Saturday 6 January 2024

A week just went poof

This week Polly had a cold, and of course I followed after a few day's after her with the same darn cold. In our world now "offended" has taken on a status all of its own, yet before this term became a joke,  and a "thing" as stuff like this is described now, I used this word to describe how I felt when attacked by a cold. Today I'm on the mend, feeling so much better,  yet I still feel offended at the fact that I had this darn cold. 

Maybe the wrong word, but it's how I feel when I get something that pisses me off by jumping out at me when I'm not looking for it. My sister in law says, "don't kiss when you have a cold, sleep apart" well that doesn't work here, I'm not sleeping on the couch, and Polly and I always kiss good night, 😘 always 😘 😘  That's just how it is, so we accept that if one gets it, we likely both going to share it. 

Yet I'm very offended that it comes at all, a feeking cold. Dam. Well now looking back, it feels not too bad now, the worst is over, and today I'm making plans to go out for dinner, maybe tomorrow,  see how we are feeling.  Pollys OK no, I might be another couple days,  see how it goes. 

We watched much TV, we didn't go out, except to get drinking water, to make coffee ☕️,  was nice to walk, but not much energy. I give into a cold readily,  rest, water, and medicine.  All helps to endure it, then rest just a little more, till ambition returns. That's my way, ever since retirement, nothing much can't wait! Not like when working, most went to work sick, no good sick pay alternative, so would go even if not feeling great. Some got the cold at work, so the thought was why do I take time off when others don't? Even discussed at work, yet many did come in, and companies didn't care, they needed a warm body there to man the stations regardless of their cold. 

I'm very happy to know I didn't have to make that choice this time, I did stay home when sick at work, but a few times when I was really needed, I went, but usually I'd stay home, I just hated going in feeling shitty. 

Well enough of that now,  I'm feeling better today,  and a shower is in order, that's another thing I stopped at day 2, today is day 5 so, yep, it's definitely time. 

We found out this week Polly's sister has booked her flight, she's coming to join us in February for a week, then stay March and return home with us April1st. 

Pollys very excited about his bit of news, she's planning already about when we pick Lyn up, where we'll go, lunch, the liquor store in California, something that Polly was very impressed with there. I'm thinking she wants to show Lyn all the things she's been telling her about over the last few years that she's experienced,  show her around here, and just give her a real tour around. I'm happy for both of them, will be nice to have Lyn here, will be fun I know.  We've had her come visit before, but never traveled with her while towing I'm thinking, so a new experience.  

January now, the hulabulu of Christmas and New Year's all done now, onward to the rest of winter now.  Feels like only a short time left and we'll start to return home. I'm guessing as we have future plans, that seems to make it shorter. I do notice the days seem to go just poof, weeks seem to do the same. 

Was really nice to spend time during the holidays with friends from the east, and friends that live in LA, just nice to be close, along with busy, we were on the go. Dinner at Long Beach Greek restaurant,  then a walkabout at what was like Venice canals. A Hockey game, Hollywood, Comerce Casino, football game, geezz, and we still found time to sit out by the orange 🍊 and lemon πŸ‹ trees, and drink a couple Margatitas and talk. Playing poker till late,  well 10pm lol. We had a very nice Christmas break thanks to friends that seem to want us around πŸ˜€ 

Yes we are extremely fortunate, and we know it. Count your blessings I hear often, I know we do. 

Today's going to be slow still, but hoping tomorrow be comeback day, if not then Monday.  I'm going to take our Rambo back to the transmission shop, he's still got a hiccup,  needing some attention.  I'm going to leave it with Stan a few days,  let him drive it a bit,  see if he can figure out what's going on with it. I'm very confident in this guy, he's really on the ball. 

I have a repair slash improvement going on with our side cupboards at the ends of our couch,  that I need to finish before too long, I'll get on that this week.  

Windy today,  no real ambition yet. "Retired thoughs" Maybe tomorrow πŸ€”πŸ€£

Ambition low, satisfied OK, content πŸ’―percent πŸ‘Œ 

Love ❤️ our life.

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