Sunday 25 April 2021

Sunday's muse Obituary for Bosco

Our pets who become part of our family often don't get an Obituary. This is one for our little boy Bosco. 

Bosco started out his life as our granddaughter Shayla's dog. He was born in September I'm told by my stepdaughter Catherine, and given to Shayla on her birthday September 6th, 2002. He was of good breading, Poodle/Shitzu. White with small patches of brown, and those little black eyes that saw all. His tail had the curl ➰ in it and his ears long haired looking.

When Shayla and family moved into a house that didn't allow dogs, she asked us if we would take Bosco until they were in a different house. Well how could we not, looking at the eyes of our 7 year old granddaughter 😊 

And so this 2 year old puppy came to us. He was scruffy, and a little unkempt as he had been living a bachelor life with Shayla's dad for a few months before he  came from Alberta to the island. A haircut and a trip to the vet were in order. At the salon he left a pile of hair, thanks Heather for grooming Bosco for so many years. 
At the vet he left something a little more memorable. 

Polly dropped him off and I picked him up. I told him it wasn't me, wasn't my idea. I'm sure he thought it was as every time we passed by that vet, he liked to take a wide pass at the front door, then gave me the look!

Bosco didn't like men at first when we got him, he was tramatized somehow. He would love up Polly, but I was shit. After a month or so, and a few good walks, he started to cotton to me. We became good friends as the walks became longer, and our lives became intertwined. 

Everywhere we went Bosco went, except to our work, he had to stay home. We made sure he was well taken care of, walked him, and made sure we went pee, or as Polly says "Did his business" before we left for work. 

My shifts were not constant then, so there was some adjustment, but Bosco did well. He didn't mess in the house, even if we were gone long, and he always had a big wag on his tail when we came home. He was a real lover.

I thought this might be hard, but it's helping me, good there's a box of kleenex close. 

If we went fishing to the cabin, Bosco went. In the water he went a few times, but we always retrieved him. Sometimes I had to grab Polly, while she went after Bosco. 

We lived in Ladysmith at the time, and Bosco like me got to know the town well. Walks were a daily thing, me with my camera, he was patient with me, and him with his smelling and peeing. Quite a couple we were. If I met someone and talked too long, he was always patient, unless another dog came along. 

At home he would curl up by me on the couch, or Polly in the recliner, he got used to our lives fast, and we did to him. One day we got a visit from Shayla, she had some important news for us, she said with a serious face, "Mom and I talked, and Bosco is happy here with you, so we've decided that he can stay. But he is still the families dog. Okay?" And that was it, not watching him for Shayla, he was ours, which we kinda thought anyway. He had been with us for about a year already. 

Kinda turning into a story hey! LoL well from then on we started buying a few things that helped Bosco, like a seat for the car, one he could be held in as he was all over the back seat, power windows up and down, and back and forth, and if I had to hit the brakes, he was going to be hurt. So we had a few different ones, but finally got one that fit good and he was harnessed in as we traveled, and sitting up high, where he could see all that was going on. LoL he did like to look around, snoopy he was. 

Not a regular kinda obituary, but he was not a regular dog, he was special, very special to us. There is much to say about Bosco, but I'll leave it like this, he was a loving dog, with a big heart, and huge attitude. 

In his final months, he was so different, still loving, but so different. It gave me a look at what old age is like. I'm not looking forward to this. Bosco always did us proud, and we love him alot. 

I'd like to thank the many people that helped us if we needed someone to watch Bosco when we left for awhile. Inge, Louise, Memere, Joy&Dan & many others. We only once brought him to a kennel and they took very good care of him for one night. 
September 2003-April 2021. RIP Bosco


  1. Awe, what a lovely story Brent! He's now running, and playing in pet heaven!! Thanks for sharing this with all of us.


  2. you did a great job honouring your precious pup Brent, he definitely was a special little dog and will be missed by many <3

  3. What a beautiful story. It’s very sad when they leave us but time will heal and the good memories will always be with you and also you will laugh at silly times you had together as a family. I know when Rocky and Buddy left us there was a big void in our life and we cried and began to realize how they managed to comfort and become so important member of our family The best way to think of them now is they crossed that Rainbow 🌈 Bridge to Doggy Heaven and they also are sad that they had to leave you but they also have good memories of their life you . Hugs to both of you. ❤️ πŸ’• ❤️ is

  4. For sharing Bosco with us - Thankyou!
    Many of your photographs are spectacular, However the photos with Bosco are Art...
    The tears will dry,
    Your Memories will grow ever stronger.
    Bosco chose well, when he picked the Two of you to Share & Chronicle his Lifestory of Adventures - Big & Small.
    Brent Corey
