Tuesday 15 March 2022

Spring Break

Having heard of USA's spring break phenomenon over the years, we had never experienced it. Not that we went out and partied with the college youth, but we did get a little exposure this past weekend when droves of young people came to Peurto Penasco. 

I have no photos of this time, or the wrecklessness we saw on our way to El Captain Restaurant (La Casa Del Capitan) on Saturday evening. On our way to pickup friends from there RV park we saw so many people on Quads & ATV's on the road turning in front of us, blocking traffic, going in-between vehicles, and all with little or almost no clothes on. Drunk? I'd say so, and crazy like I had never really expected or realy experienced before, except at a pit party in the past, or drags on the highway years ago. 

Mexico and the lack of consequences, or rules makes this the purfect play place for these spring breaker's. I heard one statement as we yaked about this on Sunday "If you can get to the bar they will serve you" I shake my head, I'm thinking I'm old alright, I just can't imagine this when I was young. Closest to this was grad drunk, or a house wrecking party 🥳

I think I just didn't get out much, at least not like this. So wild on the way too the restaurant, and even Wilder on the way home when dark. I was driving, so trying to just get through the mess without hitting anyone, or getting hit. Happy to say we missed them all. Lots of music 🎵🎶 Saturday and Sunday night to 4am or more. I slept through the Saturday night, but Sunday I woke at 1:30 and was awake till 4:30, then awake by 6 as was a travel day. 

I am happy to say I experienced a small bit of what the spring break is like, and will remember to not be where it's happening if I can avoid it in the future. Not that I didn't like looking at the young girls with little on, just not up for the wild drunken crazy behavior. 

Yep I'm old now, and fine with that, I hadn't fun, didn't get on a quad, or ATV. I took my chances too, but not with this machinery. Cars, we raced around in cars when I was young, and luckily I didn't have any bad wrecks. 

I've said before I'm lucky, and watching the performance this weekend makes me glad I didn't have a quad to play with, I may not have been luck with these and drinking! 🤪

Tuscon AZ now, back in the good ole USA today, the trip through the boarder was uneventful, with a friendly boarder guard for a change. Saying goodbye to Rock Janine and Nugget was a little sad, we have gotten used to the happy hours, and the laughing. 

We will be together with Mike & Sharon, maybe till Alberta, who knows. Then the summer will come, and east we plan to go. 

I'll miss Puerto Penasco, the beach there was fantastic,
and the last day at Wrecked at the Reef was great, warm no wind, and a fun group to be with. 

Happy hour was always fun, with so many laugh's. Will remember these times always 🤗❤️

Last night's happy hour was a little more subdued, we were tired, and I haven't had time to meet everyone here in this RV park 😀

I did hear a guy playing guitar 🎸 and singing, have to check that out tonight if he's still here. Our view is different, was very quiet last night. Mike & Sharon are happy, 24chanels on the antenna here

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