Saturday 8 April 2023

Liking the feeling of no pressure to do something.

This morning we have no plans. As I sit looking at our shadows with the sun at our back's I'm thinking how fortunate we are to have this time to just relax and do as we feel.
Yesterday Polly was busy cleaning out the fridge, a job she had put off awhile. I went to the hot tub for awhile, on the way home passed by the people playing pool in the clubhouse. I said be back in awhile as I went home, hung up my wet stuff, and let Polly know what is was up to. 

Pool was always an interesting game for me, as I age and my eyes 👀 get less clear pool gets even more interesting. I'm really not too competitive, if I can I try, but in a game I can loose with no problem. I'm just not that driven to win, and this group of people at the pool table are right up my alley. We joke, laugh, and play the game for fun. I didn't stay for the second game yesterday, as was prepared to go to poker at Fortuna de Oro with friends there. 

Polly got involved in poker after our second year here in Yuma, as she always loved to play, just was a little hesitant to join in. Now though she very much enjoys the group of people that collect for games here. You get to know each other, and the play is always fun. This is our #1 pass time here in Yuma. During the winter there is always a game to play at, Sharon & Jim were key in showing us the many games we could play at in many RV parks. So far we have limited it to Fortuna this time. 

Knock knock on the door, and the guys from Aztec, a company the works for Spectrum, the internet provider here, is at the door. "I'm here to burry the cable" says the guy as I answer the door. We were told by the company Monday, but I'm sure the guys want to keep the weekend free, Sunday & Monday are holidays, and listening to the talk outside Im thinking these two are Mexican people, and Easter is a big deal in their religion. 

We on the other hand, at least me, not to big a deal. I remember the days when our children were young, the egg's, and the Candy, basket's and all the fluffy stuff that made the Day. We would do up eggs with different coloured dye, and clear wax crayon's 🖍️. Was so much fun, happy to have the memories, not likely to repeat this, but great to have done it. 

This year our Easter will be a drive to San Diego early Sunday Morning and a visit with a very good friend from Ontario, Linda & hopefully her Mom. I have had San Diego in my mind for awhile, wanting to just have a look around the old downtown area. Made the plan yesterday with Linda, I booked a airb&b for Polly and I, just don't want to drive back the same day. We won't be able to see too much, but be a time to have a look around, and get wet at the Beach. 

Be nice to see Linda again, and hopefully her Mom. This will be our Easter 🐇🐣, no children, no jumping up and down, no screams of excitement as they run looking for eggs, Jezz, that sure was fun 😊. Dinner out, and a walk on the beach with friends, that's this year's Easter. Will be relaxed and fun. The drive there I hope to leave early enough to get to San Diego before traffic builds. 

So this is a different day, the Guy comes to the door, Polly answers he says "we done" Polly was thinking the system was not working, but the sun just stopped her from seeing the lights on the equipment. I get outside and ask the guys if they get Monday off? "No! We work all time. Lot's to do. My family all at the Beach, we have to work, someone has to." Both just doing what it takes, I remember when that was me, but fortunately I managed to get most Holiday's off when I was working. 

As I'm writing Penny messages me, "Good morning" funny, I'm usually the good morning one, but she often beats me. Today she's got Jet home for a few day, he's now a teenager doing some of what she did, so as she guide's him, she realized she's saying word's I said to her! A realization I'm happy to hear, life has a way of returning our word's.

I'm late on my hot tub vist, but still will be nice just the same. Polly has finished her coffee ☕☕, and ate her breakfast, I'm still writing 😆 still finishing my second cup☕☕ 
Polly searched through the movie's on Netflix, found one that fits her, a chef's teaching his students, a very mean chef, also famous in the show. I'm now finishing writing. 

So the day will be relaxed, Polly says after I ask her if she has plans, "we could go to the pool, it's going to be warm today!"

I'm feeling a lull today, pre Easter? I don't know, just going to enjoy what comes as well as I can. 

Polly's trying to teach me about the cooking term's, I'm leaving now, learning about this not really my fortes. 

Love our Life 🤗❤️

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