Sunday 11 October 2020

Closeness in RV parks can be Mocho interesting

Being close to your neighbors is good if you get along, and mostly we do get along with our neighbors, so much so that I look forward to seeing new people moving in next to us, or us moving in next to others. Sometimes we strike it off right away, sometimes not until we or they are just about to leave. The part I realize is all it takes is a Hi, πŸ‘‹ how ya doing. Or a "Nice πŸ• dog" or "Catch anything?"🎣 Then off goes the conversation to who knows where. 

Polly always jokes with me when I come back from a walk around and say "I met someone!" Usually she says "doo tell" 
When a neighbor pulls in often we wait to say hi, as the move in and parking is sometimes tense, actually most of the time it's a tense time. 

After our new neighbors are settled we meet and talk. The starting conversation often is where did you travel from? Where are you going? These two questions give both travelers much information. Always we are looking for information on where we are planning on going, and what we could, should see, where to stay, or look out for. This conversation can be vital for many reasons, it also "breaks the ice" as some say. I like to say brings us closer.

For me with smiles on our faces, we can now relax and enjoy the best part of getting to know each other. The beginning is like being at a party meeting someone, just not nervous as no pressure. We can walk and talk, or stand or be examining how the parking went. So much happens in a short time as we meet. We have much in common right away.

So many different people pass through our lives, and this closeness is similar or same as living in an RV of some sort, it's exilarating for me. We see, hear and speak with each other in so many ways. People do not try to hideaway usually, people are friendly, optimistic, freespirited, "Gypsies" some may say. 

Some travel in groups, but most we find travel on there own, for so many different reasons, work, family, touring, necessity, a place to live. We are usually traveling to see something, or meet someone.

We often have stops built into our trip to visit friends or family as we go, is nice to see people we have not visited with for awhile. 

Some of the best times are when we have no sure destination, and no predetermined time to be somewhere. Then we make our plans as we go. Polly is very good at saying "I was thinking πŸ€”",  many very good dreams develop this way. πŸ€—

I really like developing a possibly. When talking with others as you are just getting to know them, if I throw out what I'm thinking of doing sometime in the future. Never know where this might go, but it does explore a possibility list that I have. Some call it a bucket list, I think of it as possiblities. Never know if we will get a chance to do them all, but is nice to dream heyπŸ˜€

This year we have committed to staying put here at Arrowvale till January 1st then we may just stay till spring, never know. But dreaming will continue, and plans will develop as we wait for the world to reopen, and our new reality opens up like blinds to the future. 

For now I'll dream of possiblities with friends we have, and new friends we have yet to meet. 

Life is so darn Good πŸ€—❤️πŸ€

πŸ¦ƒ Happy Thanksgiving everybody πŸ¦ƒ

1 comment:

  1. love all your posts Brent! Happy Thanksgiving to you both!
