Thursday 2 July 2015

Canada day

Was a good day yesterday, went for a walk at 7:30am with Polly & Bosco was cool out, and a slight breeze to start the day. Marlene's daughter came over and we had a good yak and a coffee to help start her day. Polly went to get some groceries and I had a few cherries and then a nap! Nice... Then I get up and start on our BBQ invites for July 11th, as we will have the neighbours and some friends over for a get together. Got them done after fighting with the printer, and set about making the delivery. Met the newest neighbours and gave them an invite to BBQ, and answered a few questions about our strata.

John and Carol had called earlier and invited us over for a Canada Day toddy in the afternoon, and so off we go now, as we know Dan and Georgie will be along soon, as they will be over for dinner. Sat with John and Carol and yakked about Marlene and what took place, and what we are doing re our plans for the future. We all agreed, do what you want now while you can!

Dan and George show up, so off we go to show them our new to us trailer, and have a few more cocktails, this time Margaritas! Nice... They loved the trailer, and said like we think, we got a really good deal, and they loved it. Dinner was a beaut, Polly just loves to cook, and I love to eat. Everyone enjoyed it, Marlene's daughter came for dinner, so conversation was good, and common ground was found, and as always laughs were plentiful.  

After Marlene's daughter went home, we went for a walk around the diamond before we fell asleep, and walk and talk was good, it had cooled down a little from the 40+ we had earlier. Once home dishes happened, Polly was on it. Now talk and cool down outside with interesting conversation, that turned into what to do about Catherine?  Not the first of these, and Polly always gets her dander up when we talk about Catherine, but as I went to bed, the conversation had slowly got to a plan that may get put into place next week when Herb gets to town.

Was good here in the Browning home on Canada day 2015. Love our country, Love our LIFE!

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