Wednesday 28 September 2022

When you find a nice place stop 🛑 for awhile.

After traveling all across Canada this summer seeing many beautiful campgrounds and so many beautiful sights, Polly and I have decided to stay put this week at a campground that has all we want for now. People that camp here yearly have wrapped up their rigs, ready for the winter 🥶. Only the odd traveler passing through like us that comes for a night. 

We decided this place was just what we needed for a stopover. No major plans to see something right now, kinda waiting for a friend to get home and settle in before we come visit her. This place just fits the bill for us right now, the weather looks warmer, and drier the next week, likely move again this weekend. 

For now we are comfortable, WiFi is really good, so evenings are filled with new Netflix as we have settled into watching. The morning views are beautiful with fall up on us. 

I know that seems not too earth shattering, but as we travel sometimes it's nice to just stay put awhile, even if no excitement 😉

Polly gets me another coffee ☕ as I push my cup towards her and we both have a good laugh, the rain's coming down again, that promise the weather app gave me has let me down again LoL 😆 thats ok, we are just fine here in our comfortable home on wheels. 

Polly spilled the coffee on return to my tray, again we laugh, I complained about the server making a mess, and she hands me a Kleenex for "all the whining I'm doing" she says LoL. We laugh again. Now Polly comments on the rain, saying, "raining again, is it supposed to get better?" Like I'm the predicter of the weather.

Our mornings are quite, we both on the phone awhile, Polly does a quick look around FB, then on to a puzzle, she has taken this up as a passtime, and is enjoying it immensely. I do the same, although I get up first, and make the coffee ☕ I do the FB to start, then onto something else. 

Today it's writing here, and this I enjoy. Polly asks about the calendar this year, am I going to make it in Canada before we leave, or while in USA, we have a short discussion about it, and decided to finish it in USA as we haven't finished our year yet, and there are places we will see before the end of the year I would like in the calendar.

I started making this calendar when Memere was alive, she was always having trouble forgetting birthdays, and wanted a calendar close to where she sat, so I made one up with all the birthdays on it (I did miss a few) Memere loved it, and after that the calendar becomes something our family looks forward to. So this year I'm going to try hard to make sure it's a gooder, and it is done before Christmas, so everyone has it to look at in the New Year. 

I used the laptop for the first time in along time yesterday as booking something on our phone was just not working. That was a test in endurance for me, as one problem just led to another. First the bank didn't want to recognize me on the computer, and it kept sending a message asking to send a text to my phone, well I have a new number now. I fumbled around with this awhile, then decided to go to the bank and get some help. 

This was a great decision, as the woman in the bank straightened it out, and showed me how to make the changes I needed to make this work for me. That felt so good. Later yesterday I got on with the laptop and booked our flights with just one glitch, but I got over that. Let y'all know where we'll be off to when Polly says I can. 

And the rain continues, feels like home here 😀😆🤣🥰 wet and wonderful. 

Pollys getting ready to put together dinner in the crockpot, I just am so lucky, what a great woman. ❤️

A sprinkle of this a sprinkle of that & Love ❤️

Sharp knives are the topic now, Polly says we need some, I agree let's see how long it takes before this happens! 

Ok now I'm going to get started on the calendar, before I let it slide again. 

The beginning of another wonderful day in our lives on the road. 

Love this life we live, ♥️🤗

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