Tuesday 13 September 2022

Wasting time thinking 🤔

Here I sit looking at the water, grass trees & hay bails. I'm thinking about if I'm wasting time? I don't think so, even if I'm not getting something done, I'm enjoying the time to just think. 

My grandson once drew a house, his house in the future in the sand. I asked him what all the rooms were and they all seemed like most houses, until I asked about this room he had kinda central. He said" this is my thinking room" boy did that catch me off guard, I think all the time, can't really shut it off unless I'm sleeping, even then I'm dreaming. 

I never thought of a room for thinking 🤔 what's next? 

This image and conversation with him has stuck with me ever since. So when I ask myself, am I wasting time? I'm asking am I happy with what I'm doing right at that moment. 

I'm sure there are jobs I should & could do and would like done, but I don't. Am I wasting time? Not if I'm thinking. What am I thinking about I say to myself, I'm thinking....

Here comes Polly, she just finished the laundry so I help her bring it in the trailer and the end of our day is close. 

Beginning our day was like this.

Coffee ☕☕ to start our day, Polly always has oatmeal and fruit 🍑🍓, I usually have cereal and silkmilk. Sometimes Polly makes me a big breakfast, maybe once a week. 

The plan today was to do laundry, then go shopping. Plans changed, we go shopping first now says Polly 😊 no problem, I'm not sure I really have a plan. 

Off we go to Walmart here in north Sydney, NS. What a pleasure it was inside this store, clean, well organized, employees available to help, just a good experience and I let them know that I appreciated this. We look for a new screen for my shaver first, I dropped it yesterday and was buggered. Ahh got it quick. Now I'm off to look at shorts and a couple shirts, Polly off for groceries. 

After a few different things I decided on 2 shirts and a pair of shorts. Might seem like not a big deal, but I'm not a good shopper, I often look a few minutes and say to Polly, Okay, I'm done. But today I wanted a new pair of shorts. 

Polly call's me on the phone, asks where I am. LoL I'm in the dressing room, I hear her outside talking. Well at least we can find each other after we have finished our shopping. 

I get out, Polly liked my choices, hands me the buggy, "you pay for these, I'm going to Sobeys to get? Something" ok, I'm going to get gloves for the sewer work, and some sea foam, stuff for the truck to add to the fuel. 

Polly says "darn, I deleted all my list of groceries off the phone" 😊 I say, "well you probably remember most them anyway".
 Aren't I a big help 😁

I get the gloves, but sea stuff I don't find. Ok to the till now, a cashier was waiting for me, that was nice, went through quickly, and she helped with the packing, I'm always a little slow at this. All in all a very good experience at the Walmart here, I let the woman on the way out with all the badges on her vest know, I really appreciated the clean well organized store. She said that people from the city of Sydney come here, as the store in Sydney is not as well taken care of. 

Hmm I think, people make the difference, and these people are on the right track. 

I started writing this yesterday afternoon, while Polly did the laundry, and here it's 6am today, just starting to get bright out now. Another clear, sunny day ahead. We talked about traveling today to Antigonish, will be a nice day to see a different part of this province. 

I love the quiet of first thing in the morning, I'm on my 2nd cup of coffee ☕ now, I hear birds outside making Squaking noises, ahh the gulls are awake. I guess is time for a walk. I'll be thinking some more LoL, I laugh to myself, will it ever stop? I don't think so, I'm doomed to think forevermore. 

I love the sunrise, this morning I'm going out to enjoy it, no dew here, and a warm night. Summer is still hanging on here. Love this time of the year. 

Love our traveling life 🤗♥️

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