Thursday 20 May 2021

Don't be a slave to a list 😜

We all have a list of what we want, or and what we want to get done. Some of us write it down, some just have it in their brain, and some, like me keep it in our phone now. While walking in the morning I think of so much, this is one though I had, that we sometimes get so busy with our list, checking things off, that we don't use our time for other people if we don't put it on the list! 

Do I have to have everything on a list? Is this how I organize my life? Is my life so structured that I have to get it on the list before I do whatever I might want to do?

I think so.

I think in Possibilities as well, and that keeps me planning without doing, as travel has been on hold for what seems like a long time. So this is another list, but a very loose one, one that has no date, no sure plan, just a possibility list. 😀😂

Yep for years I have had a positive possibility list in my mind. This changes with time as I have changed what I want to see and do, and as I age something's get checked off, some thrown out. 

Polly and I have talked much about trips we want to make, and our list is similar, with much we want to see together, and a few things we want just for ourselves. But we still have a list. 

So what is it I'm wanting to think about here? If I put it on my list, and I attach a time to it, then that becomes my driver. I did this, so what if I want to just have a day and go for a walk, of catch a fish, or whatever. Can I just blow the day? 

That's what I'm talking about, am I a slave to a list? 🤔 Hmm, I think I am. It seems I have a program built in my mind that puts all my possible thoughts on a list, till I do them, or throw them off as not important, or needed. 

Is this how we all go through life, slaves to our lists? Hmmm 

No resolve here, just a wonder at how I think. I think I'll take a day today, just LoL, tick a different thing off my list. Funny beings we are, our minds have to organize some way of getting our desires met, or accomplished, or done, or checked ✔️ off the list. 

Funny how I think, how do you think? 🤔

This blog title was put on my list as I walked, as many others have been. If I stayed away from walking would I get a smaller list! 😂😆

Thoughts today will be many, as with all days, the question is, how many will make it to the list 😳😂 lol

Time to go for my walk 😉 it's on the list 😁

1 comment:

  1. :) take your time! Rome was not built in a day...
