Sunday 23 October 2022

Cool Sunday Morning here in Edmonton

All I think as I walk to Tim Hortons across the street from the hospital is how lucky we are here not snow like Calgary. 35cm is what I read Calgary got, we just got cold, so far. 

I woke early today, and felt wide awake, and ready to go. At 5:30am, walking to the hospital from our hotel, was a good feeling. As I rounded the corner towards the hospital front door there was a person in the street yelling out, hey you hey! Hey! I just keep walking, then a truck stops, and the person yelled out "fuck you, I don't want a truck" and I keep walking. I'm sure the person was looking for conflict, I wasn't having and part of this. I never really looked back, just rounded the corner again, and through the parking lot, and into the hospital. 

Now it was warm, my glasses fogged up, the guy that gives you a mask, and makes sure if you've been in today and have a sticker saying you have been in on this day as a visitor days, "wash your hands" there is a guard there too, asking if the visitor sticker is from today. Feeling like the checkpoint inspection here today.  I walk away with a new mask, as they carry on there conversation like I didn't even pass. 

Now my nose starts, as a woman is tailgating me to the bathroom, I stopped, she passes, feeling odd how this all goes down. I blow my nose after I remove my mask, take my glasses off let them defog, then put it all back on. 

Now to the elevator, I push the button that was smashed out a few nights ago. Bing, and it's ready right away. The inside looks a little dirty, the stainless, and the floor. Elevators here work so darn good here. As I assend I think, always thinking. What's next, we are all thinking what's next.

I approach the phone with the number posted in big numbers 570, I'll never forget now. I call, and the charge nurse says can I help you, yes I say I'd like to see Chris Browning, give me a sec, and the phone goes down. Off the person goes, to find out if it's ok with Chris nurse. 
Ok come in I hear, I push the big button on the wall and the double doors open, I walk in looking at a very quiet ICU. Graveyard shift always quiet early, 5am, so nice I say. 

As I approached Chris I talked with Stephen, who was his nurse last night, all night. 12 hour shifts. He tells me he has a bit of a temperature, so they have ice packs on him, they have a special antibiotic going into him, due to the kind of pneumonia he has. He had a problem with the tube not being in far enough last night, but all good now. Although still making some pain like faces, he's more comfortable. 

I dress in the gown, gloves, face protection, and go in to see him, and touch his arm, and say hi Chris, I'm here, I Love you ❤️🤗 I never know if he hears, but I still say it, we all do. I brought my razor to shave him a little again, is ok with the nurse. Is different as the tube, and hook-up is in the way for getting to some of his face. I did my best, got one side done. 

Next I ask about the tube, it's crooked on his face, and down on his lip. The nurse adjusts it, but doesn't last, the breathing group will deal with it later he says.  

Feeling good right now, but not long later my feeling changes, so off to Tim Hortons for a coffee ☕ and a muffin. I have a chat with the guy next to me there, kept my mind off it till he asks, then explain a little to him, and I get a call from Polly, she be coming over soon. Ciara messaged, she be on her way soon too. 

Back I go again, the new mask, and check I been here before? what ward are you going to? I passed the test. Up the elevator again, and down the hall, Ciara is there already, says have to wait a few minutes, they are turning him. From side to side every couple hours, making sure ho bed sores. 

We tak awhile and Polly shows up, Ciara has an appointment with her uncle at Tim Hortons for a visit, so Polly and I go in together. 

That how a day goes, a little at a time in hospital, and out. 

Last night Polly's Cousin Juliette and her husband Gerome, along with Bobby Polly's other cousin came to get us for dinner, Julie had made the reservation awhile ago, and invited us, she invited Ciara too, but Ciara was not good today, she stayed for Chris. 

Was a fun ride there in Bobby's avalanche truck, Julie telling Bobby this way that way, and Bobby doing just what he thought was right. We got to the great Canadian Brew house right on time, was very few people there then, just right.

Drinks and talk for an hour, then our steak's arrived, holly crap, huge steaks. One plat was got for 2-3 but we each had one, except for Julie. 

I sent a message to Ciara, later when the bar filled up. Was a good crowd, steak's we great, only at a small portion, but was really nice of Juliette and Greome to take us out. ❤️🤗

At the end of our dinner Julie ordered Ciara's Perogie dinner, and we came home Polly to the hotel, I went to the hospital with Ciara's dinner. Ciara was upset, the nurse's had Chris breathing at a faster that normal rate, and he wasn't doing good, but when I got there his condition had changed, but Ciara was still upset. She told me what happened, and how the nurses seemed inexperienced, and didn't know what to do. 

When we got in to see Chris I said the guy he had as a nurse was good in my opinion, but he didn't see or realize the tube that goes in his lungs was not in correctly. Once the tube was inserted more, and a kink in the line was changed Chris calmed down. Ciara was not happy with his treatment earlier.

On we go, Ciara stayed a little longer, I went home full of steak. Was a nice night, and Chris is continually changing. We are adapting best we can. That's how this goes, a step seems ahead, then 1 back. Just how life goes. 

We have best treatment, and best Drs, Nurse's, and Hospital. Now to heal and move to next treatment. 


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