Monday 14 June 2021

Qualicum Bay early morning thoughts

Waking up before daybreak is not unusual for me, but today was just a little different. As I got up,, peeed, then went down the stairs, the light from the bathroom that comes on automatically was behind me. Black it looked through the window. The time on the microwave was 3:57am, ahh that was another great sleep. I wonder if it's light? I open the door and yep, we have days beginning. So I go about making coffee, then once dishes away, and coffee in hand I put on my flip-flops and out the door I go. 

How to write this? 

The feeling I had was just so peaceful, at one with the morning, the sounds, so suttle, ringing in my ears quiet. The water breaking on the shore so gentle, still morning it was, just calm and still. The light just starting, birds still sleeping, almost no sound except the water breaking ever so quiet on the shore. 

Thought of just how fantastic our time here has been. Immersed, that's how I would describe our time here, immersed in the beauty, the animals, birds, beach, as well as friends stopping by for a hi how are you, and some camping with us. 

I'm shaking my head at just how beautiful this time has been. Waking each morning looking at the beauty here out our windows was great,

but today that wasn't enough. I had to go out and take in the sounds, the feeling, be immersed in just how beautiful this area is. 

I found myself thinking how fortunate I am, making it to retirement when so many never get there. Having the opportunity to enjoy this time in my life is a real blessing. I know many the didn't make it. 

Yep I was/am very emotional today for some reason. I took my coffee and stood for the longest time, taking it all in, looking out at the view, watching as the day broke, and the quiet was broken. First a goose honked, then a bird cheeped, then and eagle screeches, now the sun moves a little bit, still hidden behind the clouds. Then a little breeze, as I look around I see the nest of the killdeer, abandoned now, crows got her eggs. This makes me sad, even if I know that's nature, I still felt attached to the little bird that would squak everytime we got too close. 

I get my 2nd cup and come out again, I walk around a bit, look here and there, our neighbors moved yesterday, so lots of room around us now. We will move today as well, 1 more night, then all going well we'll be on our way north. 

I finish my coffee, and now I take a long quiet stroll towards the River. There are more birds waking now, eagles flying and screeching. I hear many geese, and as I approach the river I hear a different noise, kinda like a cat, something growling? I walk a little closer, ahh seals, all on shore on the other side of the river.

Snoring I'm thinking, there are so many, looks like  30-40. Wow, and geese, so many of them too. Must be lots of feed here then. 

Somehow as I stand and look my thoughts go to friends I remember from work that hunt, and how they do the same as I'm doing now, looking listening, and taking it all in. I remember one time one of these friends expressed to me his appreciation of the beauty in the early morning. Yes he hunts, but he's not just a killer, he appreciates all he sees too. 

I remember Morning's like this when I was fishing, when the light was just enough to run the boat to where I'd start fishing. I smile to myself, I know I don't have to fish anymore, or hunt, or even capture that picture (although I do LoL 😆) I'm content to look, and just take it in. Just love the moment, really appreciate this time. 

I walk slowly back to our trailer, taking a picture here and there, seeing this place a little deeper each moment I'm here. I'm not sad to go, we have had the best time here. I know we'll come back, happy to have this wonderful time. 

As I write the sun is up and just out of my sight now, above the edge of the window.

Polly is on her way to the bathroom. The waking up starts here now. 7am, I've lived a beautiful morning, lucky me. 🤗♥️

Today we'll move, empty our tanks, pretty good, lasted a full 2 weeks on our tanks, and then park right beside in #17, one more night, then off to get our awning motor replaced at Arbutus RV, and then to the Ferry and we'll be on the road again. 
We are both looking forward to traveling again. Creating new memories every day. 

Love this life just so much. 🤗🤗♥️♥️

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