Monday 10 May 2021

Am I loosing my mind? Hmm 🤔

Yesterday was a very good day, with a smear of "ahh shit".  Mother's day, we went to Catherine's place to give her a gift, and that was good, Shayla & Carl were there bringing there old couch and chairs to Cathy for her living room. 

  Catherines Mother's Day gift w Shadow

After Polly and Catherine exchanged gifts, Shayla comes with a gift for us she has had for awhile, she opened the taped cardboard & handed something wrapped in white paper to Polly. Polly opens it and tears, then I look and same. It was a picture of Bosco, Shayla had a friend paint for us. Holly crap, I couldn't look anymore, had to walk away. Emotional I was, so was Polly. 

We both thanked Shayla, a huge hug, and thanks. Then I ask where's Jayden, he didn't make it up for Moms day yet. Where's Jesse? So I go for a walk through the house, check out the new to Catherine furniture, and go to Jesses room, he's on the computer, games are his big thing. We talk, and I tell him Memere is here, he comes out and we visit a bit in the front yard. 

After awhile I look at the picture again, and say to Shayla how much we love it. Thanks again and her and Carl take off to his Mom's place to give her a present. He showed me, 3 Rhododendron plants. Lucky Mom. 

I put the cardboard package of Bosco's picture down on the table outside, and said in my mind, I should put this in the truck, but I didn't. Then in my mind I said don't forget this. 

Off I go to do this and that, then we leave and go to get something from hardware store, Walmart, the liquor store, on the way I remember we left the picture at Catherine's place, and last place I remember seeing it was on the table. 

As we drive up I think I see it, but no, not there. We talk with Catherine and look of the whole house, and yard, twice, and inside the truck 3 or more times. No luck☹️ not happy, I feel just terrible. We say our goodbyes again, and hope it turns up, but all evening no call. I called Shayla, just incase she picked it up. No, and had to tell her. She was good about it, "Mistakes happen" she said. Still I felt like shit.

On to this morning and why I say I feel like I'm loosing my mind. I wake early to the birds again, just love this, sounds are so close as we are very close to the trees where they perch and sing there morning songs. I get up after listening for awhile, and start my day making coffee as always, just today as I'm pouring in the water I get the got to pee message, and almost like I'm going to pee my pants, so I push the button and off I go to the bathroom.

 After my 2nd pee for the morning, I come down to the kitchen and the coffee is coming out to the counter. I forgot the to put the pot into the machine. I wake my head, turn off the coffee pot, clean up and start again. Then a minute later I see coffee again coming onto the counter, I look and the inner basket is sitting on the counter. I forgot to put that in before I put the filter and coffee in. What the heck, I'm loosing my mind I think. 

Some would say just a bad start, and will get better, but this morning after not being able to remember where the photo went, then this I was really feeling like I was loosing it. 

I finish my morning tidy up inside, then go outside and do same with the shop outside, and when I come back in I sit down and look at the phone, and a message from Cathy saying she was here last night, look under the lid of the BBQ. I thought the Message was from another friend, not Cathy, so when I lifted the BBQ lid I didn't know what to expect. But when I saw the cardboard I knew what it was right away.


I went inside, Polly was getting up at the time, I told her I was teared up, emotional, was so happy to see this. 

I had decided to write this before I saw this message and got the picture back. 

I feel calmer now having written it down, but have to call Shayla and let her know that it's not lost anymore. 

So I now question how my mind is working, and have to do as I know is best, when I think of doing something, do it now, not wait. Same if I want to get something in town, write it down NOW! Otherwise, I'll forget. 

Am I loosing my mind, I'm not sure, but I did have a blip, and will be keeping my attention and mind on what the heck I'm doing. 

Feeling kind of drained right now, all's good, we have our picture back, and all's good right now. On to our day, paying just a little more attention to what I do. 🤗❤️


  1. Well..that had me all teared up too :-( I am so glad the lovely picture of your sweet pup was found <3 the rest of the stuff (coffee, water spill, etc) just a blip !! Polly's baking ..beautiful !! Huge hugs to both of you :-)

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