Monday 24 October 2022

Monday morning, the machine starts up again.

This was a nice start yesterday morning as I got to the top of the steps coming up from our hotel, they moved to get there, then after I stood for a minute they started eating again, they seem not afraid. I'm thinking they are in the process of turning white for the winter. 

MRSA, this is what we are told now is the kind of lung infection Chris has, he's now got a brain injury he's healing from and a lung infection that talking with the nurses is expected in ICU. I have yet to look it up, but Polly did yesterday, and said "This is not good". I'm feeling like the whole dam thing is not good, but one step at a time. 

Today up early, had another good sleep, dinner last night was basic, but Polly always knows how to jazz it up a little, even with not much in a hotel room. Polly bought a couple salads macaroni and potato, that made the steak sandwich dinner better. We're going to be eating steak sandwiches for a little while yet, the leftovers from Saturday night, Mmm 😋

Monday is when the head Dr for ICU changes, a new Dr makes me wonder what will be next. A new week, and coming at the end of the graveyard shift it's quiet, and I get a good explanation from the nurse. Chris is opening one eye when they wake him, he was hard to wake yesterday I say, I thought he was heavier medicated, the nurse agreed. Propafol was at 50mg and other nurses before had him down to 40mg or less. He reacts good, just gets moving too much, so have to be careful to get him back to sleep quickly. 

They turned him just as I came in the room, and not a problem with where I was sitting. On dayshift during the week, always kick us out of the room. Such a difference when all the brass around. No different that when I was at work in the mill, everybody on edge during the dayshift, too many chiefs as we put it. 

I forget that this blog we started when we started to travel was about the travel, and now is about our stop 🛑 here in Edmonton. I say to myself it's ok, it's all part of our life.

As for the travel, I'm planning to return to Montreal on Oct 31, morning early, and get the trailer ready to go, I'll arrive in Montreal at noon will drive 11/2 hr to Eastman and get the trailer ready to go. Next morning will head south towards a warmer place to leave the trailer, I don't want it snowed in north, and we still have no idea how long before Chris wakes, or his condition once he does. 

I haven't booked a place yet, I'm waiting to see how this week goes with Chris, but I'm looking. Below New York for sure, but not too far. Carolina I'm thinking, I'll call around today. Close to a city to fly out of back to Canada. 

That's one part done, then we will be looking for more permanent place to stay here, as the hotel will get to be less enjoyable as time goes on, Polly likes to be busy, and cooking is her game. Oh, I I really like that, as I'm a good eater lol. All in planning now, Ciara may join us then, as she will want a place to bring the kids with her later, if there allowed to come see Chris. Maybe even if not, just come spend time with us. Will see how this goes. 

All planning, no go yet, but have to plan, just incase plans. 

Car? Distance from hospital? Size of place? Is it completely furnished, is there stuff in the kitchen? So much to think of. 

So that's the travel part now, get ready for some Edmonton travel, not to exciting here, but if we stay long term it will be different.

Chris is moving more now, but still sedated and no open eyed look. They are giving him less drugs, hopefully they wake him this week. Fingers crossed 🤞


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