Monday 4 April 2022

Boarder's, from town to town, province to province, state to state, country to country.

          Chucks trailer just one site away 

What is it about us, humans that wants to restrict people from crossing into or out of our little corner of the world? 🌎

I see some of this in the animal world, my area for hunting, my area for mating, my area, this is my domain. In the animal world it's understood and seems to make sense. 

Humans though have a different way of doing this, and for some very different reasons. 

Our planet has been controlled by the power hungry people for eternity it seems, I don't see it changing. This is some humans behavior. Understandable or not, it is what is. 

As we travel from place to place, country to country, RV park to park I noticed that people are different yet friendly, helpful, sharing, and caring, especially if you have time to get to know each other. It's difficult to be close and not get involved with each other as you live your day to day lives. 

If you get far enough away from your people, as dictator's and many political people that spu out how they do this and that for people, you see there is a disconnect. Somehow they believe the actions they take are beneficial to the people they have within there lines in the sand. The boarder's are what holds people in, and keeps people out. 

Of course the boarders have many ways of stopping people from crossing, fences are the basic boarder, My yard here! My province, my country.  When we were traveling in Nova Scotia is where I noticed for the first time no fences. I'm still not sure why, but I noticed it then, and as we travel I also noticed that in many areas south there are tall 🧱 brick fences, actually walls, around a whole community, keeping people out, I laugh, or keeping people in? 

I love looking around at how we humans behave. What makes us feel safe, protected, in control. We traveled over a boarder yesterday, from Arizona to Utah, just like traveling in Canada, no checks no stopping, no fences. Yet if you look at the written rules here I'm sure there are differences in what's ok here or there. 

I think of John's Song Imagine often, it's a dreamer's song, but I like the dream. Many people like this dream until it's there yard someone is stepping into, someone that they don't want there, someone they didn't invite. 

Then out come the signs, private property 🚷 then a fence, then the police, then the gun's. I'm lucky so far, no gun's pointed at me, yet! 😳

My deep thoughts on a Monday morning ☺️

Imagine is a song about a possibility, reality is what we have today. Traveling as we are gives us opportunity to make change from place to place as we grow in our thoughts, so do other's we rub elbows with. Close as we are we can't help but start to care about each other. 

In RV parks there are un written rules, and written ones too! I watch as kids who have not learned the "Rules" behave. They walk through a site because it's the shortest way to where they are off to. One day they will learn the Rules too. For now I like to watch, as this is where the rules about how we behave start. 

Animals are taught Rules, and so are Humans. We Rule different, animals have boarders, they just don't have guns, or bombs. 

I wonder how we will fare as time goes on?

Light just starting now, our time changed, moved east just enough, over the boarder lol. 

I met the guy next to us yesterday, when I told Polly she said "Tell me it isn't so!" 😆 I have that reaching out ability, I just said I liked the music he had on! Then he stepped out away from his trailer towards me, said thanks, and it went from there. I know his name now, Chuck, I know where he's going, work camping in an RV park in Helper, Utah. I learned something of his history, and future, and he did of me. I met his dog, Tootsie. I'm looking forward to getting to know him more. He leaves Wednesday, so will like to spend some more time with him as the days go. He's full time in his trailer too. 

And that is how I believe we can change the world, one meeting at a time, one person at a time. Friends don't step on friends toes in my experience, and as a good friend once said, 
"You can't have too many friends" I believe that too. 

Today we will go with friends, friends we now travel with that we met through friends that we met at an RV park on the island, that I talked with and they invited me into there MH and we talked about Mexico. Then we planned a trip to San Carlos and we went, this year we went again, and met more friends. Hmm lol ain't it great 😃

 We'll look around Saint George Utah, and see what that city is like. Mormon religion is a big part of Utah, so will learn about that here sure. Looking forward to seeing this place. 

Love our life reaching through boarders 🤗♥️

PS, I believe Facebook has helped build relationships as we travel, as we all see what's up with friends through FB to some degree. Thank FB for bringing us closer. 

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