Monday 24 January 2022

Less is more, ever heard that saying?

         Yesterdays talk with Chris & Colton

I heard this many years ago, I agree with it, yet always looking for that? What? Better tool, fancier truck, bigger whatever, better whatever. I would say we are always looking, but really I can just see from my perspective. 

I'm happy with what we have, as well as our way of living. Still I look, does this cause a delema? No, I just look an say to myself, this is what I wanted, and I don't need anything more. I have looked towards the minimalist ways, and some I agree with, but I do pack more than I need, tools especially, and I justify it by saying to myself "If", If we ever breakdown where we are by ourselves, I want to have the ability to get going again. 

I said that before we headed to Mexico I would like to get a set of wheel bearings and seals for the trailer, just in case. I didn't. Now just before we leave I'm thinking 🤔 lol dam, shoulda got them. Now I say "Oh well" 

How much do we need? As we travel and live in our house on wheels, we need much less than in a bigger house 🏡 we still pack more than what we need. Almost every long term stop I clean out the basement, and throw out something. I go through all the plastic boxes and say yes to this, and no to that. I know this move to Mexico I'll get rid of a few more pounds of gear. Probably get a few more things to bring back too lol.

Funny as soon as I said pounds, I thought of my weight, and that I didn't weigh myself this morning. Oh well, I can another time, coffee ☕ is good, I cleaned out the box I keep beside my chair this morning,
fire 🔥 place is throwing a little heat, 6am. Life is good. 

That's how fast my mind changes from one thought to another, normal? I'm not sure, but I know my mind blinks away in different directions all the time. One word does it. Lol I laugh to myself now, how it really doesn't matter. I'll get back to cleaning house again sometime. For now coffee ☕ warmth, and this phone to peck my thoughts on. 

My back is hurting much less now, I was really concerned a week ago, had a pain I hadn't had before. It's still there, just not as bad. I hear a truck go by 😃, soon we will be with them, traveling towards our new RV park below Tucson. De Anza RV Resort sounds like a nice place, looking forward to the travel, and seeing some different people, places, things. Always excited to travel. 

 I'm still getting used to this new phone, moving around from screen to screen is so different, I have to be careful not to loose what I'm doing as I swipe to look at another screen. Funny how you get used to one way of doing something, like I've trained how the machine works, now a new machine, and have to learn to do it all just a little different again. As my son says "First world problems" in a sarcastic way 😁😆

I sigh, I don't really have any problems right now. All is good. I feel Polly stiring, I look at the clock 6:20, will she get up? Never know, she also gets excited about traveling. Two more trucks pass by, I really don't hear them most of the time. Polly now asking "what time is it?" 6:22 lol, she's up! 

We have a ritual of packing up, we both like some time to have coffee ☕☕ before we get started, and once in gear, we become a well oiled machine. Polly has her stuff she does inside, and I outside. We try to stay outta each other's way. I'm kinda a pain for her if I finish before her, as I'm like"You done?" I laughed to myself now, I'll try today to be a little more tight lipped today, lol. Me lol. 

Polly's making the bed now, she's on it today. We are pretty much ready to go, but something's still have to be done. The satellite 📡 dish, we always have to remember to put that down before we leave, and yet want to watch a little TV before we start the final pack up. I've moved with it up before, just in the park, almost of the time someone says, "hey u got the 📡 dish up!" People in the park watch out for each other. 

I'm going to quit pecking here now and finish my first coffee ☕ and get ☕ #2 

Love traveling, will be a fun day. 🤗 

We leave at 9am. Will meet the rest of our travel crew at the first rest 🛑 stop. 

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