Monday 5 September 2022

Labour day 2022

What Labour day means to me.

 I worked most of my life in a union industry logging, and sawmilling. I learned that the boss could be friendly, but he always had a boss, and that boss had a boss, that had a Boss and the further away from the actual people that did the work, the less the bosses cared about the people. 

Bottom line! That's the only thing that matters to the boss. Why some might ask? Because that's what they get paid for and that's what they work towards. Not all bosses are the same, I have worked for many that did care, and helped the people that worked for them. 

Fair wage, safe working conditions, best, highest, production always the goal. The more the company made, the better we were treated, and the more we were paid, right?

Not always, and if you don't agree go work in a nonunion outfit, and see what can happen.
 You, your power saw, and nobody around for miles, no radio, no partner, and no pay if you didn't produce. That happens.

 I'm happy I did have a union to support me, as I wasn't always smart about my actions, and did get myself in shit a few times. I thank my union for helping me in these times, and through my working career. 

A pension was something I didn't pay attention to untill I was 45 or so, and retirement was next stage in life. Then the union pension I paid into became very interesting. I don't think I would have saved enough if I was left to my own ways. So this is something I'm also thankful to my union for. 

Today I'm on the other side of my country, seeing how other's live, and getting paid a decent pension I worked for, paid into and deserve. 

I'm watching my children and their children grow and work, wondering how they will make out. Unions are involved in there lives too. I'm happy they are working towards a better life. We all want to be affluent, I was always thinking all I need is enough to live. I have that now, and hopefully my grandchildren will too. 

Labour day is a day to remember we the labourers are what does the work that builds our world. I'm fortunate to be one of the lucky ones that made it through the working part of life to retirement, healthy, happy and able to move about freely. Is a day to celebrate our labour's and our union's, and look towards the future.

Happy Labor day 👍

1 comment:

  1. Well said Brent, I just hope the political climate, dis-information or alternate facts and imported dissidents we have now does not destroy the one protection workers have.
