Monday 14 September 2015

First weekend in USA, Forks Washington

Thursday September 10, 2015. Our 21st wedding anniversary. I didn't get a card, dam forgetful. No excuses, I didn't make the effort to make sure I had one ahead of time. I wake for work, and Polly has a card for me, and I have to admit... No card from me. Not a good start, but my wife Paulette has a way of letting go of my misgivings. I open the card and Thank her, give a kiss, and I Love you, and off to work.

Beauty day, looks like a nice weekend to start our trip. After work Polly and I finished packing the trailer, truck is hooked up, and off we go to Victoria, for a night on the dock being ready for the Coho Ferry to Washington State next morning. We found out about this option waiting for the ferry on a previous trip to USA. A couple that were off south for the winter told us they stayed the night, they let you get in after the last ferry leaves for the day, and stay in your trailer for the night right down town, on the dock, in the harbour, right where you can walk around the downtown, go for dinner, and a walk, and go back to your trailer if you are waiting for the first ferry in the morning.

 Nice, first camp night free, well almost free. Had to pay the huge fare for the ferry, but no extra for the night we stay downtown in Victoria. What a beauty night too, just one problem, I forgot my camera at home! How did this happen? Well as with the card, no excuses... Also forgot the GPS, but remembered when we were leaving Ladysmith, so turned around and got that. LIST, I said I would make one, we had one, but checking the list again before we go is a must! Things get taken out of the trailer, used and before you go not put back. Sure is allot to pack for a trip.

Funny how my mind works, I am up early as per usual as I type this here in Forks WA., I get up for another cup of my great coffee and start thinking of what other things I need to do before we leave here this morning. I unplug the cell phone that is now charged, then back on task. Mmm coffee is warm, and good. 4:44am, love early morning quiet.

The evening was just beautiful, pub dinner and a walk. Lights on the Parliament buildings, and on the Empress Hotel, we walked up to the Strathcona hotel, looking for a last drink place, but instead went back to the pub we had dinner in, had a last call drink, then off to our trailer for the night. Many people in Victoria asking for change, a variety of reasons given, so many I could write a book on them. Maybe when I retire I could beg for money... I don't think so! Couldn't handle all the rejection...

The morning bright, cool, and damp. All the dew had collected on the water side of the trailer, and showed the outline of the ribs of the trailer while still shaded. First time I had noticed this, will make sure to look for it again, and take a picture, could come in handy in the future, maybe. Took a short walk around the dock, sure is nice being up before people start moving. Quietly the birds start, then a few cars go by, and trucks for delivery's, and soon the place comes alive again. Was a nice place to stay for a night, this we will do again for sure.

Breaky at a small place right across the road from the ferry, and soon we were off to the States. The boat ride was warm, sunny, with calm seas, and good food on this ferry. Better than B.C. Ferries quick fare. Clam chowder, with many clams, breakfast left me still a little empty. Polly had less, a bag of chips.

Soon we were at the Port Angeles terminal, and off we go to the small town of Forks, right after we get a once over by the boarder guards, who take our unpackaged, unlabelled vegetables. Tomatoes, Peppers, Green Onions, hmm like it's a crime. Anyway off we go through PA, on the 101, our highway we stay on to San Francisco. First stop is Crescent Lake, for a quick break, and a swim. Nice unplanned break, met 4 young girls on their holiday, from Chicago, two went for a swim, that got me wanting to, so yep I did. Sure was nice, just what I needed on a warm day. Polly stayed on shore, and took a pic for the girls, while I laid back and enjoyed the cool, clean and refreshing water. Leaves are all changed here, even more than on the island.  

The trip was a little bumpy, and windy around the lake, but was beautiful with the trees arching over the road most of the way, like we were going through a tunnel, except with broken light all the way. I love this time of the year,  was a great time to be married, a great time to honeymoon, and now a great time to travel for our anniversary every year.

Bridges, now here is a challenge, there are many narrow bridges here and some with Logging trucks going across at same time as we were. No accidents so far, but defiantly a challenge, especially the one just as we approached Forks! Looking for the 101 RV park is when I remember that I forgot to write the address down for Polly, so she could put this in the GPS, and have us warned of the turn. No problem, we turned into the shopping store across the road from the RV Park, and shopped first.

That was interesting, should have shopped in PA, I think it would have been much cheaper. Now to the RV Park. Right across the road, and looks older, but nice. Get to the office, and no one there. our name and welcome rules taped to the door, with about 7 others. OK we are in #44 pull through. Again a first, set up in a pull through. Polly and I work at this together, finding the best spot, paying more attention to level this time. Once parked and trailer stabled with front jacks, Polly starts her getting ready and I finish unhooking, and hooking up what needs to be done. Now Polly gets the chairs out, and beer is in hand, sun is warm, and so are we. Polly finds the shade, I enjoy the sun. We talk, and joke about what the trip was like, what we could do better, and drink a few beer. LIST, gee that keeps coming up in our conversation. We will build one, and check it 2 maybe 3 times before we leave, and to be sure we will still forget something.

Dinner tonight is Hot Dogs, with some spicy buns, sure is good, Polly chose the buns, and was a good choice. Now we hear, and see fireworks. Hm, not dark yet, what's up. Ahh we see the lights! Friday night lights! Football game, OK well time for a walk after dinner, let's go over and watch the game. We walk to the field, and watch the local high school team beat the heck outa the visitors, till we get tired, then before 1/2 time, we leave. The game was interesting, but the cheer leaders were the best to watch. Right up front of the stands, and the locals were so practiced, and did the standing on shoulders, and all in sync. Polly kept saying "they sure put allot of money into their football program. Was nice to watch, but tired, and went back to camp, had another beer, while we listened to the fans shout, and cheerleaders cheer, and fireworks going off every 15 mins or so. Now into the trailer for poker, Polly wants to lose! LOL

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