Saturday 17 June 2017

Sydney to Port aux Basques

Today we ride the ferry to Newfoundland, what a beauty day we have, sun and almost no wind, just right for a 6 hour ride to the Rock!

We have been told be there 2 hours ahead of the sailing time so we got busy early, and were on the road by 9:15 am, and got to the ferry terminal by 9:30, wre plenty early. Could have waited at least another hour, as didn’t load till 11am or so. Not a problem, we talked with many people from many places that were going the same way. Some from Germany, some from Quebec, some from Ontario. Was a good mix, all excited to see what Newfoundland had to offer.

Waiting for the ferry to load

Polly takes this shot wile loading on this huge ship

Once we loaded onto the ferry, in a good place for Bosco to have a nice ride, (he was staying in the trailer, no dogs upstairs and we could not go to our car) this we were prepared for as we did our homework when booking. We made sure all was good for him, Water, Food, and a Warm place to sleep, our bed of course, with a nice warm blanket. He was to have the most comfortable ride!

They loaded the ferry tight, and we made our way up in an elevator to the 7th floor, feels like we are on a cruise ship, has 9 floors. We get off and check out the restaurant, but not open yet, so we go and choose our seats. Wow, what a nice ferry ride we will have, reclining seats, TV’s all around, and plugins for headsets. Computer terminals available to use. Gee does seem like a cruise ship. Polly and I sit in the rear of the boat, with plenty of room for us, boat was less than capacity today. By the time we were loaded and seated was lunch time as we didn’t take time for breakfast today, so out come the sandwiches Polly made before we left this morning.

Now I go for a look around the Ferry, and Polly stays with our bags, we brought way too much, but never know when can’t get to our home. I go to the top sun deck and look around as we prepare to leave, and what a beauty view we have. I meet a guy that works on the ferry going by and ask him if he can tell me when we leave if the ship backs around and we can get a good look at Sydney. Yes he says, and explains to me exactly what the ferry will do. Then he tells me he lived here all his life, and his relatives have for many generations, he was really proud of this I thought. As we start to back out, he shows me where he lives, and his Moms house, and that he built them both. He shows me his Grandmas home, and tells me much history of North Sydney, something I didn’t know, North Sydney was a separate place, I thought Sydney was all one. As we are underway he describes the town, and how it was divided in sections by religion, he shows me where each is, Catholic, United, Presbyterian, and so on, and told of how the division was. Showed me the height of land and how the area where he had built was the highest, he was a Ham Radio operator, and wanted the best reception. He had much information, too much for my little brain to hold all. I thanked him for the tour from the ship, and started to take pictures as we were well underway now, and could see all the town, and all the different areas.

Red house centred is this guys Grandmas house

Stern of boat full of trailers leaving Sydney

Graveyard on the cliffs 

Lobster fishing was in full swing here now, I got a view of so many markers floats for the traps. Wow I think, how could the make there way around the floats, there were so many. There were many boats out, and was such a clear day I got some good pictures of the town, and the sea. The point just away from town had some buildings at the very end, would like to go there and check them out, and a graveyard that I’m sure was divided by religion.

Pilot Boat heading out, lobster fisherman in background 
Church's are very prominent here in Eastern Canada

Many traps here off the point, all for the lobsters. 

I talked with a few other photographers, and even exchanged cards with a couple that are travelling 10 months a year a shooting many pictures a day, will have to look at there work, they have a website. They look very professional, huge cameras, and way bigger lenses, out of my league...

I then make my way back to Polly but not before I check out he 9th floor, is a fancy place for special guests as has a deck facing front that was locked, had to have a card to get in, hmm not for me. They had a special bar, was not open, but I’m sure when the ferry is full in summer with kids all around, people fill this place up and have a quiet place to go. I go down to the 8th floor and here are the staterooms if you want to have a sleep, more for the overnights. All in all a pretty nice ferry, quiet, solid feeling, and can pack many vehicles, and huge trucks. We didn’t eat in the restaurant this time, maybe on the way back.

Fancy Bar, but not staffed today

Seats have signs posted no laying down on benches.

Pretty fancy area to sit while underway

I get back and Polly goes for a little wander. When she gets back I have a snooze, and she reads her book, which as she gets further I hear about as the chapters go. Nice to get the story without having to read it myself sometimes. Slowly we make our way across the channel to Port aux Basques and then I get a few picks as we pull in, and talk with a man from USA that has been here before, he tells me of a restaurant in a small town in the far north part of Newfoundland, L’ Anse aux Meadows. He says looks like a house, and wouldn’t know it was a restaurant, but has the best local food. Gotta try it he says...

We dock and we wait till they open the doors so we can return to our cars, takes awhile. As we wait I see a group of men, and one woman, maybe 20, I ask truck drivers? Yep they were the movers and shakers. Many trucks just loaded there trailers, as trucks would take the trailers off at the other side, and then move them later, cost was huge here to get a vehicle across, so they move just what they need to.
Entrance to Port aux Basques looks small for this ferry

The doors open and we all shuffle down the stairs this time, we follow the truckers, they know the best, fastest way. We get to out trailer, and Polly goes and gets Bosco, he was happy to see us, and she puts him in the truck no peeing on the ferry. We get the go soon, and we drive up by a hge rock cut, yep were here I think, and go a few km’s and stop at the visitors center. Polly goes in I walk Bosco.
We go up the road a few more, and get to a Provincial Park called J.T. Cheeseman, and line up with others and get a site for the night. Was a nice place to stay, power no water to the site, just taps a round, but good bathrooms. And right on the bay, so nice place to have a walk which Bosco and I do after we are all set up, black files are out, and I get a few bites, but not bad. Beauty spot I say, and meet a family here from Germany, they are really impressed with Canada, Love the nature here they say. I say we are from B.C. and they say how much they loved there too, as they had been before. Seasoned travellers I think, and they have a young daughter. I could never have afforded to travel like this when our kids were young. They were drinking Canadian beer, and having a fire, was nice talking with them.

Polly has a nice steak dinner ready when I get in, she sure knows how to make home feel good when you pull into a site.

Loving it here our first night in Newfoundland...

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