closed on Monday, still learning, check ahead. Web did have a look around, but decided better to look from the truck, so took a drive and ended up the hillside where some beauty big hoses here, with a fantastic view of the city. Now we see Mexico just across the Rio Grande, just like the city is cut in half. We still don’t see a wall, but there is an iron fence about 16 ft tall going through in some places, sure that makes the unwanted go around it. I take a few pictures of down town, but not many, we now head to Walmart, to get a few things, the late lunch at Famous Dave's, which we have never heard of before.
Supposed to go to Carlsbad Caverns today, Tuesday, but will stay another day here, caught a cold in the snow the other day.
Lovin life, even with a cold...

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