Friday 6 May 2022

Traveling Talking Learning TTL

Talking with people as we travel gives a good cross section of what people are thinking. This year was South to north through many different areas with different concerns for the areas they live, and the people that live there. Connecting the places and people I realized that world concerns all of us have, but local concerns are what people really care about. Things that effect there lives close to home, stuff that you might never hear about in another place not to far away. 

I did learn a long time ago as we traveled that the water, rains we complain about in one place is direly needed in another, and the sun hoped for in one place is something people hide from in other places. Weather is only one part of what guides us, directs us, pushes us. 

The amount of people, density that makes a huge difference. Some people are just fine with neighbors all around, all close, and some like miles between them and neighbors. We have been close mostly, as RV park life has us next to our neighbors, and I kinda like it. How close? Well not so you can hear everything, but sometimes that's the way it is. 

News, what people hear, see, read this all plays a part in how people act. World information is one thing, but local info, that's what effects them. 

We tried to stay warm as most snowbirds do as we traveled north, knowing we would have some cold no matter how much we tried to avoid it, part of heading back north 😊

I didn't think about the differences we would see as we traveled, the differences in how people think in different places. I know we are all different, but the outside influences effect us all different. All the outside differences, weather, news, and how we get it, location, density of our suroundings, our income, working, young, and older, we all are pressured to do this, do that, with whatever our knowledge is at the time. Some search before they make a decision, some act automatically. 

The outcome is what? Ahh shit, I'm thinking too deep now 🥴 lol 😆

I guess what I'm saying is this year I learned just a little more about people, and about myself. Good or bad, Happy or sad, we all are making our way the best we can. Sometimes I feel outside of the world, as I'm not "In it" working as a part of the rush of the world. Sometimes as I drive along with all the rushing people, I am so happy not to be "in it" at the same time feeling out of it! Funny hey.

I did learn this year that the water we cry about on the coast I call home, is something our southern friends would love to have, and believe me they are hard up for water, and are looking to wherever they can get it. 

Changes are coming everyday, I think that water and how it's controled is going to be a big deal in the future. That will be a local problem for many south or north. 

Listen to me sounding all worldly, who am I. 

Just another snowbird, heading North for the summer 😎😊

Loving our lives on the road 🤗❤️

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