Monday 26 June 2017

Dildo Run Provincial Campsite Trail, then on to Terra Nova National Park

After hearing from someone when we were in Pikes Arm that the trail at our campsite was really good, and the views were beautiful I had to walk it before we left. Polly stayed home while Bosco and I went for the hike to see what we could see. 2KM seemed a short distance as we started out, but as the trail narrowed a bit, and we had to move off it a couple times due to water, mud, and fallen trees I thought, will this get to an end.

Our campsite is well placed to see all we did here at Twillingate area

2KM, nothing I think

How the trail beginning looks, inviting and innocent to start

Bosco stayed on leash as was always concerned about other hikers, also coyotes here. Never seen any of either, but still was a nice hike along a wide well maintained trail till we got about 2/3rd's the way, then maintenance went down hill, where before we had boardwalks over water and mud, there were none so we walked around the mud, also trees down we walked around. There were a few nice beach stops along the way, and we did a little beach combing when we got a chance. Bosco just pee and sniff...

As we got close to the end the trail narrowed a little, and all the sudden a set of stairs were in front of us, so up we went and then a elaborate boardwalk till we got to a platform that was setup for a party of people. The view was beautiful, and reminded me of the broken group of islands on our west coast. There was bird action as some feed was present, and the wind was not constant as we were around the point a little. I stood and looked, and Bosco sniffed and peed some more, even thou none was available to pee out anymore, he tried... LOL

After about 10 minutes, and about 30 pictures, we made our way back, which always seems just a little shorter on the way back. Polly must be worried by now, so mostly thought straight home. Met the neighbours on my way back so had a chin wag with them, they were packing up too, and were from close by, had to get home and cut grass, and take care of home they said. Love that we don't have this in our thoughts. Was nice to meet them, and share as we never got to talk much as the rains and cold were present most of the time we were here. 

I get to the trailer and yep, Polly was worried. she had done all the vacuuming and dishes, and her and the trailer were ready to go. 

So we packed up the rest of the trailer, set it on the truck, and off we went to Tara Nova National park, where we would spend one night. We took the longer, more beautiful way off this peninsula, and was it ever nice. Pictures below are from our way to Tara Nova, past Musgrave Harbour, Deadman's bay, Lumsden, and Gambo on to Tara Nova. I recommend this drive if you are making your way along, as was very close to the ocean, and quiet traffic, like almost none.

Still loving this place called Newfoundland as we travel east.

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